Acceptance is not Compliance – The Founders
“Acceptance is not the same as allowing yourselves to be taken advantage of. Acceptance does not mean compliance. You are beings who exert your influence on the reality that you experience, and you exert that influence in many ways.
So as you begin to accept something that you see in your physical world, such as people abusing animals, other people, or the environment, you do not then need to sanction what is going on. In fact, you can accept what is happening and still take actions that demonstrate who and what you are. You are beings of unconditional love, but that does not mean that you must allow yourselves to be abused or taken advantage of in any way.
Now, as you walk your talk and you embody that which you are, you are an influence to those who would do those sorts of things. You are living examples of how to act in accordance the unconditional love that you are and the compassion that you have for all other beings.
Speaking your truth does not have to be in defiance to anyone else’s. You do not have to resist what someone else is choosing for themselves in order to be of service to the situation. As you look for ways to foster the type of world you want to live in, you still allow others the choice to exist as abusers or as ones who choose to play the role of victim.
But as you offer all parties in the victim and abuser scenarios another choice, you are exerting your influence. You are saying, ‘There is another way’ without negating any experience that someone or some group may be choosing to have for themselves.
We recommend that you be who you are, accept others as they are, and take appropriate actions in the moment. Give yourselves and everyone else the opportunity to choose, and make your choices in support of who you are rather than in opposition to something else.
We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”