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Hardcover Editions of My Books – All 7 of Them

All 7 of My Books Are Now Available in Hardcover, Which Makes Them the Perfect Gifts!

Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings Volume 1 - Channeled by Daniel Scranton channeled wisdom from higher dimensional beings volume 2 cover art - channeled by Daniel Scranton Ascension the Shift to the 5th Dimension Volume 1 - channeled by Daniel Scranton

cover of Ascension - The Shift to the 5th Dimension Vol 2 channeled by Daniel Scranton ascension - the shift to the 5th dimension - volume 3 - channeled by daniel scranton ascension the shift to the fifth dimension volume 4 channeled by daniel scrantonascension the shift to the fifth dimension - the 9D arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton


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