Awaken with Awareness – The Unicorn Collective
“You demonstrate to yourselves every day how you want to be and how you want this world of yours to be. You are not hiding very well what you are offering and what you are asking for in return. There are moments when you are asking with your intention for that which you want and you are intentionally offering your energy. But most of you are walking around without a clue as to what you are putting out, without a clue as to what you are vibrationally asking for.
And that is why it is said that you are awakening at this time. It is one thing to know that you are gods who are here to experience yourselves, and to create worlds, and experience those worlds. It is quite another to be aware of how you are doing it and of what you are offering.
So now is the time for you to put what you know into practice. And the first step for all of you is to become aware. Become aware of what you are offering, of how you are speaking to yourselves and others, what you are expecting to occur. All of this will give you a window into what is to come for you.
And as you guide your vibration more consciously, and as you interact with your world as you would a newborn child – with love and fascination – you see immediate results. Because the time that it takes for your vibration to boomerang its way back to you is shorter than ever. Awaken yourselves with awareness, rather than with philosophies, teachings, and practices that are designed to get you to a higher vibrational state.
And just notice your vibration so that you can experience your reality in the way that you want to experience it, so that others experience you in the way that you are interacting with that newborn baby that you recognize now as everything around you, because everything around you is being reborn in every moment of every day.
Blessings to you from The Unicorn Collective.”