Channeling Archangel Michael: The 7 Signs of Humanity’s Ascension
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You can purchase the paperback & kindle version of this title on amazon here.
You can purchase this ebook on my website here
We are all ascending, and Archangel Michael is one of those beings, a collective consciousness really, that is here to help humanity in its collective ascension. Since 2014 I’ve been channeling Archangel Michael, and this book contains hundreds of those channeled transmissions from the most well-known archangel on Earth. I’ve compiled them into this book to help us all ascend to the higher consciousness that is the fifth dimension.
The book contains the seven signs in seven chapters. That is, the messages contained in each of the seven chapters are all on a particular theme, which is also a sign of our ascension into higher consciousness. The chapters are: 1) You Are Feeling New Energies Present 2) You Are Evolving & So Is Everyone Else 3) You Are Receiving More Than You Ever Have Before 4) You Are Having Brand New Experiences 5) You Are Handling Your Challenges Better Than Ever 6) You Are Taking on New Perspectives 7) You Now Know Who You Really Are. Any page you choose to read in one sitting will contain a message that feels to you like it was delivered in that exact moment and is exactly what you need to here. Because of course, it will be. Namaste.
Ascension: The Shift to the 5th Dimension Volume 5, Written by The 9D Arcturian Council
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You can purchase the paperback & kindle version of this title on amazon here.
This ebook (that you can buy directly from me, on my site) represents the fifth volume in a series of ebooks that I’ve channeled from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council. I’ve been working with this particular collective of non-physical beings from the star system of Arcturus since 2016, and I’ve channeled over a thousand five hundred of these messages on an almost daily basis since I first started connecting with them. Their wisdom and energy are all about guiding us into our own personal shifts in consciousness, as well as the collective shift known as “Ascension.”
We are all ascending together, and the Arcturians aim to help us with their words, their presence, and their support. You will be able to feel the energy infused into each and every channeled message in this ebook, which contains 240 of the best and most timeless transmissions that are designed to assist us in navigating our way through this fourth-dimensional reality, as we find our way to the fifth dimension through the living of our lives. That’s what I love about the Arcturian Council’s messages…they are all very grounded and applicable to our everyday lives. Love <3
Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Volume 4 – A Collection of 240 Channeled Transmissions from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
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You can purchase the paperback & kindle version of this title on amazon here.
I’ve been channeling The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council since the summer of 2016, and over the years I’ve brought through hundreds of timeless messages from the higher-dimensional collective that is for the purposes of assisting us in navigating these topsy turvy times of the shift in consciousness to the fifth dimension. This ebook contains 240 of those timeless messages in written format, with one message per page, making them easier to assimilate. One of the great aspects of an ebook is how easy they are to navigate. You can search for certain keywords or phrases, and the results will show you which pages in the ebook contain those points of interest of yours in the moment.
Purchase the ebook version on my site here.
The 240 channeled transmissions in this ebook have been broken down into 7 chapters: Chapter 1) The Shift to the Fifth Dimension; Chapter 2) Creating Your Reality; Chapter 3) Processing Your Emotions & Raising Your Vibration; Chapter 4) Receiving Energy; Chapter 5) Your Galactic Connections; Chapter 6) Love & Service; Chapter 7) Your Spiritual Evolution. Having this ebook on your computer, or other device, gives you instant access to some of the most important information and wisdom from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, and you won’t need to be online to access it. Joy! <3
Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Volume 3 – A Collection of 240 Channeled Transmissions from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
PLEASE NOTE: If you live outside the U.S., you will need to find the paperback and/or kindle versions of these books on the amazon for your country:,,, etc.
You can purchase the paperback & kindle version of this title on amazon here.
I’ve been channeling The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council since the summer of 2016, and over the years I’ve brought through hundreds of timeless messages from the higher-dimensional collective that is for the purposes of assisting us in navigating these topsy turvy times of the shift in consciousness to the fifth dimension. This ebook contains 240 of those timeless messages in written format, with one message per page, making them easier to assimilate. One of the great aspects of an ebook is how easy they are to navigate. You can search for certain keywords or phrases, and the results will show you which pages in the ebook contain those points of interest of yours in the moment.
Purchase the ebook version on my site here.
The 240 channeled transmissions in this ebook have been broken down into 7 chapters: Chapter 1) The Shift to the Fifth Dimension; Chapter 2) Creating Your Reality; Chapter 3) Processing Your Emotions & Raising Your Vibration; Chapter 4) Receiving Energy; Chapter 5) Your Galactic Connections; Chapter 6) Love & Service; Chapter 7) Your Spiritual Evolution. Having this ebook on your computer, or other device, gives you instant access to some of the most important information and wisdom from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, and you won’t need to be online to access it. Joy! <3
Here’s what people are saying about ‘Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Vol. 3’ – “Daniel’s channellings have absolutely changed my life by supporting and aiding my soul’s journey back home to love. The channellings are not only universally beneficial but are also highly specific for our current reality and are unmistakably divine. This is the best compilation I could recommend to anybody looking to transcend the third dimension and embody absolute love and compassion.” ∞Justin C.
Ascension: The Shift to the 5th Dimension by The Arcturian Council
Purchase the ebook version on my site here.
PLEASE NOTE: If you live outside the U.S., you will need to find the paperback and kindle versions of these books on the amazon for your country:,,, etc.
This paperback book & ebook from The Arcturian Council is a compilation of 240 of their BEST transmissions since the first time I started channeling them for the daily messages. The 240 transmissions are broken up into 7 chapters, which means you can find what you’re looking for quite easily. The paperback edition is LARGE, which makes it the perfect coffee table book. It’s available as an eBook or in paperback format (or kindle version) on The great thing about the eBook is that you can search for terms or topics. The paperback edition is easy to take with you on a plane or to the beach.
Here is what people are saying about Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension – “I have been listening to Daniel Scranton on YouTube for a number of years. The messages, whether from The Founders, Archangel Michael, Ophelia The Fairie, The Arcturian Council and many more, always-always seem to be directly aligned with what I am experiencing in that exact moment of time. They have pulled me up from some of the darkest places and refilled my essence with the divine light. I have experienced healing on mass levels, activations, remembrances, and validations beyond words. Infinite gratitude for this gift. Thank you for sharing.” ∞Alissa Ward
Buy the paperback and/or kindle edition on here

Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings (Vol. 1) – Paperback & ebook
PLEASE NOTE: If you live outside the U.S., you will need to find the paperback versions of these books on the amazon for your country:,,, etc.
My FIRST paperback book (also available in kindle format on amazon) & ebook is the result of four and a half years of channeling these messages for you all on a daily basis. I’ve often referred to them as “The Daily Quotes.” The book contains 240 of those quotes from eight of the higher dimensional beings I’ve channeled in that timeframe: Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, The Founders, The Hathors, The Creators, Ophelia the Faerie, and The Pleiadian High Council of Seven. Channeling these beings has been a labor of Love for me, and I’m very happy to offer this compilation of those quotes to all of you. Enjoy!!! <3
Here is what people are saying about: Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings, Volume 1 – “Rarely are we gifted with a compilation with this level of wisdom page after page after page. This book is a rare gem of teachings. It has been of profound assistance to me. Every page is filled with love and caring. It can be used and enjoyed in so many ways. It is a great book for just opening when you are in need of guidance, or as a focus for contemplation. I am so grateful to have this book. After I write this review I will be buying another copy for my 20 year old daughter. I look forward to more.“ ∞Lenna
Buy the paperback version on amazon (eligible for free shipping) here
All of these books and ebooks are channeled by me, Daniel, and the higher dimensional beings (Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, The Arcturian Council, etc.) are very well represented! Having these books in your possession is a great way to connect with their energies.
Here’s what people are saying about ‘Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings, Vol. 1‘ – “Loved every page of it. I read one to several chapters before I went to bed. It really soothes me and tuned me in to the source energy. I am blessed to have met his book and blessing to all who may come across this book!” ∞Buyer on amazon
Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Volume 2, the BRAND NEW book & ebook by Daniel Scranton & The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
PLEASE NOTE: If you live outside the U.S., you will need to find the paperback versions of these books on the amazon for your country:,,,, etc.
What Does This NEW Book Contain?
The ebook & paperback versions of this title from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council contains 240 channeled transmissions, and they are broken down into 7 chapters – Chapter 1: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension; Chapter 2: Creating Your Reality; Chapter 3: Processing Your Emotions & Raising Your Vibration; Chapter 4: Receiving Energy; Chapter 5: Your Galactic Connections; Chapter 6: Love & Service; Chapter 7: Your Spiritual Evolution. I have channeled these 240 transmissions over the past 4 years, and the daily messages chosen for this book are the best, most timeless transmissions that I’ve brought through over the entire time I’ve been channeling The Arcturian Council. I truly feel that these daily messages represent the best of the work I’ve done over the past 10 years. Love! <3
How Is This Book Different from the Previous Three Books & ebooks?
This is my fourth book (purchase it on amazon here), and it’s the second volume of “Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension,” which will be part of a series of books that contain messages just from The Arcturian Council. Two of the books (Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings, Volumes 1 & 2) are compilations of channeled material from the other beings I have channeled for the daily messages: The Creators, Quan Yin, Archangel Michael, etc. This NEW ebook contains only previously unpublished material, meaning that none of the transmissions in this book appear in the earlier three. I’m very excited to be offering this material in this format, as it’s such a great way to experience my work over the past four years. I hope you enjoy reading these messages as much as I enjoyed channeling them. Joy! <3
Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings: Vol. 2
Purchase the ebook version on my site here.
PLEASE NOTE: If you live outside the U.S., you will need to find the paperback versions of these books on the amazon for your country:,,, etc.
This NEW paperback book (you can also purchase the kindle version on represents 7 years of my channeling the daily messages from a variety of guides/beings/collectives. The Creators, Ophelia the Faerie, The Hathors, The Unicorn Collective, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, The Founders, The Pleiadian High Council of 7, Quan Yin & The Arcturian Council each have their own chapters, and the messages chosen by my lovely wife Maricris Dominique are each timeless transmissions that will assist you no matter where you are on your journey. Buy the paperback or kindle version on amazon here.
Here is what readers are saying about Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings, Vol. 2: “I am very much enjoying this new book. I already resonate very strongly with the Collectives that Daniel so brilliantly channels so I knew this book would be wonderful. I tend to let myself be guided to the pages I most need to read at a specific time and I am always aligned with the messages put forth there. These are words of wisdom for humanity from the higher realms. These messages uplift and urge us to look forward to the golden age of humanity and its place among the many benevolent beings in the higher dimensions.” ∞Carlo C.
The ebook version of this book doesn’t need a kindle or ipad to be read. It’s a pdf file, meaning you can open it on any laptop, desktop, phone or tablet. I’m so happy to be able to offer these messages in this format. The beautiful aspect of a pdf file is that you can search the book for whatever word or topic you want to know more about. Fun! <3
Purchase this NEW ebook with over 240 channeled transmissions here