This download of just over 12 minutes is an energy healing of light offered by The Arcturian Council. The Arcturians state that whether you want/need aphysical, emotional, or energetic healing from this or any other lifetime, their light transmission can help. This transmission is powerful, and drinking water before and after will be a very good idea. The Arcturians are here to help, and this transmission is a tremendous example of how they are doing just that. Enjoy! <3
Arcturian Healing Light Transmission ∞ Pay What You Want
This download of just over 12 minutes is an energy healing of light offered by The Arcturian Council. The Arcturians state that whether you want/need a physical, emotional, or energetic healing from this or any other lifetime, their light transmission can help. This transmission is powerful, and drinking water before and after will be a very good idea. The Arcturians are here to help, and this transmission is a tremendous example of how they are doing just that. Enjoy! <3
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