Darkness and Light – Archangel Gabriel
“In the beginning, there was a flickering of light. The light played with darkness, and it did so to know itself as light. There is a purpose for everything, and all that shows itself to you as darkness is only there to give you the opportunity to know yourselves as light.
The darkness can be seductive. It can seem to be more fun than the light, and that is why you all get to explore it. Because you need to show yourselves that it is not more fun and you also need to see that you, as a being of light, can pretend to be dark. And the reason you need to see that is so that you can remember that every being who shows themselves to you as darkness is only pretending.
And their pretending allows you to choose the light that you are and to flow more of that light, not to snuff out the darkness, but to help the other remember that they too are the light. And if you can hold this perspective when the darkness surrounds you, you will have the most rewarding experience that you can possibly have.
You will see yourselves as the light and you will bless the darkness for being there. Your journey is to allow all others to explore the darkness and to be patient with them and with yourselves. And as you do, you discover new ways to know yourselves and to pretend. And that is the joy of this journey you are on, a journey that never ends.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”