Boredom – Ophelia the Faerie
“Boredom is a creation. If you are bored, then you are creating that state of being for yourself. Boredom is an experience, just like anything else can be experienced for its own sake. When you feel bored, I suggest that you give yourself the freedom to feel it and to be it and to exist in it.
Know that nothing is ever wasted. You are not wasting your time when you are bored, or when you are not doing something or interacting with others. You are creating, and you are creating the experience that you wanted to create. I wish to grant you permission to be in every state of being that you find yourselves in.
I wish I could convince all of you that everything is okay, that you are not doing something wrong, and that you are not defective in some way because you are having an experience. Many of you will take the experience that you are having as a measuring stick, and you will use it to beat yourselves. You will use it to decide that this means something about yourself.
And when you do this, you miss out on the essence of the experience. I want you to enjoy every experience, just as it is, without judgment, without criticizing yourself for being there, and without finding fault with the state of being itself, deeming it negative, or scratching and clawing your way out of it.
A part of you all assumes that when you are in one of those experiences you do not want, such as boredom, that you will somehow find yourselves trapped for all eternity by it and in it. This is your concept of Hell. For you have been taught, and you have all taught yourselves, that there is a place where you can spend eternity in suffering and pain.
I want you to use your ability to remember, and I want you to use it because you can demonstrate to yourselves that no experience, no state of being that you have ever felt, or that you have ever had, lasts forever. What would be the point of that? The more you stay present with what you are experiencing now, the easier it is for you to move through it and to have a new experience.
And when these judgments and criticisms come up, use them as opportunities to examine whether or not you want to believe that you are bad or that you are broken, or that you have done something wrong to put yourselves in the situations, the experiences, and the states of being where you feel uncomfortable.
Be willing to explore all aspects of yourselves and whatever you have placed in front of you. It is all worthy of you. It is all part of that knowing of yourselves, and it is all transient. So have fun. Do not fear. Be one with your experience. You are blessed beings, no matter what it is that is happening or not happening in your lives.
I am Ophelia, and I love you.”