Fascination – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
In your fascination with something, you experience a recognition, a recognition of that which is Divine. You may experience this fascination with a place, with a book, with an ascended master, or with the ocean. There are many ways to experience fascination, and there is much on your world to be fascinated with.
It is part of your journey to delve into certain subjects, certain activities, and even certain relationships with a high degree of interest. Ultimately, that which fascinates you will only be of service to you if it leads you back to a greater knowing of yourself, even if all you come to know is your relationship to it.
So there is a moment where you become that which you are fascinated with, where you have a recognition that you are not separate from it. And it becomes something that you are excited about integrating into your concept of self. The journey of integration of that which is fascinating to you can take lifetimes to traverse. You may experience love/hate relationships with that which you are fascinated with.
Some go right to the Source and become fascinated by All-That-Is, by the Divine Itself. There is, of course, not a right way or a wrong way to approach this particular phenomenon. It behooves you, however, to recognize the Divine aspect of what you are fascinated with and to see it clearly as a reflection of your own Divinity, to see yourself as equal to it.
There is, of course, a reason why some of you are fascinated by a particular subject, while others of you are fascinated by something else, something completely different. You are essentially coming in to contact with the frequency that you want to feel. It is the frequency of oneness, and that is why you often become lost in that which you are fascinated with. And in your getting lost in something, it is often easier to find yourself.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”