Accept and Enjoy the Now ∞Quan Yin
“It is I, Quan Yin.
For the time being, wouldn’t it be nice if you could just accept where you are in your life? Don’t you think that it is possible for you to sit back, put your legs up, and enjoy the present moment just a little bit more? There is no need for you to jump ahead to the next thing, the next experience, the next dimension. There is no need for anything to occur. Everything is occurring, but you do not have to partake in anything that is not occurring right now in your experience.
So my desire for all of you is to relax and settle in to the experience you are having. The experience that you are having in your dimension is no less than the experiences you will have. It is not as though you will start living once you find yourselves in a fifth dimensional frequency state all the time. There is great value in what you are living right now. There are many experiences that you can only have in the place where you are right now.
If you were to see your lives as though they were expeditions and you were explorers, you could have a lot more fun, and you could uncover a lot more beauty and joy. It is all up to you how you want to approach your life. You can see your life as just a journey that takes you to the next thing, and the next, and the next, or you can awaken to the fact that you are already everywhere that you are ever going to be and that you have access to infinite Love from right where you are.
Your experience of life in the physical, in the precise combination of energies, is beautiful to behold. I am in awe of each and every one of you, but I cannot live your lives for you. What I can do is offer my appreciation for what you are living. I can send you my enthusiasm, and I can deliver to you all of my love, all of my compassion.
And that is what I wish to impart to you so that you may find more joy in what you are living, so that you may shift your perspective. That is all you are ever doing. And you can choose to do it joyously, or you can choose to do it with a sense of struggle. And you make that choice in every moment.
I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”