Use Your Desires
“Place the emphasis of your consciousness on that which you are seeking to experience. This is a very simple practice, one that is not new to most of you. And yet, it is very powerful. We are suggesting that you take this approach now because of the work that you have done, that has brought you to this place now, where everything is so much more accessible to you, where there needn’t be any more processing. You needn’t look for any more impediments to what it is that you seek.
It is now that you exist, and in the precious present you have the ability to dictate what it is that you are experiencing moment by moment. We want you to forget about everything that you have lived, and we don’t want you to look around you for evidence of what is possible. We only want you to exist in the present moment with the current desire that you hold for yourselves.
Now, this may cause you to get in touch with some emotions. You can always tell how close you are to something that you desire by how you feel. So take that into consideration, but do not let yourselves get discouraged by those emotions that come up for you. Instead, see them as opportunities for you to have the experience of movement.
So let us say you have a desire for something that is very different from what you are currently experiencing in your life. Let us say you are very ill and you desire to experience perfect health. And let us say that when you place your focus on the perfect health that you seek you feel angry, because it is so far from what you are experiencing in the now moment. We want you to hold the desire for perfect health with the anger. We want there to be a sort of persistence in what it is that you seek, while also a lack of resistance to the anger itself.
We want you to dive right into the anger by pressing down on the accelerator of your desired experience. And you will notice that with this persistence, the anger will dissipate. As long as you are willing to feel that anger, to not resist it, to let go of any judgments that you hold of yourself, your anger, and your current condition, you will find that you can move through it much more easily by keeping the focus on the desire and the anger simultaneously and noticing how the experience of your anger lessens with the continued focus on the state of perfect health, in this example we have given you.
One by one, use your desires in this way to get exactly where you want to go, without minimizing the experience of the emotion, but also, without getting discouraged by it.”