Love Yourselves as We Love You
“We are interested in the evolution of your consciousness. We see you as wonderful beings who are stretching yourselves to the limits because you wish to know yourselves more as whole, complete beings of Source Energy. We love you because you are, but we particularly love the journeys that you have chosen, the perspectives that you have taken on, the roles that you are playing, and the willingness that you have to put yourselves into difficult and challenging situations. We admire you. We respect you.
We notice that at times you do not admire, respect, and love yourselves, and we notice that the reason that you have for taking that stance is because of where you are, and because of who you are, and because of what you are doing or not doing, or have done, or have not done. So these are part of the set-up that you have created for yourselves.
You put yourselves in positions of limited power, limited abilities, limited scope because you wanted to emerge from these conditions and to emerge with a sense of glorious homecoming. You wanted to re-experience yourselves again as the beings that you are and the beings that you know yourselves to be on many different levels of your consciousness. So if you are experiencing a limitation, or if you are experiencing a challenge, or if you are just having a hard time making ends meet, we want you to love yourselves in the way that we love you.
We want you to see that these choices that you have made for an experience show your true nature, your strength, and your fortitude. Because only those who know themselves as pure, enlightened, all-powerful beings would be willing to pretend otherwise to have a new experience, to feel an emotion that you have never felt before, and to let go of your attachments, even to that inner knowing of who you really are.
Open yourselves up to the love that we have for you and know that we are you. And therefore, when you receive our love you are really receiving the love that you have sent for yourselves. This is an experience that requires you to let go of your thoughts about yourselves and instead to reach for a sensation, a knowing, a vibration. Just give yourselves the opportunity to feel it for a little while and then be aware that you have access to this love, this support, this energetic boost whenever you feel that you have taken on too much and that the challenges are too hard.
It is our pleasure to be of assistance in this way, to lead you back home, and to act as the support team that holds you in the highest regard and offers you the highest frequencies, so that you can once again offer them for yourselves.”