Giving In
“Sometimes you just have to give in. When you find yourselves in situations where there is no more fighting that can be done, there is nothing more that struggle can accomplish, you are left with no choice but to surrender, to give in. We want you to realize that this is not you giving up on anything. Giving in is surrendering to the flow of your life, and that is so much more of a productive endeavor than to continue to resist something that keeps showing up and showing up.
Because when you are in that state of surrender to the flow, you have all of the power of the current at your side, and you can begin to use some of that power to modify your existence and your circumstances to fit that which you do desire. Remember that there is nothing here that is outside of you. So anything that you are in resistance to, you are actually pushing against something that is within you, something that is you. And that sort of strategy for life will only get you into more situations where you find that there is something that you need to push against, that you need to resist.
And we know that you don’t really want to be in that place. So what surrender does for you is it gives you back that part of yourself that you have been struggling so hard to avoid or to smother or to deny the existence of. All that does is make you a smaller and weaker person. You are then buying into the idea of separation, the idea that you are not whole just as you are and that this universe is somehow working against you. Nothing could be further from the truth.
So when do you know that it is time to give up the struggle and give in to the flow? Well, you can tell when you have no other options but to do so. That is one way of knowing. You can tell by what it is that you are feeling in the moment. If the feeling of surrender brings you relief, then that is definitely the way to go in the moment. We are not asking you to be doormats or to give up all of your own desires or your sense of individuality.
But what we are saying to you is that there is setting a boundary and then there is fighting against. And you need to be able to discern the difference between those two, because you will find yourselves in situations where you would benefit from saying no to someone, for instance. And when you can see it that way, when you can see it as something that is created by you to give yourself that feeling of alignment with your own path in life, when you can see it as something that is for your highest good, that is when you know that it is appropriate for you to say no.
But when you can see it as something that you are only fighting against, and when it feels like it is so much bigger than you, and that you would never have even considered creating something or some scenario, that is when you know that you are in resistance, that you are shutting yourself off in some way. And that is when it is time to let go. We always give in because we understand that there is only one of us here. And when you get to that place you will know it. You will know the difference between letting yourselves be used and abused and putting up a very appropriate boundary.”