Channeling Ophelia – Peace & Joy
“Peace lies within you. It is not something that is achieved by the absence of war or violence or conflict. It is yours for the taking, whenever you decide that it is your desired state of being. Peace is not dependent upon anyone else or their actions. So when you say that you desire peace, look within your hearts for that peace.
You are the peacemakers. You do not need for anyone else to sign a treaty or to lay down their arms in order for you to be at peace. Look at your inner struggles. Look where you are in combat with yourself, or another, within you. This is where all conflict originates.
We faeries have a sense of peace that we carry with us wherever we go. Whatever we do, we infuse it with that peaceful state of being. We are joyous beings. We want only for others to feel that joy, but we would never fight over who has the best path to joy. Find it within yourself, for peace and joy will always be mixed together within you.
There is great joy in peace, and there is great peace in joy. Following your own path to joy, without seeing anyone else as an impediment to it, leads to peace. And when you are at peace, your joy wells up within you and desires expression. I make all of my movements with the passion for joy and peace that I hold in my heart.
I send peace and joy out into the field because I love to feel those expressions, not because I think anyone needs it. When you do desire peace, I suggest that you do so from that same awareness of how it feels. You are the creators, and if you want peace, you must use peace as the building block of your reality.
Seek your peace within you, and radiate your joy. We will see each other more clearly when you find these beautiful aspects of your being within you.”