Channeling Ophelia – Accessing Denser Emotions
“I am here. I am with you. I am speaking to you from my heart. When you are accessing your denser emotions, the ones that are difficult for you to sit with, remember who and what you are. Remember that these are experiences. They do not define you. They cannot take you over. You will not be swallowed up by them.
You are the experiencer. You are the creator. They are there for you to give you something, to give you clarity, perspective, to let you know that you are so much more. I understand how frustrating it can be to hold the awareness that you are more, that you are love, and also to be experiencing these lower frequency states of being. It is a bit of a paradox.
When you are in the midst of one of these darker emotions, put your focus on the light that exists at the center of it all, that light that is you, the light that resides in your heart. Just be aware of it. Do not use it to escape from what you are feeling, but hold it. Let yourself know that you are also there, that you are also that heart-centered, Divine Spark.
It is much more enjoyable to let emotions flow through you than to resist them. This is what you are learning to do. You must be willing to dance with these emotions, to play with them, to let them have their day in order for you to then choose the state of being that you prefer.
You are on the verge of crystallizing, of expanding beyond that which you have been. And this process contains some of those growing pains that you are all experiencing. Remember, remember, remember. You are doing so well.”