Channeling Ophelia – Your Impact
“I am here. I am with you. You are making the most of the current state of affairs in your world. You are all doing the best you can. It is a wonderful thing to observe all of you banding together in some cases, working alone in others. You are all making a difference, no matter how it might seem to you, no matter how big those ‘others’ seem. You are having an impact, and your impact is felt not only on your world, but in the entire universe.
Whenever you choose to support other beings in your collective, or when you make a choice that will benefit the environment that you all share, or even when you simply nod and say hello to someone you pass on the street, you are sending out waves of high vibrations. These waves collect. They find each other. They are like building blocks.
You are creating a new reality with everything that you do, everything that you say, everything that you are. You must never feel insignificant. You are only insignificant when you take the perspective of the third dimension. When you see your life as being created through action and when you believe that the only impact you can possibly have is the one that is made through your reach into the collective, then you will feel outnumbered and overwhelmed.
But when you know that you create energetically, when you see evidence of the shift in the details, in the emotions that you feel, and in your tiny corner of the universe, then you put yourself on the track that you want to be on. You do not have to do it the old way. You do not have to get enough signatures to bring something to a vote, and then convince people to vote. That is the old way.
You are more empowered by each thought, by each word you speak, by each little action you take then you could ever possibly be by passing a law or by preventing a law from being passed. I encourage you to notice your impact, to feel your impact within yourselves, and to encourage each other. You are beautiful beings, and you are doing so well.
I am Ophelia, and I love you.”