Grace And Love Are All Around You ∞The Creators
“Start with a premise that there is nothing wrong with you or with your life, and proceed from there. You see, many of you are trying to fix something, eliminate something, or add something that you feel is missing. And this is the place where you get tripped up.
You are right where you are supposed to be. There is nothing at all wrong with you and nothing at all wrong with your life, and the viewpoint that there is something that is amiss in your creation or in your creative abilities is what holds you back from so much more. When you accept that where you are is the perfect place for you to be and that you have created it, then you open up so many opportunities for yourselves.
Not because something needs to change in order for you to be living a perfect life, or a more desirable one, but because there will always be more from where you stand. You will always be moving towards more joy, more love, more freedom, more excitement and with the understnading that all movement is movement forward.
You cannot stand still, you cannot stagnate, but you can give yourselves plenty of reasons to not live fully. And with so much that you have already been given, there is much to enjoy about where it is you stand. Take moments to focus on something that you can appreciate and enjoy, and be ready for a mountain of grace and love to come upon you.
It is really is that simple. It really is all about your vibration, the vibration that you choose to hold. And as you take the reins of your life as Creator Beings, you will notice that there always has been grace and love all around you.”