Choose Who You Want to Be ∞The Creators
“Yes. One day you will forget, and that will be a wonderful day. You will stop telling your stories of how you got to where you are. And instead, you will start living. It is no wonder that many of you repeat the same behaviors, find yourselves in the same situations, having the same relationships, and problems.
You will notice that it is not even in your awareness at times when you are doing something, because you have done it so many times before. It seems like it is automatic.
You have the will – the free will – to decide which direction you want to go in, and you decide who it is you want to be as you move in that direction. There is no one else driving the train. You are the conductor. You get to wear the funny little hat and blow the whistle.
So it is up to you, in every moment, to give yourself permission to be a brand new Being who has no connection whatsoever to his or her past. You are never doomed to repeat anything. You simply choose to do it because you are unaware that you have a choice in the matter.
We suggest that you choose with your hearts, instead of your pasts.”