Be Where You Are – Archangel Michael
“You are never on your way to something. That is not at all an experience that you can have. Now, you can feel that you are on your way to something. But that is not really what your experience in the moment is about. Your experience in the moment is about that moment. There is nothing for you that is outside of the moment you are in.
And we want to be very clear about what we are saying here, because we know that this transmission could result in quite a bit of debate. You are the experience you are having in the moment you are in. Now, you do not have to be present with the version of yourself that you are being in any given moment. You can be projecting a part of yourself off into another experience, another moment, another version of that which you are. And you can tell yourselves that the moment you are in is leading you to that other moment.
But in actuality, you are where you are. And you can go anywhere from where you are. But as long as you see your life as a series of stepping stones, designed to get you to the next thing, and the next thing, and the next, you will never be truly living your life. You will never truly be present with what is in front of you, and you will never experience satisfaction.
We encourage you to recognize that where you are has everything that you could ever need and that you have given that unique experience to yourself. So be where you are. Experience all of it, not questioning where you can be, where your life is leading you. And as you fully engage with every experience, you will be activating another aspect of yourself.
You are the destination. So be more of who you are, present in every moment, and fully engaged with all the beauty and the wonder that is right before you.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”
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