Beneath the Surface – Archangel Gabriel
“Everyone that you meet gives you but a portion of who they are. You have not met all of anyone, no matter how well you know them. You have only begun to scratch the surface, even if you have been married to the same person for over fifty years.
The same could be true for your relationship to yourself. If you think you know who you are because you have observed your personality traits and your tendencies of behavior, you are mistaken. You only know that portion of yourself that you have been able to become aware of.
Knowing another, or yourself, takes much more than listening and observing. It takes much more than witnessing, even though those are all wonderful things to do, and necessary things. The real being that you are and that you can experience in another goes so far beyond what is shown on the surface.
That part of the self that holds the light and the love through all that each and every one of you experiences is waiting to be known. And the way you can know that love and that light is by feeling for it. When you interact with another, if you remain focused on what he or she is saying and doing, you miss out on the bigger picture.
You miss out on all the good stuff. If instead, while you listen and observe you also reach out with your energetic body to sense the reality that exists beneath the surface, you will be in for a richer and fuller and more fulfilling experience of every single person that you meet, including yourselves.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”