The Little Things – Archangel Gabriel
“Appreciation starts with the little things. It is so easy to take the little things for granted until you do not have them, of course. If you want to live a life filled with appreciation, then by all means start small. When you notice something that pleases you in some way, hook in to the sensation of it. Give it your complete attention.
When you are eating appreciate every flavor, every texture, every little bit of what you are munching on. Enjoy the aroma before it even hits your mouth. Enjoy the feeling in your stomach when you are done eating. Enjoy the sensation of being satiated.
The path to a happy life is filled with these little opportunities for enjoyment. If you think that you will begin enjoying your life when you have the perfect house, car, mate, job, friends, and whatever else you feel you need, then we tell you that all of it starts in the here and now. By appreciating something small and seemingly insignificant, you set yourselves on that path.
Now, we want to be very clear about something here. We are not talking about appreciating the little things so that you can have the big things that you REALLY want. We are telling you that unless you appreciate the little things, you will not appreciate the bigger ones when they come along.
We invite you to live your lives by the simple code that if something fills you with more of who you are, then it is worth taking note; it is worth giving that your attention. Do it for the sensation. Do it for the joy and the love that you feel. Let your relationship to your life and everything and everyone in it be about feeling that feeling inside of you. And let everything else be an excuse to feel, an excuse to let more of your energy flow and to be more of who you are.
We are Gabriel. We are senders of Love.”