Accessing True Power – The Zeta Reticuli
“Power is often sought by those who feel the most powerless. Power has been obtained by those who would abuse it or use it only for personal gain. And you have played the role of abuser or abused at some point in your incarnational history. So you have had the experience of accessing power externally and using it to manipulate others and to obtain more of that external power.
You have also had the experience of being manipulated and abused. It is not your place in this evolutionary cycle that you are in to continue playing those roles for each other. You are simply moving beyond the need to acquire external sources of power, and this can be frightening for those of you who still remember what it feels like to be empowered by those external resources.
And so, as you access your true power, your ability to create your reality, you will encounter those feelings of fear. And you will wonder whether you are able to handle the responsibility of having power. And you will not access all the power that you can in order to test yourselves, in order to see whether or not you can be trusted.
But true power is in the knowing that you have the ability, not in the exercising of those abilities. And when you recognize that, you will feel safe in accessing your own power and in using it to create.
When everyone has access to their true power, there is no need to abuse or manipulate and there is no need to accumulate external resources. Because the power you seek is always the power that comes from your connection to your Source, and more and more of you are coming to realize that.
We are the Zetas, and we are your brothers and sisters.”