Acknowledge Your Progress
“It is a wonderful thing to observe yourself and to recognize your progress. We encourage you to notice how far you have come on your journey. To be incarnate at this time is a challenging proposition, and it is one that you have taken on with quite a bit of excitement and joy. It is your destiny to ascend, and it is to the benefit of all beings in the universe that you make this journey.
For us it is quite a gift to be able to guide you along your way. Give yourselves a pat on the back; love yourselves through this process. Know that wherever you are, whatever you are experiencing, whatever challenges you are facing, they are a part of the process. No matter how mundane or simple or insignificant it might seem, you are being of service to your collective and to the universal collective, not to mention all of the other aspects of yourself who benefit greatly from your experiences and from your personal triumphs.
It will be easier before you know it. It will become more of a game to you, more of a journey filled with everything that you could possibly imagine and less of a time where you are facing one thing after another that needs to be processed and cleared. So take solace in this transmission, for we are not just here to give you encouragement along your way. We are here to tell you how well you are doing, how proud we are of you, and how much love there is inside of you and also all around you.
It is truly a wondrous time, and you are truly blessed beings of love and light.”