Be the Example ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
Be the example to others that you would like to see in your world. When you look out at what other people are doing and saying, and you think that, ‘This person does not represent me,’ you have the option of deciding for yourself who it is you want to be. And as you be that person, that highest version of yourself, you are leading the way for others.
You are leading the way with your actions, with your words, with your intentions, and with your vibration. It does not matter whether you ever appear on television, or even a well-received YouTube video. That is not as important as you might think. But as you be, so shall the world around you be. If you see or hear something that you don’t like, instead of calling it out and judging it, be the opposite.
Exemplify that which is your ideal so that you give others hope and so that they may follow your example. When we say that you are the leaders of the movement of this shift in consciousness, we mean that literally. You can lead others to the place where you know it serves humanity to go, but it requires you to do more than just point out what others are doing and saying that is not to your liking. They can inspire you. Their words and actions can be the catalysts to take you to the next level of your own evolution.
You must have the option of being whichever version of yourself you feel like being in any moment. That is free will, and you have that. So when you see someone else exercising their free will to be a version of themselves that you find offensive, then your true utilization of free will is to be the polar opposite of that and to shine that light brightly for everyone to see.
Let go of this idea that your politicians are here to be the examples to all of you. And instead, see them as demonstrating to you what it is possible for you to be, and for others to follow, but you certainly do not have to give in to the idea that the winner of an election is going to influence others more than you can in your daily life.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”
Bonus Channeling from Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz
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