Be The Vibration You Seek To Experience
“Where the appropriate place is for what it is you are seeking to do will show itself to you. You do not have to seek out anything. But when you are in the vibration that is aligned with what it is you are seeking, you will find yourself in the appropriate place, you will find yourself surrounded by the appropriate people. You will have the perfect opportunity to engage in the activity, the conversation, the project that you want to participate in.
So when you find yourself in that place where you are seeking something out, ask yourself, ‘What is the vibration of what it is I am seeking and what is the vibration that I am offering at this time, and are the two compatible? Are they of the same frequency?’ Because you usually do not seek that which you are desiring with the same vibration that you want to experience, and so you do not find what you are looking for. You find more of that vibration you are offering.
So pay very close attention to what it is you are vibrating as you are looking for that new job, that new person in your life, that new place to live, that new physical condition, whatever it is that you seek. Be the vibration of it and then go do whatever you want to do. You can cut out the middle man, so to speak. You can live the life that you want to live while you are still without that person, job, house, circumstance that you seek.
And in the process, you can discover that what it is that you really seek is the ‘you’ that offers the vibration of wholeness, the vibration of joy, the vibration of love. That is always what you are seeking. That is always what you think that you will get from some outside entity or some new situation. But to be in the vibration, to be that which you seek is the ultimate experience in this life. It is the Source Energy perspective and the vibration of All That Is. To know that you are All That Is, to know that all that you could ever possibly find is inside of you because it is a frequency and you are able to exist in whatever frequency state you desire, simply by tuning yourself to it.
And how do you do that? You intend and you relax, and you allow that frequency state to show itself to you. This is not about trying. This is not about a series of steps. This is about a knowing of your true nature, an accepting of who it is you really are, and a letting go, so that who you really are can come to the forefront and be all that you seek, all that you desire, all that you ever wanted to be.”
Join Daniel & The Creators in Ojai in July at the Divine Love Weekend!