You Belong Here and Now – Archangel Michael
“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
There is no accident that you need to make up for or correct in the living of your lives. There is no wrong that you need to right. Some of you believe that you are not supposed to be here on planet Earth. Others believe that they are only here to make up for some karma that they created in a past life. And others of you simply cannot figure out what to do with yourselves now that you are here.
No matter what your reasoning is for questioning your existence at this time on planet Earth, there is no reason for you to believe that your being here is an accident or a mistake. You are here now because you chose to project yourself here, now. No one else made that decision for you. If you create in your mind a separation between who you are and your Oversoul, then you could from that perspective say that you as the human being did not choose to be born on planet Earth in a physical body.
But we invite you to see the futility in trying to make your point about not choosing to be here. Instead, we suggest that you embrace something about your existence and about this particular lifetime. Find the meaning in it for you. Show yourselves that this is the right place and the right time for you to be. Do so by exerting your free will to make the changes in your life that you want to make.
And also, use your free will to decide what you want to create, what you want to experience, and how you want to feel. Make this moment in time the true and only beginning of your existence, and decide where you want to go from right where you are. We know that it often seems more exciting to be somewhere else or to be someone else, but you are special, unique, and the only you that exists in all of creation. And that you belongs here on planet Earth in this now moment.
You are contributing to something that is much larger than this one experience of yourself. We ask you to embrace the fact that you are here and to make the most of the opportunity, to express yourselves as Source Energy Beings in human bodies on planet Earth. That is our invitation to you now.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”