Introducing Quan Yin: Ascended Master & The Divine Feminine ∞Quan Yin

Introducing Quan Yin Ascended Master & The Divine Feminine - Quan Yin - channeled by daniel scranton

Introducing Quan Yin: Ascended Master & The Divine Feminine ∞Quan Yin, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“It is I, Quan Yin.

I am happy to introduce you to the Divine Feminine Essence that is within each and every one of you, regardless of your gender. You are meant to know yourselves as multidimensional, multifaceted beings of light and love, and so of course you are more than just your physical human body. You are the essence that animates that physical human body of yours. You are there now on Earth witnessing the rise of the Divine Feminine in your society. You are there to experience the power of the Divine Feminine as well as the power of the Divine Masculine. I am not here to tell you that the Divine Feminine is better than the Divine Masculine, but certainly it is equal to the Divine Masculine. 

You all can probably name many more male ascended masters, although there are just as many of us who identified as female in our lives. The Divine Feminine is very well-represented within the Thymus collective and within this universe. You do not have to change anything about yourself physically in order to access your Divine Feminine essence. Many people feel that the Feminine is on the left side of the body. It is more available to you when you tune in to the left side of your body. 

So what is the Divine Feminine Essence all about then, and how exactly is it powerful? The Divine Feminine is about receiving. It is also about feeling. It is about vibrating. It is about compassion, healing, love, connection, a sense of completion. You are more likely to take an action when you want to see something manifested in your reality, because you have been taught that taking action is the way to get something to manifest in your reality. And yet, when you work with the Divine Feminine Essence, and you focus more, and visualize, and vibrate on purpose, you may find that a lot less action is necessary in order for you to have something that you want.

Again, I am not here to suppress the masculine or to tell you that the masculine doesn’t have its place. There will be actions required of you. There will be times when action is the most appropriate thing for you to do. And you can take action when inspired to do so and get phenomenal results, but you always want to couple that with the power of the Divine Feminine to feel into whether that action is actually inspired and appropriate for you to take. And when you do that, you also find that the timing of your actions is perfect because you waited for the inspiration before you put your actions into motion.

I highly recommend that all of you sit more frequently and do nothing and consume nothing. Sit more and tune in to what you can feel and what you can open up to and receive, and you will be astounded by how much is available to you through that simple act of releasing the need to do something in the moment and sitting and feeling. You can absolutely have everything that is earmarked for you, that is coming your way, through focusing more on the receiving side of manifestation. You can visualize yourselves as flowers that are opening up, blossoming to receive sunlight, rain and pollen, and you will feel the difference in your energies right away. I guarantee it. You will feel more peaceful, more expansive, and yet more powerful.

You see, it is easy to associate power with action because you can see in real time how your actions lead to something, or deliver something instantaneously that you want. It is more challenging to associate power with non-action, but you are there to take these challenges and to change the way you have been living your lives on planet Earth for so very long. Now is the time to implement this practice of the Divine Feminine Essence.

I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”

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