Change Comes from Within ∞The Hathors
“For the purpose of creating a new idea of who and what you are, many of you decide that you want to make a change in your life. You want to do something differently. You want to move, change your job, change your mate, change your clothes. Whatever it is that you want to do, you have a tendency to take some sort of action that would give you that sense of newness, that sense that you had transformed in some way that is pleasing to you.
We can see why you would do this. You are accustomed to seeing others who have changed, and you see that they are interested in new things, that they have a different way of living their lives in some way, and you assume that the change in them has come from the change in where they are, what they are doing, who they are with, and so on.
We want you to understand that the change is always coming from within the person, and then they feel attracted to doing something new. They have different people around them. They may feel compelled to move somewhere that is more reflective of their new frequency.
So you see, just because there is a correlation between one thing and another does not mean that there is cause and effect, at least not in the way that many of you are assuming when you see someone doing something. You want to know what it is they did, how it is they got to where they are so that you can follow the same steps, so that you can have your own transformation.
We want you to know that you are always constantly transforming, that the desire that you have to see a quicker transformation within yourselves is really what you are experiencing, because you cannot help but transform. There would be no point in you remaining in this incarnation if you were simply repeating the same over and over and being the same over and over.
So that is not happening, but you are unable to perceive some of the more subtle changes that are occurring within you. And when you see the same people and the same job and the same results in your life coming back to you, then you may assume that you did not change at all. But look at the way that you are responding to the same people and the same events, and see how the change within you is reflected in that.
You must be willing to be where you are in order to take the next step forward. Our recommendation to you is to have more fun right where you are, doing what you are doing, with the people you are doing those things with, and expect the change to be in how you are perceiving your reality. That is all for now.
We are The Hathors. We thank you. And we wish you a very fond good day.”
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