Channeling Ophelia – A Sneak Peak into 5D
“I speak to you through Daniel’s words, but I do not speak a language like his. I speak in vibrations. I speak in tones. We are aware in our realm that we are all connected. So when we want to communicate with one another, we just open ourselves to that other being. The other being receives our call and knows what it is that we are projecting.
We have energetic communication. We are also aware that everything is energy and that energy abounds. We have ways of molding energy, ways of shaping it. We have ways of projecting energy out into the environment. And of course, we understand how to receive energy.
This is what you are moving towards. You are becoming aware of your connections, and you have an understanding that everything is energy. And soon you will be creating with energy. You will no longer feel restricted by limitation or lack, by separation, or by judgment. You will not judge what you create or what another creates.
You will not see the need to do so, for you will not fear the creations of others, and you will not be ashamed of that which you create. You will see everything as an expression of Source, and therefore, you will not see the need for anything to be other than what it is. You will express yourselves as you desire to be in the moment, and you will hold no other responsible for your creations.
We know that for some of you, this time that I speak of cannot come quickly enough. And to those of you I would say, relax. You cannot get there with angst, or anxiety, or fear. You can only get there through play. The more playful you are with your current environment, the more you can see how what you have to play with is no different from what we have. It is just in a different form.
Crossing over to the fifth dimensional frequency range will be a natural occurrence. Have your fun with this dimension, with the toys and the tools that you have, because they are also just different representations of what we have here. They are in no way less than. They are as grand as your imaginations, and you are as grand as All That Is.”