Channeling Ophelia – Finding Frequency
“Finding the frequency is the easy part. Holding the frequency is where many of you are finding a challenge. Because you live in a world of instant gratification where everything moves so fast and where you have so many places where your attention can go, it is easy for you to let go of your focus. It is easy for you to move from one frequency to the next and not even realize that you are doing it.
I suspect that many of you are wanting to know more about finding the frequency as well. I also know that every single one of you has felt joy, and love, excitement, frustration, anger, sadness, and fear. And I know how easily these emotions can be triggered in each of you. So finding a frequency means that you are coming from a place where there is no other agenda, there is nothing that you are wishing to escape, and there is no attachment to any sort of change in your reality.
Finding a frequency must come from a pure place of desire. Finding a frequency is something that comes through your heart, and you use your mind to focus yourself on that frequency. You use your mind to stay focused there, but you do not use your mind to get to the frequency. You do so by finding it in your heart, where all frequencies dwell.
Hold the frequency with intention and because it feels good, because there is no other way. The frequencies have always been the way, but you have accessed them through a variety of methods. And now, in order for you to really know yourselves as conscious creators, you must access frequency more directly.
Practicing. That is where you are now. You are in the practice round. Approach it as though it were a game and as though you were playing with frequencies. Do not try. Do not struggle with this. Allow yourself to fall into the frequency that you desire and turn your intention from your thoughts and from the thinking world into the feeling world. And you will flutter and you will float, and you will find it all quite mesmerizing, quite lovely, and quite familiar.”