Channeling Ophelia – New Energies, New Experiences
“I am here. I am with you. You are all beginning to sense the waves of energy that are coming to you. You all are sensitive beings if you are reading this message or hearing my voice. Therefore, when energy is being sent your way, you will have an experience of it and that experience will be different for all of you.
So if you are gathered together and some of you are expressing how difficult a time you are having, and others of you are feeling quite energized and that parts of your life are simply falling into place, then please do not fall into the trap of comparing yourself to someone else and how they are experiencing this influx of energy. Some of you will require more sleep, and some of you will need less. Some of you will be eating more, and some of you will be eating less.
It does not matter how you experience this energy. But what is important is that you recognize that everything begins with the energetic. Those of you who have become very sensitive to energy will know that the changes that you are experiencing are a result of the new energy that is pouring in. And for some of you, it will be an entirely physical experience. And that is how you wanted it to be.
You will always give yourselves whatever experience is most likely to get your attention. So as you look for explanations in the physical, and you run in to roadblocks, and dead-ends, and speed bumps, you can attribute all of those to the fact that these are not symptoms that have a physical origin.
If you want to do a cleanse, do a cleanse. But don’t do a cleanse because you are feeling that it is something you must do to get back to a sense of normalcy. That is operating from the mind. The mind wants to figure everything out. The heart allows because the heart loves unconditionally.
When you find yourself with a few extra pounds, your mind immediately goes into how-do-I-change-this? mode. But if you tap into your heart’s energy and you send yourself some love, you will gain much more from the experience. And again, there is no right way to be. Having some expanded fat cells does not make you wrong, or bad, or less-than, or unlovable. You are just having a new experience, a different experience.
I encourage you all to see everything as an experience and to always look for how you can benefit from it, how this new experience serves you. For fighting and resisting and plotting and scheming will only get you more of an experience that was never put there to abolish or demolish. It was put there to serve you, to give you something.
Always move your awareness to your heart when you don’t know what to do, and you will have a most beautiful experience of these new energies that are being given to you by all of us in the higher realms.
I am Ophelia, and I love you.”