Channeling Ophelia – Now Is The Time
“I am here. I am with you.
You are all standing at the precipice of so much more, and you are discovering how much more access you have. You are discovering your records, your past lives, your connections to other beings who exist in higher dimensions.
Now is the time for all of you to be. It is the time for you to be foolish. It is the time for you to make leaps of faith. It is the time for you to let go of logic and reason. Now is the time to believe in magic, in faerie tales, in whimsical wonders.
It is time for you to be reborn into your childlike state of enthusiasm for life, before you were taught that this and that were not possible. It is time for all of you to let go of all of the wisdom that you have held your faith in. It is time.
There is no force outside of you that is limiting your access. There is no being who is deciding what and when you can create what you want. It is now all in your hands, and as you believe that anything is possible and as you give in to your true power, you will see miracles unfolding the likes of which movies are made of. You are a miracle. You are miracles incarnate. There is no stopping you. There is only the possibility of slowing you down.
Forget everything that you think you know every day. When you wake up each morning, erase your memory and go straight for the feeling that you want to experience. Go straight for the feeling without attaching a story, or a picture, or a person to that feeling. And watch how what you ask for vibrationally is given to you in the physical. And then, keep a journal of what it was you were feeling when you woke up and what it was that found its way to your door throughout the day.
Give yourselves that experience of being creators and you will believe in faerie tales, in miracles, and in yourselves. You are now more than ever the creators of your reality because you have more conscious awareness, because your energy is moving so much faster, and because you have already done so much clearing work. Now is the time for you to take the reins and to guide your life into the feeling place that you prefer.
I am Ophelia, and I do so love all of you.”