Channeling Ophelia – Your Connections
“I am here. I am Ophelia. We are connecting in this moment through an energetic stream that goes far beyond the words and the teachings. You are literally receiving me as you take this transmission in.
We are all connected. There is not one who is outside of Source. Therefore, you will always be connected, regardless of whether the being that you want to connect with is in front of you physically, is talking to you, or writing to you. Even if that other being has moved on and has left their physical body, the connection that you have is never severed, never lost, and not even weakened by the physical absence of the being.
All of us have vibrational signatures, and if you want to connect to another being, all you have to do is dial up their vibration. And if you know this other being, if you know of the other being, if you have read about or heard about the other being, then you have a sense of their vibration. And when you couple that with your intention, then what you get is the connection that you seek, energetically.
You are all using your technology to stay connected and to connect with beings from all over the globe, and that is wonderful. You are able to create a network, a grid of energy, over your planet that connects like beings to like beings and allows energy to flow and crisscross, and create beautiful patterns.
So many of you want those you feel connected to living with you or close by, because then it is easier for you to feel their vibration. But I suggest that the next time you want to link up with someone who is far, far away, or who has not been in communication with you for some reason, instead of picking up the phone or logging on to your computers, send them your energy. Send them a transmission. Feel for their energy, their vibration, and know that the link up is always made, because as I have already said, you are all connected.
How you wish to be connected with another is up to you. You can feel longing, yearning, or closeness and love. There is no right way and there is no wrong way. You get to decide, and you get to have the experience of your connection that you wish to have, because you are all free, creator beings, choosing the unique experiences that you desire to have.
I am Ophelia. I am connected to you. And I love you.”