Channeling Ophelia – Your Progress
“You are getting ahead of yourselves, and that is a good thing. You are moving so rapidly through the dimensional structure that you are creating waves throughout the universe. You are having the ripple effect on all of consciousness as it exists in this universe.
As I have said before, I am here to assist you. But I am also here to comment on your progress, because sometimes you need the perspective of another to put your progress into its proper perspective. It’s difficult for you to measure something when the thing you are attempting to measure is constantly in motion. And that is what is happening here in your reality.
You are setting the stage for another giant leap. How that will unfold is yet to be determined, but it will be determined by you and no one else. Traveling as you are at the speed in which you are traveling can be disorienting. You can feel as though you have no center point, no firm footing on which to ground yourselves.
By taking your time with everything that you are doing, you will not only be able to reorient yourselves, but you will be able to enjoy this process. Slowing down your movements and your thought processes will enable you to focus more on your feeling state. You will have a better opportunity then to interact with the vibrations that are rippling through you.
Be aware, notice, and please do take into account the fact that you are now operating outside of linear time. So you can throw your timetables and timeframes and your daily and monthly planners out the window. You do not have to get it all done, even if it might appear that way. But keep in mind that all of these deadlines that you feel are being placed upon you are there because you are putting them there with your energy.
Slow down and enjoy this process. Do not be in such a hurry to get there. Remember that ‘there’ is not a place. It is a frequency. It is a part of you that you will discover, that you will rediscover, and that you will recreate. Put everything aside for a few moments throughout the day and just breathe and just notice. All is well. You are discovering the beautiful beings that you are, and I am delighting from the sidelines.”