Choosing Your Timeline to 5D ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have taken as many steps as we can to ensure the smoothest possible transition for humanity. We have only advice and suggestions for you at this point. There is an opportunity for all of you to shift completely within the next several months. This is a collective decision that you will make, and you will also be deciding as individuals whether you want to be on that timeline with this collective.
You can decide to be with a collective that takes it a bit slower. It is entirely up to you. Now we hear all of you saying that you want to be on the timeline that gets there the soonest, but you also have to take into consideration whether that serves you in your evolution.
So as you consider the best possible timeline for yourself, recognize that you want to get to the fifth dimension as the whole you, as your higher self. You don’t want to bring any baggage with you that then manifests at an exponential rate. So you will continue to work through what you need to work through as a fourth dimensional being.
There are no timelines that require you to do something in order to be on them. This is not about taking an action to get you to where you want to go. This is about feeling the essence of that timeline within yourself. This is about becoming the timeline that you want to experience. And as you make that decision and you feel for the energy of that timeline, you will need to face any of that baggage that you have, and you will need to process and clear whatever is holding you down energetically.
As you reassemble all of your various parts, you will find that there is strength within you that you did not know you had. You will find that your ability to elevate your frequency has never been more attuned. You are all in a place now of receiving higher-frequency information and downloads, and you are ready to use that which you have accessed to put you on the timeline that serves you most.
It is all about feeling your way there. It is all about deciding what type of reality you want to experience and what type of person you want to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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