Coping Mechanisms – Archangel Michael
Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.
When you encounter stress in your lives, many of you have coping mechanisms that you employ. These coping mechanisms are your methods of grounding yourselves back into your bodies and restoring hope that can find your balance and equilibrium again. If you were to employ a coping mechanism even when you were not under stress, you would find that the balance and the equilibrium would serve you in not-so-stressful situations.
So, let us give you an example of a coping mechanism. Perhaps you find yourself swamped with a workload that is much bigger than the time you have to do it seems to allow for. Perhaps your coping mechanism in this instance would be to clean your desk, to make your desk as neat as you can possibly make it. And then when you look at your desk, you feel peaceful, calm, relaxed, and even eager to tackle the workload in front of you.
So what we are suggesting is that you make a mental note of the coping mechanisms that you employ while under stress so that you can choose to apply those same tactics to your everyday lives. You are integrating quite a bit of energy at this time, and many of you recognize this. Others of you are not so aware of what is happening on an energetic level.
Even something like the integration of high frequency energy can put you in a stressful state of being. So use the coping mechanisms that you employ when you are bogged down with too much to do in your physical reality. And we promise you, you will benefit, you feel the effects, and you will have yourselves to thank for the balance, the relaxed feeling, and the calm demeanor.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”