Desire – Archangel Michael, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“The story that you are telling begins with your desire. You have many desires, and no story even gets off the ground without some desire spurring it on. Having your desire fulfilled does not bring your story to an end, but it may be the end of a particular chapter.
Any desire worth its weight will spur on several more, and those desires may be put on the back burner while you continue to explore the desire that has most of your intention. You will discover that there is no end to the number of desires that you can have. Placing limitations or judgments upon your desires will not remove them from your being-ness.
You will not be able to trample your desire away with thoughts about how inappropriate it may be. You will discover more about yourself because of each unique desire. Truly, that is their purpose to you. You are not here simply to set goals and achieve those goals with your hard work and your determination.
You are here to explore who and what you are, and everything that you encounter is an avenue into more of yourself. Be willing to let your desires run free, but know what they really are about so that you do not mistake the desire for its ultimate purpose – becoming more of who you are and becoming aware that what you are is Divine and is Love in action.
We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”