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Activate Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Mega Bundle
These 27 Downloadable Recordings Represent My ‘Activate Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Mega Bundle.’ Listen to Each One & Let Their Effectiveness Take Hold Before Moving on to the Next One.
These 27 Downloadable Recordings Represent My ‘Activate Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Mega Bundle.’ Listen to Each One & Let Their Effectiveness Take Hold Before Moving on to the Next One. Their Total Value is $400. Here are the Recordings Included…
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing for Opening Your Third Eye & Decalcifying Your Pineal Gland
Our third eyes. They hold the key to so much magic and so many of our spiritual gifts and abilities. And we now know that our third eyes are represented in the physical realm by our pineal glands. We also know that our pineal glands can get calcified by fluoride and a host of other toxins that we once thought were pretty harmless to our overall health and spiritual well-being. That’s why I channeled this sound healing with gong sounds and my own throat singing to open up those third eyes of ours and decalcify our pineal glands. Love <3
This 10-minute recording contains the energy, vibration, and intention that is infused into the sounds created by my gong and throat singing to open up your third eye, giving you access to those spiritual gifts, such as: psychic abilities, clairvoyance, and intuitive knowing. The recording will also melt away thecalcification around your pineal gland, which is responsible for releasing melatonin (good for sleep) and DMT (good for accessing other dimensions). Joy!
Listen to this recording and relax. The sounds and tones created will do all the work for you, and you can then enjoy more access to these wonderful spiritual gifts (and get better sleep!).
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing for Activating All of Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities
Activating Our Spiritual Gifts & Abilities. We all want to do it. Some of us will spend years attempting to get them activated, and once we do activate them, we of course then go to work on honing them and perfecting them. I’ve been channeling in English since 2010, channeling light language since 2011 and channeling tones & overtones since 2012, and I still feel that I’m in the process of becoming my most gifted self. It’s a process. It took me ten years straight of daily meditation before I was able to channel at all. So anything that will give you and me and all of us the right activation for accessing and perfecting those spiritual gifts we desire must be a godsend. That’s why I created this 10-minute recording of gong sounds and channeled throat singing for that purpose of activating spiritual gifts & abilities. There are still some I’d like to access myself! What is included as a spiritual gift and/or ability? Clairaudience, psychic abilities, light language channeling, verbal channeling in your language, healing abilities, clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, instant manifestation, and so much more. This one is for all of us.Love <3
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Accessing Your Psychic, Clairvoyant & Intuitive Abilities
Psychic, Clairvoyant & Intuitive Abilities. We all want to access more of them, but sometimes we find that we are blocked from doing so. We marvel at our friends and colleagues who have fully accessed these abilities, and we wonder why we don’t have access to all of ours, or even any of ours in some cases. That’s why I created this 6-minute language of light. This light language is infused with the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to release the blocks from granting us access to all of our psychic, clairvoyant, and intuitive abilities. Light language has the power to alter our vibration so that we can rise above the blockages caused by traumas, beliefs, societal programming, and genetic line issues.
Listening to this light language is akin to receiving a healing that would release all of your blocks to accessing these specific spiritual gifts and abilities. I’m so happy I felt inspired to channel this one, as I definitely want more access to mine. Listen to this one once a day until you feel that you have granted yourself more access to your abilities, and then put what you’re getting to the test! That’s the best way to gain more confidence in yourself and these abilities, and with more confidence comes more of a willingness to follow through with what you get. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Native American Lifetime Memories, Spiritual Gifts & Shamanic Healing Abilities
Our past lives. They are perhaps the best way for us to grant ourselves access to all that we want, including our spiritual gifts and shamanic healing abilities. Given how spiritually evolved the Native Americans were, and how closely and in harmony they lived with Mother Earth, these lifetimes are ones that we definitely want to to have activated and integrated into who we are in this lifetime. When I channeled this light language, I could definitely feel the shamanic connections that I have in my past lives coming through me. That’s the power of a light language. Each one contains the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes that are needed to put us in the desired state of receiving that we want from listening to it. This is a particularly powerful one! I could feel it, and I’m sure you will too. Love <3
Mantras for Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities ∞The Creators
Our spiritual gifts and abilities. No matter how many we have accessed thus far, the ones we want to access tend to feel so far out of reach. Mantras, when applied correctly, can give us the right vibration to move us into that space of accessing, receiving those spiritual gifts. The Creators take us through several wonderful mantras in the course of the 11 minutes and 11 seconds of this recording, each of which will bring you closer and closer to accessing all of the spiritual gifts and abilities you’ve summoned in this lifetime and in all other lifetimes prior to this one. The Creators are masterful at guiding us to feel for the resonance of each mantra, and they explain how to correct for any lack of resonance that we feel. Now is a beautifultime to be accessing those spiritual gifts and abilities, as more and more people on Earth are waking up every day and will be looking for new teachers, channelers, healers, and guides to lead them into the fifth dimension. Love! <3
Breathing Exercise for Activating Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Archangel Michael
Conscious breathing is the most powerful and underutilized tool that we have in our spiritual toolkits. It’s so easy. We do it all the time. But how often do we actually take advantage of how transformative breathwork can be? In this 14-minute breathing exercise, brought to you by Archangel Michael, the archangel takes us through a series of breaths, each one designed to get us into the right vibration for activating all of our spiritual gifts. Our spiritual gifts, unlike skills we acquire through hard work, come to us through our willingness to sit and relax, to open up and receive. The archangel takes us through the proper breathing technique to get into that perfect state of receptivity so that our gifts can awaken and come to the surface of our consciousness.Joy! <3
Accessing, Unlocking & Sharing Your Spiritual Gifts Meditation ∞The Buddha
Our spiritual gifts. They can be quite elusive at times. And no matter how many we access, we always want more. I know I would love some clairaudience! I channeled The Buddha for this 15-minute meditation, and in it, he leads us through a guided exercise to access, activate, and unlock all of our gifts – channeling, psychic abilities, intuitive senses, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Buddha even helps us with the super-challenging part of the equation that cannot be overemphasized…the confidence to share our gifts with the world, knowing that we will only use them for the greatest and highest good of all. Listen to this meditation any time you feel that urge to tap in to something more…something otherworldly that goes far beyond the five senses. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Blocks to Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Daniel & Maricris
For this 10 minute sound healing, I teamed up with my shamanic priestess wife Maricris. She played the drum, and I channeled the sounds, tones, and overtones. The channeling is infused with the intention, vibration, and energetic signature to remove and release all blocks that you have to accessing your spiritual gifts. The blocks can be related to past lives where you were imprisoned, ostracized, tortured, and even killed for having those gifts. Blocks also get created when we live in doubt of ourselves. They can come to us from societal programming, and even from not wanting to stand out from the crowd. Listen to this one every time you feel the urge to channel, access your healing abilities, or have the desire to tune in to any spiritual gift at all. Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Spiritual Gifts
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that will activate the spiritual gifts that you’ve been seeking to attain. The spiritual gifts I’m referring to here are: channeling, speaking light languages, having psychic experiences, opening your third eye, accessing your healing abilities, and achieving telepathic connections with E.T.s. These are all gifts that are attainable while we are still 4th dimensional, and they are accessible to us all now. This light language will activate these abilities within you, but be patient. It may take time for them to manifest. Love! <3
Attunement for Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, I channeledYeshua, and the ascended master brought through an attunement to help you access your spiritual gifts. We have all led so many lifetimes as different life forms and in higher dimensions all across the galaxy. So it stands to reason that we have achieved spiritual mastery and have attained spiritual gifts in those past lives. Yeshua helps us connect to those other versions of ourselves and download the gifts from those lifetimes. Yeshua’s energy alone is enough to activate those gifts within us. This is a strong and powerful download that can be effective after just one listen! The ascended master also helps us to access new gifts that will only be accessible in this lifetime.Love! <3
How to Discover Your Spiritual Gifts ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council tells us how to discover our spiritual gifts and what to do once we realize what those gifts are. The Arcturians are our biggest cheerleaders, and they won’t let us give up on ourselves, no matter how far we feel we are from achieving our goals. You will feel reinvigorated to pursue any and all of the spiritual gifts that you’ve ever wanted to pursue after listening to this one. Enjoy! <3
Developing Your Spiritual Gifts to Be of Service to Others ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council gives us an uplifting message about our spiritual gifts, how to use them to help others, and they also walk us through a process to release our fears about being exposed to others who might not understand us or our abilities. This download is very encouraging and supportive, and you will get practical advice as to how to move forward with your mission to be of service to the collective. Enjoy! <3
Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts Online Event ∞Audio Recording
In the audio recording of this event that ran for just under 2 hours and 15 minutes, you’ll be taken through an opening, grounding meditation from Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton. Next, I channeled The Creators, and they spoke on the topic of accessing your spiritual gifts. Maricris also spoke on the topic, and then we opened the floor to questions. The Creators answered the first round of questions, and Maricris took the second round. Topics included: how to use one’s spiritual gifts to create a vocation, whether to separate from one’s spouse, and whether one’s soulmate will come back to do the work of helping others in this lifetime. And of course, there were many more questions asked and answered. Enjoy! <3
Meditation for Accessing Your Psychic Gifts & Clairvoyant Abilities ∞Archangel Michael
I channeled Archangel Michael for this 15-minute guided meditation, set to the beautiful background music of the musician:Anneda. In this meditation, Archangel Michael guides us through a series of mantras and visualizations to bring us into connection with our spiritual gifts and clairvoyant abilities. Michael’s soothing tones and beautiful energies will put you in a relaxed state, which is the perfect state of being to exist in for receiving those gifts and unlocking those abilities. You will benefit from this meditation after just one listen, and you may find yourself receiving downloads of information, guidance, and images depicting everything you need to know after just 15 minutes! Love <3
Light Language for Activating Your Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient & Claircognizant Abilities
Clairvoyance. Clairaudience. Clairsentience. Claircognizance. These spiritual abilities are also known by some as “The Four Clairs.” They are the ability to see, hear, feel, and know what others are unable to tap in to on their own. They are essentially the four senses of the higher self, the fifth-dimensional self, whereas, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, and hearing are the five senses of the ego and third-dimensional self. This six-minute channeled light language is infused with the intention, vibration and galactic light codes to activate these abilities within you so that you can live as your 5D self, while still having a physical body, and while still in a 4D reality. How is that possible? Light language works on you by going beyond your physical mind’s ability to comprehend. It dives deep inside of you to activate that which has always been there, lying dormant within. It is the language of the fifth dimension, ultimately leading us into a time of telepathic communication. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Clairaudience
Clairaudience is one of those gifts I hear people asking for in private sessions where I’m channeling the high frequency beings I work with. There seems to be a much higher demand for this spiritual gift than there is a supply for it in the ethers. That’s why I created this sound healing with one of my crystal bowls and the tones and overtones I channel. I infused the sounds with the intention to unlock your clairaudient abilities. We all have them. And we all want to hear more from our guides, higher selves, oversouls, other high frequency beings, and Source. And after listening to this recording, it’s my intention that you will. Just listen to the recording, and then sit or lie down in a quiet place to listen with your mind’s ear for that little voice that’s easily distinguishable from the one you normally hear in your head 🙂. Love! <3
Hands on Healing Attunement ∞Yeshua
This download/attunement of just over 11 and a half minutes gives us a brand new healing modality, combining the energy of Yeshua with the love in our hearts. The energy from this attunement from Yeshua can be used to heal ourselves, other people in our lives, and the entire collective. You will feel the energy in the palms of your hands after receiving this attunement, and you can use it to get yourself and others back in the flow of the healing energy that is available to us all…always! Enjoy 🙂
Light Language for Activating Your Psychic Abilities
Psychic abilities are on the rise of late. More and more of us are tuning in. If you haven’t had a psychic hit, a moment of telepathy, a precognition, or any of the other myriad of psychic phenomena, now is the time to open yourself up to these abilities. This light language I channeled is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to bring your psychic abilities to the forefront of your consciousness. Psychics read energy and see down potential timelines, and after your abilities are activated, you’ll be able to do both for yourself and for others. Listen to it as many times as you feel inspired to. Love! <3
How to Access & Strengthen Your Psychic Abilities ∞The PHCo7
Whether you’ve already accessed your psychic abilities, or whether you’ve never had a single experience of extra-sensory perception, this download can help. In this recording of just over 12 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven explain how to tap in to the energies other people, timelines, situations, and the entire human collective. It will open up a whole new world of possibilities for you! Enjoy <3
Meditation for Activating Your Healing Abilities ∞The PHCo7
Through their soothing energy and vibration, the Pleiadian High Council of 7 helps us to gain access to what already exists inside of our bodies, minds, and energetic fields as they guide us through the process of reaching for what lies within us. We’ve all been healers in previous lifetimes, and some of those lifetimes (thousands for some of us) took place in the Pleiadian Star System. That means that the Pleiadian High Council of 7, as Pleiadian beings, can activate us to re-activate those abilities, just as they can activate our Pleiadian DNA and the knowing of ourselves as Pleiadian beings. The Pleiades is all about healing, teaching, channeling, and leading others into a higher vibrational state. That’s why the PHCo7 was the obvious choice for this meditation. I’m so happy to have brought them through for all of you! Joy <3
Light Language for Accessing Your Clairaudient Abilities
Clairaudience – the ability to hear what the beings in the higher realms (including our guides) are saying to us. It’s actually the ability to translate the energy they’re sending us into sounds that we hear in our mind’s/inner ear. This is an ability that everyone wants. We all want that guidance and clarity. So I channeled this light language with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to give you access to those clairaudient abilities. Listen to this one and then enjoy some silence. And see what comes next. You can open yourself up to hearing from beings in the higher realms. Love! <3
Light Language For Accessing Your Gifts & Abilities From Past Life Selves
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 47 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes that will help you gain greater access to the abilities that the past life versions of yourself have cultivated. These abilities are yours to claim, and the access to them is something that many of you have sought for years and years. The exposure to these high frequency sounds, words, tones, and codes is just what you need to unlock that which is already inside of you. Listen to this one over and over until you feel the access to the abilities that you’ve wanted to access for so long. The abilities I’m referring to here include: channeling, clairvoyance, psychic abilities, telepathy, healing, accessing the akashic records, and more. Joy! <3
How to Develop Your Clairvoyant Abilities ∞The Creators
In this download of 11 minutes and 19 seconds, I channeled The Creators, and they brought through a series of steps you can take to develop your clairvoyant abilities. Whether your are more visually-oriented, feel things, know things, or hear things, you will benefit from this particular exercise. This is a wonderful tool that you can use to help yourself, others, or the entire human race. We are all receiving energy and information from the higher realms, and it’s time for you to start tapping into it. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Healing Abilities
In this download of just over 5 and a half minutes, you’ll hear me speaking a light language that is infused with the intention to activate your healing abilities. While you listen, feel the chakras in the palms of your hands. If you want to be a sound healer, feel into your throat chakra while you listen. After listening a few times, you may feel inspired to speak your own light language. Each person speaks their own unique light language, so don’t expect it to sound like mine. Have fun with it and enjoy! <3
How to Access & Strengthen Your Psychic Abilities ∞The PHCo7
Whether you’ve already accessed your psychic abilities, or whether you’ve never had a single experience of extra-sensory perception, this download can help. In this recording of just over 12 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven explain how to tap in to the energies other people, timelines, situations, and the entire human collective. It will open up a whole new world of possibilities for you! Enjoy <3
Light Language for Activating More Reiki Energy to Flow Through You
Reiki Energy. Most people don’t know this about me, but I am a Reiki Master, and it was through doing reiki on people that I noticed I had the ability to channel. As a Reiki Master, I can give people attunements for Reiki 1, Reiki 2, and I can give others Reiki Master attunements as well. When I channeled this light language, I did so while holding the intention that the light language brought through would include the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate the reiki energy in the listener. It’s 6 minutes in length and very powerful. Anyone who is already attuned in any of the reiki levels will benefit from this download, as it was designed to activate MORE of the reiki energy in you, no matter what level you’ve attained. Even if you’ve never had a single attunement, this light language will affect your healing abilities in a positive way.Flow! <3
Enjoy This Activate Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Mega Bundle!
Activate Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Mega Bundle
These 27 Downloadable Recordings Represent My ‘Activate Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Mega Bundle.’ Listen to Each One & Let Their Effectiveness Take Hold Before Moving on to the Next One.
These 27 Downloadable Recordings Represent My ‘Activate Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Mega Bundle.’ Listen to Each One & Let Their Effectiveness Take Hold Before Moving on to the Next One. Their Total Value is $400. Here are the Recordings Included…
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing for Opening Your Third Eye & Decalcifying Your Pineal Gland
Our third eyes. They hold the key to so much magic and so many of our spiritual gifts and abilities. And we now know that our third eyes are represented in the physical realm by our pineal glands. We also know that our pineal glands can get calcified by fluoride and a host of other toxins that we once thought were pretty harmless to our overall health and spiritual well-being. That’s why I channeled this sound healing with gong sounds and my own throat singing to open up those third eyes of ours and decalcify our pineal glands. Love <3
This 10-minute recording contains the energy, vibration, and intention that is infused into the sounds created by my gong and throat singing to open up your third eye, giving you access to those spiritual gifts, such as: psychic abilities, clairvoyance, and intuitive knowing. The recording will also melt away the calcification around your pineal gland, which is responsible for releasing melatonin (good for sleep) and DMT (good for accessing other dimensions). Joy!
Listen to this recording and relax. The sounds and tones created will do all the work for you, and you can then enjoy more access to these wonderful spiritual gifts (and get better sleep!).
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing for Activating All of Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities
Activating Our Spiritual Gifts & Abilities. We all want to do it. Some of us will spend years attempting to get them activated, and once we do activate them, we of course then go to work on honing them and perfecting them. I’ve been channeling in English since 2010, channeling light language since 2011 and channeling tones & overtones since 2012, and I still feel that I’m in the process of becoming my most gifted self. It’s a process. It took me ten years straight of daily meditation before I was able to channel at all. So anything that will give you and me and all of us the right activation for accessing and perfecting those spiritual gifts we desire must be a godsend. That’s why I created this 10-minute recording of gong sounds and channeled throat singing for that purpose of activating spiritual gifts & abilities. There are still some I’d like to access myself! What is included as a spiritual gift and/or ability? Clairaudience, psychic abilities, light language channeling, verbal channeling in your language, healing abilities, clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, instant manifestation, and so much more. This one is for all of us. Love <3
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Accessing Your Psychic, Clairvoyant & Intuitive Abilities
Psychic, Clairvoyant & Intuitive Abilities. We all want to access more of them, but sometimes we find that we are blocked from doing so. We marvel at our friends and colleagues who have fully accessed these abilities, and we wonder why we don’t have access to all of ours, or even any of ours in some cases. That’s why I created this 6-minute language of light. This light language is infused with the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to release the blocks from granting us access to all of our psychic, clairvoyant, and intuitive abilities. Light language has the power to alter our vibration so that we can rise above the blockages caused by traumas, beliefs, societal programming, and genetic line issues.
Listening to this light language is akin to receiving a healing that would release all of your blocks to accessing these specific spiritual gifts and abilities. I’m so happy I felt inspired to channel this one, as I definitely want more access to mine. Listen to this one once a day until you feel that you have granted yourself more access to your abilities, and then put what you’re getting to the test! That’s the best way to gain more confidence in yourself and these abilities, and with more confidence comes more of a willingness to follow through with what you get. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Native American Lifetime Memories, Spiritual Gifts & Shamanic Healing Abilities
Our past lives. They are perhaps the best way for us to grant ourselves access to all that we want, including our spiritual gifts and shamanic healing abilities. Given how spiritually evolved the Native Americans were, and how closely and in harmony they lived with Mother Earth, these lifetimes are ones that we definitely want to to have activated and integrated into who we are in this lifetime. When I channeled this light language, I could definitely feel the shamanic connections that I have in my past lives coming through me. That’s the power of a light language. Each one contains the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes that are needed to put us in the desired state of receiving that we want from listening to it. This is a particularly powerful one! I could feel it, and I’m sure you will too. Love <3
Mantras for Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities ∞The Creators
Our spiritual gifts and abilities. No matter how many we have accessed thus far, the ones we want to access tend to feel so far out of reach. Mantras, when applied correctly, can give us the right vibration to move us into that space of accessing, receiving those spiritual gifts. The Creators take us through several wonderful mantras in the course of the 11 minutes and 11 seconds of this recording, each of which will bring you closer and closer to accessing all of the spiritual gifts and abilities you’ve summoned in this lifetime and in all other lifetimes prior to this one. The Creators are masterful at guiding us to feel for the resonance of each mantra, and they explain how to correct for any lack of resonance that we feel. Now is a beautiful time to be accessing those spiritual gifts and abilities, as more and more people on Earth are waking up every day and will be looking for new teachers, channelers, healers, and guides to lead them into the fifth dimension. Love! <3
Breathing Exercise for Activating Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Archangel Michael
Conscious breathing is the most powerful and underutilized tool that we have in our spiritual toolkits. It’s so easy. We do it all the time. But how often do we actually take advantage of how transformative breathwork can be? In this 14-minute breathing exercise, brought to you by Archangel Michael, the archangel takes us through a series of breaths, each one designed to get us into the right vibration for activating all of our spiritual gifts. Our spiritual gifts, unlike skills we acquire through hard work, come to us through our willingness to sit and relax, to open up and receive. The archangel takes us through the proper breathing technique to get into that perfect state of receptivity so that our gifts can awaken and come to the surface of our consciousness. Joy! <3
Accessing, Unlocking & Sharing Your Spiritual Gifts Meditation ∞The Buddha
Our spiritual gifts. They can be quite elusive at times. And no matter how many we access, we always want more. I know I would love some clairaudience! I channeled The Buddha for this 15-minute meditation, and in it, he leads us through a guided exercise to access, activate, and unlock all of our gifts – channeling, psychic abilities, intuitive senses, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Buddha even helps us with the super-challenging part of the equation that cannot be overemphasized…the confidence to share our gifts with the world, knowing that we will only use them for the greatest and highest good of all. Listen to this meditation any time you feel that urge to tap in to something more…something otherworldly that goes far beyond the five senses. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Blocks to Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Daniel & Maricris
For this 10 minute sound healing, I teamed up with my shamanic priestess wife Maricris. She played the drum, and I channeled the sounds, tones, and overtones. The channeling is infused with the intention, vibration, and energetic signature to remove and release all blocks that you have to accessing your spiritual gifts. The blocks can be related to past lives where you were imprisoned, ostracized, tortured, and even killed for having those gifts. Blocks also get created when we live in doubt of ourselves. They can come to us from societal programming, and even from not wanting to stand out from the crowd. Listen to this one every time you feel the urge to channel, access your healing abilities, or have the desire to tune in to any spiritual gift at all. Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Spiritual Gifts
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that will activate the spiritual gifts that you’ve been seeking to attain. The spiritual gifts I’m referring to here are: channeling, speaking light languages, having psychic experiences, opening your third eye, accessing your healing abilities, and achieving telepathic connections with E.T.s. These are all gifts that are attainable while we are still 4th dimensional, and they are accessible to us all now. This light language will activate these abilities within you, but be patient. It may take time for them to manifest. Love! <3
Attunement for Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, I channeled Yeshua, and the ascended master brought through an attunement to help you access your spiritual gifts. We have all led so many lifetimes as different life forms and in higher dimensions all across the galaxy. So it stands to reason that we have achieved spiritual mastery and have attained spiritual gifts in those past lives. Yeshua helps us connect to those other versions of ourselves and download the gifts from those lifetimes. Yeshua’s energy alone is enough to activate those gifts within us. This is a strong and powerful download that can be effective after just one listen! The ascended master also helps us to access new gifts that will only be accessible in this lifetime. Love! <3
How to Discover Your Spiritual Gifts ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council tells us how to discover our spiritual gifts and what to do once we realize what those gifts are. The Arcturians are our biggest cheerleaders, and they won’t let us give up on ourselves, no matter how far we feel we are from achieving our goals. You will feel reinvigorated to pursue any and all of the spiritual gifts that you’ve ever wanted to pursue after listening to this one. Enjoy! <3
Developing Your Spiritual Gifts to Be of Service to Others ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council gives us an uplifting message about our spiritual gifts, how to use them to help others, and they also walk us through a process to release our fears about being exposed to others who might not understand us or our abilities. This download is very encouraging and supportive, and you will get practical advice as to how to move forward with your mission to be of service to the collective. Enjoy! <3
Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts Online Event ∞Audio Recording
In the audio recording of this event that ran for just under 2 hours and 15 minutes, you’ll be taken through an opening, grounding meditation from Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton. Next, I channeled The Creators, and they spoke on the topic of accessing your spiritual gifts. Maricris also spoke on the topic, and then we opened the floor to questions. The Creators answered the first round of questions, and Maricris took the second round. Topics included: how to use one’s spiritual gifts to create a vocation, whether to separate from one’s spouse, and whether one’s soulmate will come back to do the work of helping others in this lifetime. And of course, there were many more questions asked and answered. Enjoy! <3
Meditation for Accessing Your Psychic Gifts & Clairvoyant Abilities ∞Archangel Michael
I channeled Archangel Michael for this 15-minute guided meditation, set to the beautiful background music of the musician: Anneda. In this meditation, Archangel Michael guides us through a series of mantras and visualizations to bring us into connection with our spiritual gifts and clairvoyant abilities. Michael’s soothing tones and beautiful energies will put you in a relaxed state, which is the perfect state of being to exist in for receiving those gifts and unlocking those abilities. You will benefit from this meditation after just one listen, and you may find yourself receiving downloads of information, guidance, and images depicting everything you need to know after just 15 minutes! Love <3
Light Language for Activating Your Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient & Claircognizant Abilities
Clairvoyance. Clairaudience. Clairsentience. Claircognizance. These spiritual abilities are also known by some as “The Four Clairs.” They are the ability to see, hear, feel, and know what others are unable to tap in to on their own. They are essentially the four senses of the higher self, the fifth-dimensional self, whereas, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, and hearing are the five senses of the ego and third-dimensional self. This six-minute channeled light language is infused with the intention, vibration and galactic light codes to activate these abilities within you so that you can live as your 5D self, while still having a physical body, and while still in a 4D reality. How is that possible? Light language works on you by going beyond your physical mind’s ability to comprehend. It dives deep inside of you to activate that which has always been there, lying dormant within. It is the language of the fifth dimension, ultimately leading us into a time of telepathic communication. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Clairaudience
Clairaudience is one of those gifts I hear people asking for in private sessions where I’m channeling the high frequency beings I work with. There seems to be a much higher demand for this spiritual gift than there is a supply for it in the ethers. That’s why I created this sound healing with one of my crystal bowls and the tones and overtones I channel. I infused the sounds with the intention to unlock your clairaudient abilities. We all have them. And we all want to hear more from our guides, higher selves, oversouls, other high frequency beings, and Source. And after listening to this recording, it’s my intention that you will. Just listen to the recording, and then sit or lie down in a quiet place to listen with your mind’s ear for that little voice that’s easily distinguishable from the one you normally hear in your head 🙂. Love! <3
Hands on Healing Attunement ∞Yeshua
This download/attunement of just over 11 and a half minutes gives us a brand new healing modality, combining the energy of Yeshua with the love in our hearts. The energy from this attunement from Yeshua can be used to heal ourselves, other people in our lives, and the entire collective. You will feel the energy in the palms of your hands after receiving this attunement, and you can use it to get yourself and others back in the flow of the healing energy that is available to us all…always! Enjoy 🙂
Light Language for Activating Your Psychic Abilities
Psychic abilities are on the rise of late. More and more of us are tuning in. If you haven’t had a psychic hit, a moment of telepathy, a precognition, or any of the other myriad of psychic phenomena, now is the time to open yourself up to these abilities. This light language I channeled is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to bring your psychic abilities to the forefront of your consciousness. Psychics read energy and see down potential timelines, and after your abilities are activated, you’ll be able to do both for yourself and for others. Listen to it as many times as you feel inspired to. Love! <3
How to Access & Strengthen Your Psychic Abilities ∞The PHCo7
Whether you’ve already accessed your psychic abilities, or whether you’ve never had a single experience of extra-sensory perception, this download can help. In this recording of just over 12 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven explain how to tap in to the energies other people, timelines, situations, and the entire human collective. It will open up a whole new world of possibilities for you! Enjoy <3
Meditation for Activating Your Healing Abilities ∞The PHCo7
Through their soothing energy and vibration, the Pleiadian High Council of 7 helps us to gain access to what already exists inside of our bodies, minds, and energetic fields as they guide us through the process of reaching for what lies within us. We’ve all been healers in previous lifetimes, and some of those lifetimes (thousands for some of us) took place in the Pleiadian Star System. That means that the Pleiadian High Council of 7, as Pleiadian beings, can activate us to re-activate those abilities, just as they can activate our Pleiadian DNA and the knowing of ourselves as Pleiadian beings. The Pleiades is all about healing, teaching, channeling, and leading others into a higher vibrational state. That’s why the PHCo7 was the obvious choice for this meditation. I’m so happy to have brought them through for all of you! Joy <3
Light Language for Accessing Your Clairaudient Abilities
Clairaudience – the ability to hear what the beings in the higher realms (including our guides) are saying to us. It’s actually the ability to translate the energy they’re sending us into sounds that we hear in our mind’s/inner ear. This is an ability that everyone wants. We all want that guidance and clarity. So I channeled this light language with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to give you access to those clairaudient abilities. Listen to this one and then enjoy some silence. And see what comes next. You can open yourself up to hearing from beings in the higher realms. Love! <3
Light Language For Accessing Your Gifts & Abilities From Past Life Selves
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 47 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes that will help you gain greater access to the abilities that the past life versions of yourself have cultivated. These abilities are yours to claim, and the access to them is something that many of you have sought for years and years. The exposure to these high frequency sounds, words, tones, and codes is just what you need to unlock that which is already inside of you. Listen to this one over and over until you feel the access to the abilities that you’ve wanted to access for so long. The abilities I’m referring to here include: channeling, clairvoyance, psychic abilities, telepathy, healing, accessing the akashic records, and more. Joy! <3
How to Develop Your Clairvoyant Abilities ∞The Creators
In this download of 11 minutes and 19 seconds, I channeled The Creators, and they brought through a series of steps you can take to develop your clairvoyant abilities. Whether your are more visually-oriented, feel things, know things, or hear things, you will benefit from this particular exercise. This is a wonderful tool that you can use to help yourself, others, or the entire human race. We are all receiving energy and information from the higher realms, and it’s time for you to start tapping into it. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Healing Abilities
In this download of just over 5 and a half minutes, you’ll hear me speaking a light language that is infused with the intention to activate your healing abilities. While you listen, feel the chakras in the palms of your hands. If you want to be a sound healer, feel into your throat chakra while you listen. After listening a few times, you may feel inspired to speak your own light language. Each person speaks their own unique light language, so don’t expect it to sound like mine. Have fun with it and enjoy! <3
How to Access & Strengthen Your Psychic Abilities ∞The PHCo7
Whether you’ve already accessed your psychic abilities, or whether you’ve never had a single experience of extra-sensory perception, this download can help. In this recording of just over 12 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven explain how to tap in to the energies other people, timelines, situations, and the entire human collective. It will open up a whole new world of possibilities for you! Enjoy <3
Light Language for Activating More Reiki Energy to Flow Through You
Reiki Energy. Most people don’t know this about me, but I am a Reiki Master, and it was through doing reiki on people that I noticed I had the ability to channel. As a Reiki Master, I can give people attunements for Reiki 1, Reiki 2, and I can give others Reiki Master attunements as well. When I channeled this light language, I did so while holding the intention that the light language brought through would include the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate the reiki energy in the listener. It’s 6 minutes in length and very powerful. Anyone who is already attuned in any of the reiki levels will benefit from this download, as it was designed to activate MORE of the reiki energy in you, no matter what level you’ve attained. Even if you’ve never had a single attunement, this light language will affect your healing abilities in a positive way. Flow! <3
Enjoy This Activate Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Mega Bundle!
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