This download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council represents my first channeling of these high-frequency beings. The Arcturians offer us an explanation of our relationship to them, why they are coming through now, and they offer this download of energy that we can ground in our physical bodies and mother Earth. They also state that the download will activate our Arcturian DNA and that the connection between us will never be lost. Enjoy! <3
Arcturian Energy Download & Activation ∞ Pay What You Want
This download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council represents my first channeling of these high-frequency beings. The Arcturians offer us an explanation of our relationship to them, why they are coming through now, and they offer this download of energy that we can ground in our physical bodies and mother Earth. They also state that the download will activate our Arcturian DNA and that the connection between us will never be lost. Enjoy! <3
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