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Ascending to the 5th Dimension ∞A Mega Bundle
This Mega Bundle Contains 35 Recordings, all Centered Around Ascending/Shifting to the 5th Dimension. The Recordings Include: Light Languages, Sound Healings, Attunements, Processes, Mantras, Activations, a Meditation & a Recording
This Mega Bundle Contains 35 Recordings, all Centered Around Ascending/Shifting to the 5th Dimension. The Recordings Include: Light Languages, Sound Healings, Attunements, Processes, Mantras, Activations, a Meditation & a Recording from a Workshop I did with My Wifey, Maricrís. The Total Value of this Ascending to the 5th Dimension Mega Bundle is over $530.
Light Language for Accelerating Your Awakening & Ascension
Awakening. Being awake. I do believe that one’s level of awakening lies on a continuum, because even though we can say, “Yes, I believe I am Source Energy and so is everyone else and everything I experience,” living that truth is something else entirely. The more aware we are in the moment, the more awakened we become to each moment, the possibilities that lie within each moment, and the Divinity that arises within everyone and everything when we hold that awareness, and we draw that Divinity out of all that we are interacting with. Ascension is something that we will continue to see many predictions about…when it will happen, how it will happen, who is going to 5D and who is staying on a 3D type of Earth. The speculations will be endless. But we can take control of our own personal awakening and ascension paths by continuing to tune in to our thoughts, feelings, and raise our frequencies deliberately. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. I want to help everyone get to that highest level of consciousness possible so that we can all have the experience of being awake, aware, and ascending to 5D in the not-so-distant future. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Your Internal & External Blocks to Your Ascension
Ascension. When is it happening? I do believe that it ultimately is up to all of us, as we are the ones clearing all of our trauma, stuck energies, negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions so that we can make that leap to the fifth dimension. Are there external forces attempting to block us from ascending? It seems pretty likely that there are in fact these beings, both human and e.t., operating in the dark, and seeking to keep us all from knowing ourselves as our 5D/higher selves. Internal blockages are also factors, even just the idea that you’re not good enough, or that you haven’t done enough to prove yourself worth of ascension. Other blockages that we may be carrying around with us could have originated in past lives, but they still influence us to this day because of the connection that we have to those other aspects of self. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. I intended for the tones, overtones, and sounds created by my crystal bowl to all hold the vibration that will release those blockages from inside of you and clear any influence of external forces on your energy, mind, field, chakras, and so on. This sound healing is powerful!Love <3
Light Language for Releasing All Blocks to Your Ascension & for Putting You on a Path of Ease to 5D
Ascension. I speak with a lot of people who are wondering whether they can ascend to the fifth dimension in this lifetime. I also look around at the current state of affairs on Earth and wonder myself if we’re even close to being able to raise our vibration collectively to the 5D level of frequency required for us to shift. So we all have our doubts, or at least many of us do. And that’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language. I intended for the light language to contain the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes that would release those blocks from our being-ness, whether the blocks are mental, emotional, or energetic. After listening to this light language, you will feel more confident that you are ascending, no matter what anyone else is saying or doing that might make it seem impossible for this to occur in our current lifetime. The light language is also infused with the intention to put you on a path to the 5th dimension that is filled with ease, joy, and excitement. Love <3
If you have just a little bit of doubt, you could clear it all out with one listen, but if you have much doubt, anxiety, and even fear about ascension, then this one might be a daily practice for you, at least for a while. You’ll know when you need a booster from this language of light, as you might see or hear something that reignites your doubts about whether you can and will ascend in this body and in this lifetime. I know that listening to this one when you’re in that state of fear, anxiety and worry will help raise your vibration and your consciousness, as well as giving you the confidence and knowing that you can and do create your reality, and that includes whether or not you’re ascending. Joy! <3
Light Language For Releasing Your Ascension Symptoms ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Ascension symptoms. Not only have I suffered from them myself, but I’ve also heard countless others talk about theirs in private sessions. Whether you experience ascension symptoms chronically, or just have bouts with acute symptoms from time to time, they are never fun and are always debilitating. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language recording. I have grown tired of my own ascension symptoms, and I’m sure many or most of you feel the same way, if not worse, about yours. When I channel a light language for a specific intention, I hold that intention, wait for a moment, and then I let the language of light flow through me while continuing to focus on the intention for it. I know that the light languages in this universe have a unique healing quality, because they often come through me spontaneously when I’m performing a healing on someone (or on myself). These light languages are powerful transmissions because they hold the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to put you in an energetic state that will open you up heal, release, or create whatever you’ve been asking the universe for.Joy! <3
Light Language with 5D Galactic Light Codes for Ascension
Ascension. We’ve been hearing about it for years. It’s been referred to as “The Shift,” “The Event,” and people talk about a solar flash or solar sneeze that will initiate this monumental shift in consciousness. A light language is a higher-dimensional form of expression that activates you in your physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies. These languages of light carry within them sacred geometrical shapes and galactic light codes. I channeled this light language, and when I did, I infused it with the intention, vibration, and 5D galactic light codes to activate the experience of ascension within you. These 5D galactic light codes are lying dormant within each and every one of us, and we don’t need to wait for a solar flash, flare, sneeze, or any cosmic event to activate them so that we can exist in a fifth dimensional state. We can be in 5D now, while we remain physically present in the fourth dimension, inviting others to join us in the state of being of our Higher Selves.Joy! <3
Light Language for Accessing the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid
I channeled this light language foraccessing the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid and infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes necessary to put you into vibrational resonance with the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid. To access the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid means you are accessing the energies coming in that are grounded by you and all the other lightworkers around the world to co-create this 5th dimensional grid system. You contribute to it, and you benefit from it at the same time, and this light language helps you to tune into it.
Light Language for Aligning You with the Fastest Timeline to Ascension
Ascension. When is it gonna happen already?? Well, I keep hearing 2028 in private sessions, but I also hear the guides saying that it could happen sooner if we jump timelines. That’s what this light language transmission is all about…getting you in the right frequency to jump timelines to the one where ascension will occur sooner than later. I channeled this light language and could feel the infusion of the energy of ascension. This is a HIGHfrequencytransmission of intention, vibration, and galactic light codes. Do this one once a day until you feel that you’ve jumped timelines and that ascension is right around the corner. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Healing, Releasing & Clearing Your Ascension Symptoms ∞Daniel & Maricris
In this sound healing of just over 10 minutes, my lovely wife Maricris does the shamanic drumming while I channel tones and overtones, and the result is: a healing for your ascension symptoms. Listen to this one whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pain, fatigue, and discomfort that we all sometimes experience in our physical bodies as a result of being on this ascension journey. Having had ascension symptoms for 25 years, I can relate to how debilitating they are. Having this sound healing ready to go is like having a beautiful elixir, always at the ready. Some ascension symptoms are emotional, and of course, they can also be alleviated by listening to this sound healing.Well-Being! <3
How to Channel Your Fifth-Dimensional Self ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through the process of connecting with our 5th dimensional selves. He then encourages us to receive the information our 5D self has about ascension, how to enjoy it, and what to do in order to get there. By the end of the download, you will receive images, insights, and will be channeling verbally for your 5D self. Trust it! And enjoy 🙂 <3
Ascension Attunement ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds,Yeshua walks us through an ascension experience. He assures us that ascension is ours for the taking, that there’s no need to earn it,and that the only requirement is a willingness to feel the love that we are. He gives us an attunement, filled with his Love and Light that will resonate with that which is Divine and eternal in all of us. This one can be done any time you need a reminder of the truth of who you really are. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Alleviating Ascension Symptoms ∞Various
In this download of 10 minutes and 10 seconds, I channeled a myriad of different high frequency beings with the intention that the tones and overtones would be infused with the energy to help each of us move through our ascension symptoms. As someone who has been feeling tired for over 20 years, I’m certainly ready to release mine! Quan Yin, The Hathors, The Creators, and many other beings that I channel came through to deliver these tones and overtones. Listen or tone along, but be sure to drink plenty of water when you’re done. Enjoy! <3
How to Release Your Ascension Symptoms ∞Archangel Michael
If you’ve been experiencing ascension symptoms over the past years or even decades, you’re not alone. What is an ascension symptom? It’s quite simply any chronic condition that you’re experiencing physically or emotionally. In this download of over 12 and a half minutes, Archangel Michael provides a roadmap for navigating these symptoms, releasing them, and even how to enjoy the experience of letting them go for good. Just because we’re all ascending doesn’t mean we have to do it the hard way. <3
Light Language for Releasing 3rd-Dimensional Thoughts, Beliefs & Energies & the 3D Matrix
The 3rd dimension. Some people refer to it as “The Matrix.” We’re leaving it behind once and for all in this lifetime, but as 4th-dimensional beings we still have the option of running 3D thoughts, beliefs, energies, along with the whole 3D matrix and its systems, paradigms, etc. In order to elevate our consciousness to the 5th-dimensional frequency range, we have to leave all of that behind. That’s why I channeled this language of light for releasing 3D thoughts, beliefs, energies and freeing you from the 3D matrix. Before channeling this one, I set the intention that it would hold the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes for releasing you from the 3rd dimension altogether and once and for all. The result is the powerful 6-minute light language that I just received the inspiration to channel. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Blocks to Accessing Your 5D Chakras & 5D Chakra System
Your 5th-Dimensional Chakras and 5th-Dimensional Chakra System. As we access our 5D light bodies, we are also accessing our 5D chakras and 5D chakra system. As 5th-dimensional beings, we will have 12 main chakras. The 7 mainchakras we have had in the third dimension will still be with us, albeit very upgraded versions of themselves, but we will also have an additional 5 chakras that will guide us into the celestial and galactic realms. These 5D chakras will represent the leaps forward we will have made, and they will grant us more access to the higher realms and the beings/collectives that exist in those higher realms. Access to your 5D chakras will also make channeling so much easier for everyone. This 10-minute sound healing will grant you access to your 5D chakras by removing any and all blocks you have to them. Joy! <3
Light Language for Receiving Wisdom from Your Future, 5D & Higher Self
Our future self, also known as our higher self, or our 5th-dimensional self. They know more than we do. They must. They’ve lived everything that we have and so much more. That’s why being in touch with our future selves is such a gift. We can benefit from their pearls of wisdom, and they can tell us how they got to where we are going so that we can take the easiest, best, and most joyous path to our future. I channeled this 6-minute light language while holding the intention of bringing through the energies, galactic light codes, and for the language of light to hold the vibration to put you into the state of being necessary to bring you those words of wisdom and downloads of energy and information from your future self. I know our future selves are our guides, helping us whenever and however they can. If we open up to them and let them know that we’re listening, imagine how much they can offer us. Imagine what you could do with that wisdom. My feeling is that we need it now more than ever. These are intense times, and hearing from our future selves can give us exactly what we need to navigate through them with ease and joy. Love! <3
Light Language for Creating the New 5D Earth
Now seems like the perfect time to be envisioning a New 5D Earth for us all to inherit. I channeled this light language with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for doing just that, and I invite you to join me in the creation of paradise on Earth! Before, after, and during your listening to this channeled light language transmission, hold the space, use your imagination, and feel the vibration of the New 5D Earth we are co-creating together. The channeled codes, sounds, and vibration will assist you in activating the 5D DNA within you, and they’ll also help you to align with the energies of this New 5D Earth that we have been hearing about for quite some time and feel more ready than ever to live on in a state of peace, love and bliss! I am quite certain that together, sitting in the light, and holding the intention, we can find ourselves living on this New 5D Earth sooner than later. Love <3
Light Language for Activating Your 5D Blueprint
Our 5th dimensional blueprints. They exist within us, waiting to be activated. They’re the plans we had for becoming fifth dimensional before we incarnated in this lifetime. The only thing keep us from accessing them is our vibration, and this light language I channeled will alter your vibration to give you access to that which lies dormant inside of you…your 5D blueprint. Light languages are not meant to be understood. They’re activations. They work on our cells, DNA and the energies that we’ve been unable to access thus far in this lifetime. They go beyond the logical mind to give us what we cannot figure out how to grant ourselves access to. They’re powerful sounds and quasi-words meant to flip all the right switches within us. I infused this language of light with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to bring about that 5D blueprint activation that will have you accessing the fifth dimension sooner than later!Joy <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Blocks to Becoming Your 5D/Higher Self
Use this 10-minute sound healing with channeled tones by me for releasing all blocks to becoming your higher self. I played one of my crystal bowls to add to the power of the energy created by the tones. I infused each tone with the intention of releasing the blockages you have to becoming your 5th dimensional/higher self.
This aspect of us is just waiting to come out, but we’ve been told how small and insignificant we are by so many…and in so many lifetimes! That’s why I created this sound healing. It was specifically crafted to release all of those blocks, even the ones we had no idea existed. That’s why sound healing is such a wonderful healing modality. Sound can release blockages that have been around for lifetimes!
Light Language for Accessing the Energies of The Shift/Event
The Shift. Or is it The Event now? At some point in 2018, people really started expecting that which my guides and other beings have been referring to as The Shift to happen soon, like really soon. And now, prediction after prediction for the event/shift have come and gone, leading some to speculate “Will it ever happen!?!?!”The answer is of course yes. But we don’t have to wait for a solar event/flash or cosmic wave of love to bring us those 5D energies.
We can access that moment in this now. It’s all about attuning ourselves to it. That’s why I channeled this 6 minute light language. I want to empower you. I want you to be able to access these energies now, rather than waiting years and years for something outside of you to happen.
This is the fourth dimension and that means we get to take control of our lives and what we create. We are the ones who will usher in this new way of living on planet Earth. It is why we are all here. So find a quiet place, make yourself comfortable, take in a few calming breaths, and allow this light language to help you create your own personal event/shift now. Joy! <3
Light Language for Aligning You with & Activating Your 5th Dimensional Chakras
The 5th Dimensional Chakra System. Have you heard of it? Are you aware that you have one? These 5D chakras are numbered 8 through 12, and we have access to them right now! I channeled this light language transmission with the intention, vibration, and infused it with galactic light codes to give you access to your 5D chakra system, aligning you with their power and wisdom. These chakras, unlike the ones in our physical bodies, tend to hang around in our energy fields. But when you listen to this recording, you’ll be inviting them into your body. And that’s going to put you in a fifth dimensional frequency state for sure. Joy! <3
Light Language for Putting You in the Fifth Dimensional Frequency State
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 47 seconds, I channeled a light language that holds the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to take you to the fifth dimensional frequency state. As fourth dimensional beings, we have access to the fifth dimensional frequency state, and once we achieve that state, it’s up to us to hold it. If you need to listen to this one a few times in a row to really get the momentum doing, absolutely do so. And then hold the frequency of 5D for as long as you can while doing the things you normally do in a day. See how long you can hold it for, and then see if you can hold it for longer the following day. Enjoy! <3
5th Dimensional Energy Attunement ∞The Creators
In this download of 12 minutes and 15 seconds, I channeledThe Creators, and they brought through a series of steps you can use to give yourself a 5D energy attunement at any time you want one. The energies of the fifth dimension are all around us…and within us! Using this process, you’ll give yourself greater access to that which is your birthright. Living as our higher selves/5th dimensional selves is something we all have available to ourselves in the here and now. Take advantage of that truth by utilizing this download to bring yourself into the higher frequencies of 5D. The steps are simple and straightforward, and I know that anyone/everyone can give themselves this attunement.Joy! <3
How to Co-Create with the 5D Energies ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council brings us a process for receiving, downloading, assimilating to, and then co-creating with the energies of the fifth dimension. They also give us some advice for moving forward after the process so that we can maintain the higher vibrational state that we reach during the process. You will feel much more confident about your creations after this one. It’s the template for creating and manifesting as we move forward as a human race. Love! <3
Mantras for Aligning You w/Shifting to 5D in this Lifetime ∞The Creators
In this download of just over 12 minutes, I channeled The Creators, and they brought through a series of mantras to help align you with The Shift in consciousness to the fifth dimension in this lifetime. The Creators explain how to make each mantra effective for you, and they offer some other suggestions for using your own mantras as well. Use this one whenever you’re feeling doubtful about making the shift in this lifetime. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your 5D Abilities
In this light language transmission of just under six and a half minutes, I channeled a light language that is infused with the vibration of activating your 5th dimensional abilities. The vibration will activate your abilities.What are your 5D abilities? Telepathy, Channeling, Telekinesis, Channeling, Teleportation, and so much more! The more frequently you listen, the more you will feel the activations occurring. Once you get inspired, you can begin to speak your own light language, and that light language will be different because it will be yours. You will then begin to activate your 5D abilities through your own unique language of light. Enjoy! <3
5D Energy Grid & Heart Code Activations Event ∞Audio Recording
In the audiorecording from this online workshop I did with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton, you’ll receive an opening meditation from Maricris, a 5D Energy Grid Activation from The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and a Heart Code Activation from SouStar. After the meditation and activations, we opened the floor to questions, and there were several asked and answered, including ones on parenting, up-leveling one’s business, prospects for romantic relationships, and more. The recording is 1 hour and 45 minutes, and it’s jam packed with goodness! Enjoy <3
Accessing the 5th Dimension Meditation ∞Quan Yin
In this 15 minute meditation from Quan Yin, she takes us on a journey to the 5th Dimension. She helps us access our light bodies, the abilities we know are available to us in 5D, and the 5th Dimension itself. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and Quan Yin’s energetic transmission is strong and unmistakable. Once you achieve the 5D frequency state, Quan Yin gives and activation to help you stay there as well. Welcome to the 5th Dimension! Enjoy <3
5D Creator Being Attunement ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 12 seconds, the Arcturian Council give an attunement that will assist us in utilizing the fifth dimensional energy all around us to become the Creator Beings we were born to be in this lifetime. In addition to the attunement, they walk us through an active process that will result in a new creation by the end of the recording. Then our job is just to sit back, relax, and get into receiver mode. Enjoy! <3
5D Frequency Upgrade & Higher Self Alignment ∞The PHCo7
In this download of just under 13 minutes, the Pleiadian High Council of Seven offer up a Fifth Dimensional Frequency Upgrade and an alignment with our Higher Selves. According to the P’s, we are now ready to start receiving the 5D energy that’s all around us and to actualize our Higher Selves in order to live the lives of our dreams. You will probably want to drink a lot of water before and after this one, and prepare yourself for a powerful download of energy. Enjoy! <3
5D Grid Activation & Connection ∞The Creators
The Fifth-Dimensional Grid of Energy is available to us in the here and now. In this download of just over 11 minutes, The Creators take us through a process of feeling for that grid, accessing it within ourselves, and connecting the external 5D grid with our internal one. This process connects us to each other and Mother Earth. Once you make that connection, it’s yours forever. Enjoy <3
Fifth-Dimensional Chakra Activation ∞The PHCo7
The fifth-dimensional charka system is becoming more relevant as we take on the higher frequency energies. It’s a dynamic chakra system that we canbegin working with and playing with right NOW! This download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds from the Pleiadian High Council of Seven will introduce you to the 5D chakra system and encourage you to integrate them into your physical body. Enjoy! <3
Energy Field Clearing & 5D Upgrade ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of over 12 minutes, Archangel Michael offers a clearing of the energy, trauma, emotions, and attachments from our energetic field (also known as the auric field). After assisting us in clearing out the old, Michael offers a frequency upgrade for our fields so that we can receive the downloads we already have waiting for us. This upgrade will also help us hold more of that Fifth-Dimensional Love and Light in our fields. Enjoy <3
Energy Field Clearing & 5D Activation ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7
We’ve all heard of energy attachments. No matter where they come from, if they get stuck in our energy fields, they can affect us in very subtle but also very real ways.The Pleiadians are here to help! They walk us through a process to clear that energy out of our fields, making way for the high-frequency energies of the fifth dimension that are coming at us from all angles these days. This download of 12 minutes is sure have you feeling shiny and new after you complete it. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Activating Your 5D Light Body ∞The Hathors & Quan Yin
Activating your 5th dimensional light body is possible in the here and now. The transition from the carbon-based 3D body to the crystalline-based 5D body is already underway. To give ourselves the experience of a conscious transition, there are many things we can do. Toning is one of them! So The Hathors & Quan Yin got together to deliver this download of over 10 minutes of tones and overtones to assist. You can tone along or just listen in and feel the shift in your frequency. Enjoy! <3
Tones and Overtones for Accessing Your 5D Abilities
We all know about the wondrous fifth dimension and that we are hurtling towards it at a pace that is most appropriate for all. But some of us are beginning to access those abilities in the here and now. Claircognizance, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, and Clairaudience are just a few of those abilities. Activating our light bodies, teleportation, telepathy, and so many more abilities are available to us as we begin to hold a fifth-dimensional frequency state more and more of the time. These tones and overtones are brought to you by the Quarnthians, Creators, and Hathors, and they are my favorite to date. They are infused with the intentions and the codes to help unlock those 5D abilities in all of us! Enjoy <3
Ascending to the 5th Dimension ∞A Mega Bundle
This Mega Bundle Contains 35 Recordings, all Centered Around Ascending/Shifting to the 5th Dimension. The Recordings Include: Light Languages, Sound Healings, Attunements, Processes, Mantras, Activations, a Meditation & a Recording
This Mega Bundle Contains 35 Recordings, all Centered Around Ascending/Shifting to the 5th Dimension. The Recordings Include: Light Languages, Sound Healings, Attunements, Processes, Mantras, Activations, a Meditation & a Recording from a Workshop I did with My Wifey, Maricrís. The Total Value of this Ascending to the 5th Dimension Mega Bundle is over $530.
Light Language for Accelerating Your Awakening & Ascension
Awakening. Being awake. I do believe that one’s level of awakening lies on a continuum, because even though we can say, “Yes, I believe I am Source Energy and so is everyone else and everything I experience,” living that truth is something else entirely. The more aware we are in the moment, the more awakened we become to each moment, the possibilities that lie within each moment, and the Divinity that arises within everyone and everything when we hold that awareness, and we draw that Divinity out of all that we are interacting with. Ascension is something that we will continue to see many predictions about…when it will happen, how it will happen, who is going to 5D and who is staying on a 3D type of Earth. The speculations will be endless. But we can take control of our own personal awakening and ascension paths by continuing to tune in to our thoughts, feelings, and raise our frequencies deliberately. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. I want to help everyone get to that highest level of consciousness possible so that we can all have the experience of being awake, aware, and ascending to 5D in the not-so-distant future. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Your Internal & External Blocks to Your Ascension
Ascension. When is it happening? I do believe that it ultimately is up to all of us, as we are the ones clearing all of our trauma, stuck energies, negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions so that we can make that leap to the fifth dimension. Are there external forces attempting to block us from ascending? It seems pretty likely that there are in fact these beings, both human and e.t., operating in the dark, and seeking to keep us all from knowing ourselves as our 5D/higher selves. Internal blockages are also factors, even just the idea that you’re not good enough, or that you haven’t done enough to prove yourself worth of ascension. Other blockages that we may be carrying around with us could have originated in past lives, but they still influence us to this day because of the connection that we have to those other aspects of self. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. I intended for the tones, overtones, and sounds created by my crystal bowl to all hold the vibration that will release those blockages from inside of you and clear any influence of external forces on your energy, mind, field, chakras, and so on. This sound healing is powerful! Love <3
Light Language for Releasing All Blocks to Your Ascension & for Putting You on a Path of Ease to 5D
Ascension. I speak with a lot of people who are wondering whether they can ascend to the fifth dimension in this lifetime. I also look around at the current state of affairs on Earth and wonder myself if we’re even close to being able to raise our vibration collectively to the 5D level of frequency required for us to shift. So we all have our doubts, or at least many of us do. And that’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language. I intended for the light language to contain the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes that would release those blocks from our being-ness, whether the blocks are mental, emotional, or energetic. After listening to this light language, you will feel more confident that you are ascending, no matter what anyone else is saying or doing that might make it seem impossible for this to occur in our current lifetime. The light language is also infused with the intention to put you on a path to the 5th dimension that is filled with ease, joy, and excitement. Love <3
If you have just a little bit of doubt, you could clear it all out with one listen, but if you have much doubt, anxiety, and even fear about ascension, then this one might be a daily practice for you, at least for a while. You’ll know when you need a booster from this language of light, as you might see or hear something that reignites your doubts about whether you can and will ascend in this body and in this lifetime. I know that listening to this one when you’re in that state of fear, anxiety and worry will help raise your vibration and your consciousness, as well as giving you the confidence and knowing that you can and do create your reality, and that includes whether or not you’re ascending. Joy! <3
Light Language For Releasing Your Ascension Symptoms ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Ascension symptoms. Not only have I suffered from them myself, but I’ve also heard countless others talk about theirs in private sessions. Whether you experience ascension symptoms chronically, or just have bouts with acute symptoms from time to time, they are never fun and are always debilitating. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language recording. I have grown tired of my own ascension symptoms, and I’m sure many or most of you feel the same way, if not worse, about yours. When I channel a light language for a specific intention, I hold that intention, wait for a moment, and then I let the language of light flow through me while continuing to focus on the intention for it. I know that the light languages in this universe have a unique healing quality, because they often come through me spontaneously when I’m performing a healing on someone (or on myself). These light languages are powerful transmissions because they hold the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to put you in an energetic state that will open you up heal, release, or create whatever you’ve been asking the universe for. Joy! <3
Light Language with 5D Galactic Light Codes for Ascension
Ascension. We’ve been hearing about it for years. It’s been referred to as “The Shift,” “The Event,” and people talk about a solar flash or solar sneeze that will initiate this monumental shift in consciousness. A light language is a higher-dimensional form of expression that activates you in your physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies. These languages of light carry within them sacred geometrical shapes and galactic light codes. I channeled this light language, and when I did, I infused it with the intention, vibration, and 5D galactic light codes to activate the experience of ascension within you. These 5D galactic light codes are lying dormant within each and every one of us, and we don’t need to wait for a solar flash, flare, sneeze, or any cosmic event to activate them so that we can exist in a fifth dimensional state. We can be in 5D now, while we remain physically present in the fourth dimension, inviting others to join us in the state of being of our Higher Selves. Joy! <3
Light Language for Accessing the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid
I channeled this light language for accessing the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid and infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes necessary to put you into vibrational resonance with the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid. To access the 5D Crystalline Energy Grid means you are accessing the energies coming in that are grounded by you and all the other lightworkers around the world to co-create this 5th dimensional grid system. You contribute to it, and you benefit from it at the same time, and this light language helps you to tune into it.
Light Language for Aligning You with the Fastest Timeline to Ascension
Ascension. When is it gonna happen already?? Well, I keep hearing 2028 in private sessions, but I also hear the guides saying that it could happen sooner if we jump timelines. That’s what this light language transmission is all about…getting you in the right frequency to jump timelines to the one where ascension will occur sooner than later. I channeled this light language and could feel the infusion of the energy of ascension. This is a HIGH frequency transmission of intention, vibration, and galactic light codes. Do this one once a day until you feel that you’ve jumped timelines and that ascension is right around the corner. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Healing, Releasing & Clearing Your Ascension Symptoms ∞Daniel & Maricris
In this sound healing of just over 10 minutes, my lovely wife Maricris does the shamanic drumming while I channel tones and overtones, and the result is: a healing for your ascension symptoms. Listen to this one whenever you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pain, fatigue, and discomfort that we all sometimes experience in our physical bodies as a result of being on this ascension journey. Having had ascension symptoms for 25 years, I can relate to how debilitating they are. Having this sound healing ready to go is like having a beautiful elixir, always at the ready. Some ascension symptoms are emotional, and of course, they can also be alleviated by listening to this sound healing. Well-Being! <3
How to Channel Your Fifth-Dimensional Self ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through the process of connecting with our 5th dimensional selves. He then encourages us to receive the information our 5D self has about ascension, how to enjoy it, and what to do in order to get there. By the end of the download, you will receive images, insights, and will be channeling verbally for your 5D self. Trust it! And enjoy 🙂 <3
Ascension Attunement ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through an ascension experience. He assures us that ascension is ours for the taking, that there’s no need to earn it, and that the only requirement is a willingness to feel the love that we are. He gives us an attunement, filled with his Love and Light that will resonate with that which is Divine and eternal in all of us. This one can be done any time you need a reminder of the truth of who you really are. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Alleviating Ascension Symptoms ∞Various
In this download of 10 minutes and 10 seconds, I channeled a myriad of different high frequency beings with the intention that the tones and overtones would be infused with the energy to help each of us move through our ascension symptoms. As someone who has been feeling tired for over 20 years, I’m certainly ready to release mine! Quan Yin, The Hathors, The Creators, and many other beings that I channel came through to deliver these tones and overtones. Listen or tone along, but be sure to drink plenty of water when you’re done. Enjoy! <3
How to Release Your Ascension Symptoms ∞Archangel Michael
If you’ve been experiencing ascension symptoms over the past years or even decades, you’re not alone. What is an ascension symptom? It’s quite simply any chronic condition that you’re experiencing physically or emotionally. In this download of over 12 and a half minutes, Archangel Michael provides a roadmap for navigating these symptoms, releasing them, and even how to enjoy the experience of letting them go for good. Just because we’re all ascending doesn’t mean we have to do it the hard way. <3
Light Language for Releasing 3rd-Dimensional Thoughts, Beliefs & Energies & the 3D Matrix
The 3rd dimension. Some people refer to it as “The Matrix.” We’re leaving it behind once and for all in this lifetime, but as 4th-dimensional beings we still have the option of running 3D thoughts, beliefs, energies, along with the whole 3D matrix and its systems, paradigms, etc. In order to elevate our consciousness to the 5th-dimensional frequency range, we have to leave all of that behind. That’s why I channeled this language of light for releasing 3D thoughts, beliefs, energies and freeing you from the 3D matrix. Before channeling this one, I set the intention that it would hold the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes for releasing you from the 3rd dimension altogether and once and for all. The result is the powerful 6-minute light language that I just received the inspiration to channel. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Blocks to Accessing Your 5D Chakras & 5D Chakra System
Your 5th-Dimensional Chakras and 5th-Dimensional Chakra System. As we access our 5D light bodies, we are also accessing our 5D chakras and 5D chakra system. As 5th-dimensional beings, we will have 12 main chakras. The 7 main chakras we have had in the third dimension will still be with us, albeit very upgraded versions of themselves, but we will also have an additional 5 chakras that will guide us into the celestial and galactic realms. These 5D chakras will represent the leaps forward we will have made, and they will grant us more access to the higher realms and the beings/collectives that exist in those higher realms. Access to your 5D chakras will also make channeling so much easier for everyone. This 10-minute sound healing will grant you access to your 5D chakras by removing any and all blocks you have to them. Joy! <3
Light Language for Receiving Wisdom from Your Future, 5D & Higher Self
Our future self, also known as our higher self, or our 5th-dimensional self. They know more than we do. They must. They’ve lived everything that we have and so much more. That’s why being in touch with our future selves is such a gift. We can benefit from their pearls of wisdom, and they can tell us how they got to where we are going so that we can take the easiest, best, and most joyous path to our future. I channeled this 6-minute light language while holding the intention of bringing through the energies, galactic light codes, and for the language of light to hold the vibration to put you into the state of being necessary to bring you those words of wisdom and downloads of energy and information from your future self. I know our future selves are our guides, helping us whenever and however they can. If we open up to them and let them know that we’re listening, imagine how much they can offer us. Imagine what you could do with that wisdom. My feeling is that we need it now more than ever. These are intense times, and hearing from our future selves can give us exactly what we need to navigate through them with ease and joy. Love! <3
Light Language for Creating the New 5D Earth
Now seems like the perfect time to be envisioning a New 5D Earth for us all to inherit. I channeled this light language with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for doing just that, and I invite you to join me in the creation of paradise on Earth! Before, after, and during your listening to this channeled light language transmission, hold the space, use your imagination, and feel the vibration of the New 5D Earth we are co-creating together. The channeled codes, sounds, and vibration will assist you in activating the 5D DNA within you, and they’ll also help you to align with the energies of this New 5D Earth that we have been hearing about for quite some time and feel more ready than ever to live on in a state of peace, love and bliss! I am quite certain that together, sitting in the light, and holding the intention, we can find ourselves living on this New 5D Earth sooner than later. Love <3
Light Language for Activating Your 5D Blueprint
Our 5th dimensional blueprints. They exist within us, waiting to be activated. They’re the plans we had for becoming fifth dimensional before we incarnated in this lifetime. The only thing keep us from accessing them is our vibration, and this light language I channeled will alter your vibration to give you access to that which lies dormant inside of you…your 5D blueprint. Light languages are not meant to be understood. They’re activations. They work on our cells, DNA and the energies that we’ve been unable to access thus far in this lifetime. They go beyond the logical mind to give us what we cannot figure out how to grant ourselves access to. They’re powerful sounds and quasi-words meant to flip all the right switches within us. I infused this language of light with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to bring about that 5D blueprint activation that will have you accessing the fifth dimension sooner than later! Joy <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Blocks to Becoming Your 5D/Higher Self
Use this 10-minute sound healing with channeled tones by me for releasing all blocks to becoming your higher self. I played one of my crystal bowls to add to the power of the energy created by the tones. I infused each tone with the intention of releasing the blockages you have to becoming your 5th dimensional/higher self.
This aspect of us is just waiting to come out, but we’ve been told how small and insignificant we are by so many…and in so many lifetimes! That’s why I created this sound healing. It was specifically crafted to release all of those blocks, even the ones we had no idea existed. That’s why sound healing is such a wonderful healing modality. Sound can release blockages that have been around for lifetimes!
Light Language for Accessing the Energies of The Shift/Event
The Shift. Or is it The Event now? At some point in 2018, people really started expecting that which my guides and other beings have been referring to as The Shift to happen soon, like really soon. And now, prediction after prediction for the event/shift have come and gone, leading some to speculate “Will it ever happen!?!?!” The answer is of course yes. But we don’t have to wait for a solar event/flash or cosmic wave of love to bring us those 5D energies.
We can access that moment in this now. It’s all about attuning ourselves to it. That’s why I channeled this 6 minute light language. I want to empower you. I want you to be able to access these energies now, rather than waiting years and years for something outside of you to happen.
This is the fourth dimension and that means we get to take control of our lives and what we create. We are the ones who will usher in this new way of living on planet Earth. It is why we are all here. So find a quiet place, make yourself comfortable, take in a few calming breaths, and allow this light language to help you create your own personal event/shift now. Joy! <3
Light Language for Aligning You with & Activating Your 5th Dimensional Chakras
The 5th Dimensional Chakra System. Have you heard of it? Are you aware that you have one? These 5D chakras are numbered 8 through 12, and we have access to them right now! I channeled this light language transmission with the intention, vibration, and infused it with galactic light codes to give you access to your 5D chakra system, aligning you with their power and wisdom. These chakras, unlike the ones in our physical bodies, tend to hang around in our energy fields. But when you listen to this recording, you’ll be inviting them into your body. And that’s going to put you in a fifth dimensional frequency state for sure. Joy! <3
Light Language for Putting You in the Fifth Dimensional Frequency State
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 47 seconds, I channeled a light language that holds the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to take you to the fifth dimensional frequency state. As fourth dimensional beings, we have access to the fifth dimensional frequency state, and once we achieve that state, it’s up to us to hold it. If you need to listen to this one a few times in a row to really get the momentum doing, absolutely do so. And then hold the frequency of 5D for as long as you can while doing the things you normally do in a day. See how long you can hold it for, and then see if you can hold it for longer the following day. Enjoy! <3
5th Dimensional Energy Attunement ∞The Creators
In this download of 12 minutes and 15 seconds, I channeled The Creators, and they brought through a series of steps you can use to give yourself a 5D energy attunement at any time you want one. The energies of the fifth dimension are all around us…and within us! Using this process, you’ll give yourself greater access to that which is your birthright. Living as our higher selves/5th dimensional selves is something we all have available to ourselves in the here and now. Take advantage of that truth by utilizing this download to bring yourself into the higher frequencies of 5D. The steps are simple and straightforward, and I know that anyone/everyone can give themselves this attunement. Joy! <3
How to Co-Create with the 5D Energies ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Arcturian Council brings us a process for receiving, downloading, assimilating to, and then co-creating with the energies of the fifth dimension. They also give us some advice for moving forward after the process so that we can maintain the higher vibrational state that we reach during the process. You will feel much more confident about your creations after this one. It’s the template for creating and manifesting as we move forward as a human race. Love! <3
Mantras for Aligning You w/Shifting to 5D in this Lifetime ∞The Creators
In this download of just over 12 minutes, I channeled The Creators, and they brought through a series of mantras to help align you with The Shift in consciousness to the fifth dimension in this lifetime. The Creators explain how to make each mantra effective for you, and they offer some other suggestions for using your own mantras as well. Use this one whenever you’re feeling doubtful about making the shift in this lifetime. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your 5D Abilities
In this light language transmission of just under six and a half minutes, I channeled a light language that is infused with the vibration of activating your 5th dimensional abilities. The vibration will activate your abilities.What are your 5D abilities? Telepathy, Channeling, Telekinesis, Channeling, Teleportation, and so much more! The more frequently you listen, the more you will feel the activations occurring. Once you get inspired, you can begin to speak your own light language, and that light language will be different because it will be yours. You will then begin to activate your 5D abilities through your own unique language of light. Enjoy! <3
5D Energy Grid & Heart Code Activations Event ∞Audio Recording
In the audio recording from this online workshop I did with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton, you’ll receive an opening meditation from Maricris, a 5D Energy Grid Activation from The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and a Heart Code Activation from SouStar. After the meditation and activations, we opened the floor to questions, and there were several asked and answered, including ones on parenting, up-leveling one’s business, prospects for romantic relationships, and more. The recording is 1 hour and 45 minutes, and it’s jam packed with goodness! Enjoy <3
Accessing the 5th Dimension Meditation ∞Quan Yin
In this 15 minute meditation from Quan Yin, she takes us on a journey to the 5th Dimension. She helps us access our light bodies, the abilities we know are available to us in 5D, and the 5th Dimension itself. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and Quan Yin’s energetic transmission is strong and unmistakable. Once you achieve the 5D frequency state, Quan Yin gives and activation to help you stay there as well. Welcome to the 5th Dimension! Enjoy <3
5D Creator Being Attunement ∞The Arcturian Council
In this download of 11 minutes and 12 seconds, the Arcturian Council give an attunement that will assist us in utilizing the fifth dimensional energy all around us to become the Creator Beings we were born to be in this lifetime. In addition to the attunement, they walk us through an active process that will result in a new creation by the end of the recording. Then our job is just to sit back, relax, and get into receiver mode. Enjoy! <3
5D Frequency Upgrade & Higher Self Alignment ∞The PHCo7
In this download of just under 13 minutes, the Pleiadian High Council of Seven offer up a Fifth Dimensional Frequency Upgrade and an alignment with our Higher Selves. According to the P’s, we are now ready to start receiving the 5D energy that’s all around us and to actualize our Higher Selves in order to live the lives of our dreams. You will probably want to drink a lot of water before and after this one, and prepare yourself for a powerful download of energy. Enjoy! <3
5D Grid Activation & Connection ∞The Creators
The Fifth-Dimensional Grid of Energy is available to us in the here and now. In this download of just over 11 minutes, The Creators take us through a process of feeling for that grid, accessing it within ourselves, and connecting the external 5D grid with our internal one. This process connects us to each other and Mother Earth. Once you make that connection, it’s yours forever. Enjoy <3
Fifth-Dimensional Chakra Activation ∞The PHCo7
The fifth-dimensional charka system is becoming more relevant as we take on the higher frequency energies. It’s a dynamic chakra system that we can begin working with and playing with right NOW! This download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds from the Pleiadian High Council of Seven will introduce you to the 5D chakra system and encourage you to integrate them into your physical body. Enjoy! <3
Energy Field Clearing & 5D Upgrade ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of over 12 minutes, Archangel Michael offers a clearing of the energy, trauma, emotions, and attachments from our energetic field (also known as the auric field). After assisting us in clearing out the old, Michael offers a frequency upgrade for our fields so that we can receive the downloads we already have waiting for us. This upgrade will also help us hold more of that Fifth-Dimensional Love and Light in our fields. Enjoy <3
Energy Field Clearing & 5D Activation ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7
We’ve all heard of energy attachments. No matter where they come from, if they get stuck in our energy fields, they can affect us in very subtle but also very real ways. The Pleiadians are here to help! They walk us through a process to clear that energy out of our fields, making way for the high-frequency energies of the fifth dimension that are coming at us from all angles these days. This download of 12 minutes is sure have you feeling shiny and new after you complete it. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Activating Your 5D Light Body ∞The Hathors & Quan Yin
Activating your 5th dimensional light body is possible in the here and now. The transition from the carbon-based 3D body to the crystalline-based 5D body is already underway. To give ourselves the experience of a conscious transition, there are many things we can do. Toning is one of them! So The Hathors & Quan Yin got together to deliver this download of over 10 minutes of tones and overtones to assist. You can tone along or just listen in and feel the shift in your frequency. Enjoy! <3
Tones and Overtones for Accessing Your 5D Abilities
We all know about the wondrous fifth dimension and that we are hurtling towards it at a pace that is most appropriate for all. But some of us are beginning to access those abilities in the here and now. Claircognizance, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, and Clairaudience are just a few of those abilities. Activating our light bodies, teleportation, telepathy, and so many more abilities are available to us as we begin to hold a fifth-dimensional frequency state more and more of the time. These tones and overtones are brought to you by the Quarnthians, Creators, and Hathors, and they are my favorite to date. They are infused with the intentions and the codes to help unlock those 5D abilities in all of us! Enjoy <3
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