This Mega Bundle of Recordings All Regarding Your Chakras & Chakra System Has a Total Value of Over $750. The Bundle Includes 47 Downloadable Recordings. Below is the Full List of Mantras, Light Languages, Meditations, Sound Healings, Activations & Breathing Exercises
This Chakra Recordings ∞Mega Bundle Includes a Multitude of Offerings, All Pertaining to Your Chakras & Chakra System & Has a Total Value of Over $750. The Bundle Includes 47 Downloadable Recordings. Here is the Full List of Mantras, Light Languages, Meditations, Sound Healings, Activations & Breathing Exercises…
Light Language for Activating, Opening & Unblocking Your 9th Chakra
The 9th Chakra. It hovers just above the 8th chakra, which is just above our crown (7th) chakra. And it is a key component of our 5th dimensional chakra system. The 9th chakra is sometimes referred to as ‘the seat of the soul,‘ which makes it extremely important in our connection to Source and our ability to access higher consciousness. In fact, it has been said that the 9th chakra is where we exist inside of Source. It is also known as the chakra that is responsible for our ability to access our soul’s higher purpose. It’s also home to our Christ-like abilities. Once activated, open, and unblocked, this chakra can and will grant us more access to our spiritual gifts so that we can be of better service to others. It also contains the records of all past lives where we have accessed those gifts and abilities, and therefore, opening it contains the key to easier access to those gifts and abilities in this lifetime. Joy! <3
I channeled this 6-minute language of light so that you will be able to access all of the power of your 9th chakra. When I channeled this light language, I set the intention that it would contain the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate, open, and unblock our 9th chakras, and as I channeled it, I could feel that intention being realized. Listen to this one before meditation, as you meditate, or right before going to bed. Do so once a day until you feel a shift in your access to this powerful chakra that lies outside of our energy field. And then sit to receive what you have unlocked. Love <3
Archangel Michael’s 40-Minute Seven Main Chakra Upgrade, Activation, Cleansing & Clearing
Our Seven Main Chakras. I don’t know if the average person understands their significance in our lives, but if you’re reading this, I gather you do recognize their power! This is a 40-minute recording of a very meditativeprocess for opening, clearing, cleansing, and activating the seven main chakras in our bodies. Archangel Michael was the ideal candidate for me to channel for this Seven Main Chakra Upgrade, Activation, Cleansing & Clearing, because they offer such a soothing tone of voice, and the energy infused into this recording reflects the enormity of this being of light. This offering contains visualizations, processes, light languages and overtones to work on each of the seven main chakras, individually and one by one, starting at the crown and working down to the root chakra. It’s powerful, healing, and will certainly be very long lasting in its effectiveness. Love <3
As powerful as this 40-minute recording is, you still might want to listen to it every day for a while, depending on how you feel when you wake up in the morning or whether you need help falling asleep at night. Archangel Michael’s soothing tone of voice, as they come through me, will certainly put you at ease, grant you inner peace, and clear everything out of your chakras and physical body that no longer serves you. I think you will want to make this a part of your daily spiritual practice for quite some time. Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating, Opening & Unblocking Your 8th/Soul Star Chakra
The 8th Chakra, also known as The Soul Star Chakra. It’s one of the 5 chakras in the fifth-dimensional chakra system, and it’s time for us to get all of these chakras activated! The 8th/Soul Star Chakra is also referred to as the ‘Seat of the Soul.’ When open, activated, and unblocked, this chakra gives us a more powerful connection to Source, allowing us to access downloads of the most Divine substance. Having this chakraopen and active will grant you access to your akashic records, spiritual gifts, and Divine purpose for this incarnation. This chakra, located in the etheric body, is also responsible for oneness, inner peace, and ultimately, our ascension to the fifth dimension. That’s why I created this light language. This language of light is infused with the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to activate, open, and unblock our Soul Star/8th Chakras, giving us more access to the Divine and so much more! Love <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Blocks to Accessing Your 5D Chakras & 5D Chakra System
Your 5th-Dimensional Chakras and 5th-Dimensional Chakra System. As we access our 5D light bodies, we are also accessing our 5D chakras and 5D chakra system. As 5th-dimensional beings, we will have 12 main chakras. The 7 mainchakras we have had in the third dimension will still be with us, albeit very upgraded versions of themselves, but we will also have an additional 5 chakras that will guide us into the celestial and galactic realms. These 5D chakras will represent the leaps forward we will have made, and they will grant us more access to the higher realms and the beings/collectives that exist in those higher realms. Access to your 5D chakras will also make channeling so much easier for everyone. This 10-minute sound healing will grant you access to your 5D chakras by removing any and all blocks you have to them. Joy! <3
Now, as 4th-dimensional beings, we do have access to our 5D chakra system now, and I do believe that I employ this chakra system every time I channel higher-dimensional beings. I believe everyone does when connectinghigher–dimensionalbeings. However, when I’m focused on some very 3D life circumstances, tasks, experiences, conversations, etc., I do not believe I am engaging my 5D chakras. I created this 10-minute sound healing with the tones and overtones I channel (combined with my crystal bowl playing) for all of us who want to access our 5D chakras on a more regular basis and to grant ourselves access to them consistently so that we may live more enlightened lives as our higherselves…now! Please enjoy listening to this soundhealing whenever you are seeking to reach for higher-dimensional beings/collectives, energies, and information. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Clearing, Opening & Releasing Blocks from All 7 Main Chakras
Our seven main chakras are quite simply energy centers, and each one of our chakras focuses on a different kind of energy. For example, it’s easy to see how the heart chakra is responsible for our ability to feel, send, and receive love, but it also gives us a sense of connection to Source, an inner peace, and feelings of expansion when properly opened, clear, and free of all blockages. Each of the other six main chakras has a similar function and limitless potential when appropriately utilized. How is this even possible when the average person doesn’t even think about their chakras…ever? Well, chakras play a role in our lives whether we are aware of their existence or not. They are typically the places in our bodies where we feel our emotions, and they can also give us the sensation of intense pain and discomfort when not given the opportunity to thrive. That’s why they are so important! Love <3
Unblocking, clearing, opening, aligning and releasing blocks from all 7 main chakras comes with first acknowledging their existence, and then tuning in to what they’re trying to tell us with the feelings and sensations that we often ignore in our chakra regions. For example, stomach pain and difficulty digesting foods are indicators that we have some energy blockages in our solar plexus and/or sacral chakras. Okay, so then what are we supposed to do? Well, this downloadable mp3 recording of my channeled sound healing is one of the tools we have at our disposal for addressing the fear, anger, sadness, frustration, anxiety, despair, or other negative emotions that could be festering in that troublesome chakra or chakras. So I suggest that you sit back, relax, and listen to the tones and overtones I channeled while playing one of my crystal bowls for this download, and you will be able to feel the healing energies washing over you and going directly to whichever chakras are in most need of support. Healing <3
Mantras for Purging Negative Energies & Entities from Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field
Mantras. They can be powerful when we speak them with conviction, when they really resonate with our being-ness. When you’re aligned with a mantra, it is a force to be reckoned with. Negative energies and entities can also be powerful forces in our lives, often taking over and not allowing us to function. Even thought forms can take over a room and keep us in a thought loop about something we’d rather not be thinking about. That’s why I channeled these mantras from the 12th-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings known as The Creators.
As The Creators offer each spoken mantra, they also coach us through the process of feeling into the mantra to see if it actually resonates and therefore has the positive intended effect on our vibration. There are several mantras offered in this recording of just over 11 minutes in length, and The C’s recommend that you choose your favorite(s) to repeat (out loud or in your head) over and over again, even when you’re not listening to this recording. Removing the negative energies and/or entities will open you up to new possibilities, and The Creators definitely included some mantras in the mix that are all about getting into the positive energy flow, which will of course put us in a high enough vibrational state that the negative energies cannot come in to our awareness or our energy fields. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Healing, Cleansing, Activating & Opening Your Root Chakra
Our root chakras. They carry so much trauma from past lives, and it is the most dense chakra of the seven main chakras in our physical bodies. Our root chakras also play an important role in our feeling safe, secure, healthy, and abundant. So getting our root chakras in order is a very good idea and really needs to be a priority, especially in this chaotic time of uncertainty we are living in on Earth right now.
That’s why I channeled this sound healing. When I channeled the tones and overtones for this sound healing, I intended for the energy, sound, and vibration of it to activate, heal, cleanse, and open your root chakra. Sound is perhaps the most powerful healing modality on Earth at this time, and as it works with our overall vibration, it contains everything you need to alter your vibration enough to heal any part of your physical and/or energetic being-ness, including of course, our chakras. I also infused the energy into my crystal bowl playing for this 10-minute sound healing to give your root chakra everything it needs and you need to thrive in your physical body and in this physical world of ours. This is such an important time to be clearing those past life traumas, as doing so will open us up to a smoother and easier ride to the fifth dimension.Love! <3
Meditation for Opening, Clearing, Activating & Aligning Your Root Chakra for Healing Energy & Abundance to Flow ∞Archangel Michael
Our root chakras. They are perhaps the least talked about and focused upon of all the seven main chakras, and they’re the chakras that we carry the most trauma, blockages, and stuck energies in. That’s why I created this 15-minute, guided meditation with Archangel Michael. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music from world-renowned musician Anneda Char. Archangel Michael’s soothing tone, energy, and vibration will open, align, activate, and clear your root chakra, as the archangel leads you through a guided process of connecting to Mother Earth and shining high frequency light on the often forgotten about chakra at the base of our spines. Once your chakra has received the beautiful love and light offered by Michael in this meditation, you will be more open to receiving the healing energy for your physical being-ness and the financial abundance you’ve been asking for, and you’ll know yourself more fully as an eternal and infinite being. Love! <3
Meditation for Opening Your Crown Chakra to Receive All Higher Frequency Energies, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations ∞Yeshua
Higher Frequency Energy, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations. Wouldn’t it be nice to receive all that you’ve summoned? An open crown chakra will certainly allow you to do so, and in this 15-minute guided meditation from Yeshua, the ascended master leads us through a simple and easy-to-follow process for opening up and receiving through that amazing chakra that sits at the top of our heads. The crown chakra can and will receive more than you can possibly imagine. Yeshua is the perfect guide to take us through this process, as he certainly accessed so much higher frequency energy, as well as so many downloads, upgrades, and activations in his lifetime here on Earth. This soothing yet powerful meditation is set to beautiful new age music, created specifically and exclusively for me and the meditations I channel by the talented musician that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing for many years, Anneda Char. Joy! <3
Meditation for Opening, Cleansing & Clearing Your Throat Chakra for Channeling, Speaking Your Truth & More ∞Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael leads us through this beautiful, 15-minute, guided meditation with the calm, soothing energy you would expect from an archangel, and the meditation is set to the amazing new age background music provided by Anneda Char. Michael takes us on a journey that helps us to access the healing, cleansing, and clearing energies that are all around us, while also assisting us in expanding and lighting up our throat chakras. Channeling, speaking your truth, setting healthy boundaries, toning, and speaking light languages are all related to the powerful throat chakra. But unfortunately, we’ve been stifled, shut down and discouraged from speaking up, speaking out and even singing by others throughout the course of this lifetime and all others leading up to it. That’s why I created this meditation with Archangel Michael, so that we can feel free to express ourselves fully through the power of our voice, our tones, and all the sounds we can make to help others in this world. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Clearing from Your Cells, Field & Chakras All That No Longer Serves You
We have picked up negative thoughts, beliefs, programming, energies, and so much more that no longer serves us throughout this lifetime, and we brought even more from our many past lives into this one to heal and clear. Now is the time to release it all, and sound is such a beautiful catalyst for doing just that. Sound vibrates, and vibration is the key to creating an energetic environment that makes lower-vibrational thoughts, feelings, energies, beliefs and whatever else we’re holding onto incompatible with that newfound high-vibrational energy. This 10-minute sound healing was created with one of my crystal bowls and the channeled tones and overtones that I brought through with the intention, vibration, and energy to force out of your cells, chakras and energy fields what no longer serves you in this lifetime. Joy! <3
Light Language for Healing, Opening, Activating & Upgrading Your Heart Chakra
The heart chakra. It’s a powerful tool, but it can also be extremely weakened by our traumas and tragedies in life. We get blocked energy, stuck emotions, and we close off our heart chakras to the flow of Source Energy, usually because of a break-up, loss, abandonment, or because we were hurt in our youth. Even our past lives affect the flow of energy to and from our heart chakras. That’s why I channeled this language of light. I infused the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes into this one in order to open, heal, activate, and upgrade the heart chakra of whomever would hear it. It’s important to get heart-centered, now more than ever, and this download will get you into your heartspace in one listen. It’s a powerful transmission! Love <3
Meditation for Clearing & Opening Your Solar Plexus Chakra & Activating Confidence & Power ∞Archangel Michael
If you’re human, you struggle with your self-confidence, and if you’ve ever felt powerless, then you’re not alone. We all have these feelings, and they’re a result of us being blocked in our solar plexus chakras. This chakra exists right in between our hearts and our belly buttons, and this region can also be the emotional centers of our bodies. A lot of us feel very positive and quite negative emotions in our solar plexus chakras. Any of that emotional energy that isn’t process and released right away gets stored up, creating blockages, thwarting upgrades, and making us physically, mentally, and emotionally sick. That’s why I channeled Archangel Michael to give us this guided meditation. Michael takes us through the steps of clearing and upgrading our solar plexus chakras, and then the archangel collective guides us through the process of activating our core confidence (as opposed to the conditional kind) and our infinite and eternal power (as opposed to the kind you get over people when you have a lot of money or a position of authority). This is the confidence and power we truly all desire, and it is ours for the taking! Love <3
Sacral Chakra Clearing, Opening & Activating Meditation ∞Yeshua
Our Sacral Chakras. They’re powerful when clear, open, and activated, according to Yeshua. This 15-Minute, guided meditation is infused with the energy, vibration, and intention to give us complete access to our sexual power and creativity. We have often been led to feel ashamed of ourselves, our creations, and our status as sensual, sexual, and creator beings in our physical bodies. Sometimes this has been done in an effort to protect us, and other times (as in the case of religions), it’s been used as a means of disconnecting us from Source so that we would need an intermediary. Now that we’ve awakened our consciousness, we can see the need and the possibility to have full access to these beautiful chakras. That’s what this meditation is all about.Joy! <3
Meditation is all about focus. In a guided meditation, we are guided by the beings who are assisting in the meditation to focus on what we want, while also helping us to release what no longer serves us.Yeshua is a master at this. This meditation is also set to soothing and beautiful new age music, which puts you in the zone for focus and connection. Connecting to your sacral chakra by feeling it and breathing into it, you access that which has been lost through trauma, blockages, and stuck energy. Meditating on clearing, opening, and activating your sacral chakra is all it takes to make that happen. I’ve used meditation for 20 years now, and I can say that it has made all the difference in my life. I’m living the life of my dreams because I was willing to stop and meditate all those years ago, and I stuck with it, even though I’m not what I would call a ‘great meditator.’ Love <3
Sound Healing for Clearing, Opening & Activating Your Throat Chakra
In this 10 minute sound healing, I channeledtones & overtones and played one of my crystal bowls, infusing the tones and sounds with the intention of clearing, opening, and activating your throat chakra. If you have a challenging time opening up to people, telling them how you feel, setting boundaries, and speaking your truth, this sound healing will help you. A lot of us have suffered past life traumas involving our throats, and we’ve closed ourselves off from fully expressing ourselves. That’s why I created this sound healing. It will also help you with verbal channeling, as the throat chakra plays an integral role in the channeling experience. Do this one whenever you have something to say to someone but need help saying it, or any time you feel inspired to channel. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Clearing, Upgrading & Activating Your Heart Chakra
The heart. Is there a more valuable part of the human body? And the heart chakra affects the heart, which means it’s the most important chakra we have. Over the course of our many lifetimes, we experience heart-related traumas that stay with us. We get blocked. We feel pain. We don’t feel anything. All sort of negative experiences come with those traumas. And in this lifetime, we signed up to do the work of clearing, healing, and releasing all that no longer serves us from our 7 main chakras so that we can allow in more of that fifth dimensional/higher self energy and consciousness. That’s why I created this sound healing. It’s 10 minutes long, and it features my channeled tones and overtones, along with crystal bowl sounds. All the tones are infused with the intention to upgrade, clear, and activate your heart chakra. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Clearing & Upgrading Your Solar Plexus Chakra for Activating Confidence & Power
This 10 minute sound healing is for clearing and upgrading your solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is responsible for giving us a feeling of confidence, power, independence, and a sense of identity. As we move through our many lifetimes, we can accumulate baggage in this chakra in the forms of self-doubt, low self-worth, lack of confidence, feeling helpless, and not know who we really are or even who we really want to be. A blocked solar plexus chakra can result in us giving our power away to anyone with the slightest bit of authority. Blocks can also lead to shrinking in the face of every challenge. This sound healing was created with a crystal bowl and the tones and overtones I channel. It will clear and upgrade your solar plexus chakra, leaving you feeling confident, powerful, and knowing who you really are.Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Opening Your Crown Chakra for Receiving Downloads, Upgrades & Activations
Our crown chakras. They are wonderful portals for receiving energy. We can also receive downloads, upgrades, and activations through our crown chakras. So what’s a download? It’s a packet of information which could include ideas, inspiration, information about your past lives, and so much more. Upgrades allow us more access to our spiritual gifts, and activations help us to integrate our past life selves and all the knowledge and abilities we’ve already obtained through living those past lives. So yeah. This is a huge one. I created this ten minute sound healing using one of my crystal bowls, and I also channeled tones that will open your crown chakra right up. Just sit back or lie down and enjoy this one. Love! <3
Light Language for Aligning You with & Activating Your 5th Dimensional Chakras
The 5th Dimensional Chakra System. Have you heard of it? Are you aware that you have one? These 5D chakras are numbered 8 through 12, and we have access to them right now! I channeled this light language transmission with the intention, vibration, and infused it with galactic light codes to give you access to your 5D chakra system, aligning you with their power and wisdom. These chakras, unlike the ones in our physical bodies, tend to hang around in our energy fields. But when you listen to this recording, you’ll be inviting them into your body. And that’s going to put you in a fifth dimensional frequency state for sure. Joy! <3
Light Language for Clearing Your Sacral Chakra & Activating Your Creative and Sexual Energies
Sex & Creativity. These two BIG desires are all wrapped up in the sacral chakra, which is right around the belly button area. This light language transmission is infused with the energies, vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to free your sacral chakra from all the guck that has accumulated there from this lifetime and all past lives. The transmission is 5 minutes and 45 seconds, and in that time, I channeled a clearing and an activation for your sacral chakra, and you will feel the effects instantly. Keep listening to this one whenever you need to clear some sexual shame or a creative block. It will chip away at those lifetimes of traumatic experiences, and it will give you a new activation every time you listen. Love! <3
Light Language For Clearing Your Solar Plexus Chakra
Confidence. Strength. Power. All of these vibrations are attributed to the solar plexus chakra. You can add independence and sovereignty to that list as well. The solar plexus chakra, where many of us feel our deepest emotions, is also a power center where we can access strength, confidence, independence, and other higher frequency vibrations. I channeled this light language so that you can access more of those feelings through your solar plexus. The vibrations, intention, and galactic light codes infused into this transmission will clear out your solar plexus, giving you more access to what you want to feel. Power! <3
Light Language for Activating Your High Heart Chakra
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate, clear, and open your high heart chakra. The high heart chakra is all about your purpose in this lifetime – finding it, fulfilling it, and living your truth in every moment. This often overlooked chakra is about linking the unconditional love that we truly are with the fullness of self-expression, which is of course linked to the throat chakra. Listen to this one whenever you feel lost or like you’ve strayed from your purpose in this lifetime. Joy! <3
Light Language for Opening Your Crown Chakra to Receive Downloads
This transmission of 5 minutes and 47 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for opening your crown chakra so that you can receive more downloads from the higher realms. We are constantly being sent downloads from higher frequency beings, but we don’t always receive what we’re sent because of the fact that most of us aren’t open enough to receive. This light language transmission will open your crown chakra up so that you can receive more of the high frequency downloads that are meant just for you. Love! <3
Light Language for Your Throat Chakra & Opening You Up to Channeling
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to clear any blockages you have in your throat chakra that are preventing you from setting boundaries, speaking your truth, and channeling verbally. The throat chakra blockages that we have are usually related to past lives where we suffered persecution for speaking our truth, our beliefs, or having channeling and/or psychic abilities that others felt threatened by. You will probably need to listen to this one a few times to get through all the layers of blockages from those past lives…as well as any experiences you’ve had in this one that have led to throat chakra trauma. Release! <3
Light Language For Clearing Your Root Chakra Of Fears And Traumas Associated With Death
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for clearing fear and traumas associated with death from your root chakra. These fears and traumas can affect us without our conscious awareness, as the root chakra stores all of the traumatic experiences from our past lives involving our deaths in those lifetimes. And the fears that seem so irrational to us in this lifetime are the result of these traumas that we can go through life completely unaware of. That’s why I created this download. I know that it can and will help if you listen to it and open yourself up to receive all the intentions that are infused into it.Release! <3
Chakra Sound Healing ∞Daniel & Maricris
In this sound healing of just over 10 minutes, I teamed up with my super talented Shamanic Priestess wife, Maricris. Maricris did the shamanic drumming, and I channeled tones and overtones that are infused with the intention of clearing, healing, and opening your seven main chakras. You can sit back and listen to this one any time you feel you’ve got a blockage in one of your main chakras. You can also listen to this one for regular maintenance of your chakras, and you can definitely use it to help you clear out any negative emotions or trauma you feel stuck in your chakra system. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Channeling Chakra
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 55 seconds, I channeled a light language that will activate and open your channeling chakra. Just lie back (or sit back) and listen to the tones and sounds that came through as I channeled this light language. Feel for the vibrations infused into the language as it works on unblocking, activating, and opening the channeling chakra, which is at the back of your neck. You may start channeling right away, or it may take several listens before you break through and begin verbal channeling. Be patient with yourself. Love <3
Maricris’ Chakra Activation Meditation
In this Chakra Activation meditation, I take you through each of your 7 main chakras and activate and open them up individually. This meditation clears all the blocks that prevent you from feeling open, confident, happy and aligned to the truth of who you are and your Soul’s purpose.
Do this meditation daily, or as often as you need, to help you feel centered, balanced and grounded. This is a very powerful meditation and I suggest you drink a lot of water after this and hold yourself in a loving and compassionate space. Enjoy! <3
8-Day Chakra Cleanse ∞Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton
Prior to my Spiritual growth and awakening, I never really thought about my chakras. I didn’t even really understand how they affected my heart, body, mind and soul. When I began to open up to a deeper level of awareness and knowing within me, I began to really understand and harness the power of my CHAKRAS. I truly believe that they are an integral part of creating a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.
When any of our chakras are out of alignment, you might feel a sense of physical discomfort, emotional imbalance, mental confusion and lack a strong spiritual connection to the DIVINE. If you don’t feel like yourself, are feeling out of balance and lacking a sense of enthusiasm and passion for life, one or more of your energy centres may be out of alignment.
However, when your chakras are in alignment, you have optimal physical health and well-being, emotional clarity, peace of mind, connection to Spirit, confidence in who you are and you feel centered and balanced.
During this 8 day chakra cleanse program you’ll be able to:
∞Release blocks and limiting beliefs in each chakra that’s at the root cause of your pain and suffering
∞Connect to your Intuition and Higher Self with more ease so that you can make more aligned choices that feel good for you
∞Embody and Embrace your true authentic power so that you can create your Success on your own terms and BE UNAPOLOGETIC about it
∞Speak your TRUTH with confidence, boldness and courage where people hear and understand what you are sharing
∞Access the wisdom of your Third-Eye to be more intuitive
∞Powerfully tune in to Source, Mother Earth, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Emissaries and Spirit Guides
Overtones for Integrating Your Higher Self into Your 7 Main Chakras
This transmission is just over 10 minutes in length, and it features overtones that I channeled from a variety of sources, including The Creators, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven & The Hathors. These overtones are infused with the intention of opening up your 7 main chakras so that they can receive more of the consciousness of your Higher Self. As you listen to the tones, be sure to listen actively. That is, feel for the opening of your chakras and consciously receive your Higher Self’s energy. Love! <3
Breathing Exercises for Aligning, Clearing & Opening Your Seven Main Chakras
In this download of 16 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled The Creators, and they took us through a process that uses our breathing, intention, and attention to align, activate, cleanse, clear, and open our chakras up to receive all the beautiful love, light, energy, upgrades, and downloads that we’ve been given from the beings in the higher realms. You can do this one on a regular basis, as needed. It’s going to leave you in a very good-feeling place, ready to create new and magical experiences for yourself and the rest of the collective. Enjoy! <3
Accessing the Creativity of Source and Activation of Sacral Chakra ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes, The Creators take us through a process for accessing the creativity of Source Energy, and they give us an activation of our sacral chakra. Additionally, The C’s give us great advice for approaching all of our creative endeavors. Whether you already have a creative outlet for your energy or not, you can and will benefit from this one. We can all use a bit more of the creative juices flowing in our lives. Love! <3
Light Language for Clearing, Aligning & Upgrading Your 7 Main Chakras
In this light language transmission of just under 6 minutes, I channel words and sounds that will clear, align, and upgrade your seven main chakras. The light language is infused with that intention, and the codes embedded in it will have a profound effect on your chakras. This is a powerful transmission, and yet, it can be used often to clear, re-align, and continue the upgrades to your chakra system. Listen to it as frequently as you like, and eventually you might even be inspired to speak a light language of your own. Love! <3
High Heart Chakra Activation ∞Yeshua
This activation from Yeshua will put you in touch with the not-so-often discussed high heart chakra, which is the 8th chakra (also known as the thymic chakra). Yeshua walks you through a process of feeling for this chakra, as he cleanses it with love and light. Yeshua is assisted by your guides, Quan Yin, the Archangels, and many other helpers during this process. You will feel more connected to humanity, the universe, and Source after completing this one. Enjoy! <3
Chakra & Auric Field Cleansing, Clearing, and Reactivation ∞The Buddha
In this download of over 15 minutes in length, The Buddha takes us through a cleansing, clearing, and reactivation of our auras/energy fields and seven main chakras. You will feel the light and love from The Buddha pouring through you, surrounding you, and helping to put you back in the present moment, releasing traumas, thought forms, and beliefs from the past (including past lives) that might be holding you back from living fully in this lifetime. Enjoy! <3
Chakra Realignment & Clearing ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 13 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through an alignment of our seven main chakras. He then offers a transmission of white light to clear and cleanse all of the lower frequency energies from them. Finally, he invites us to feel the effects of the chakra realignment and clearing. Your chakras will be freer to express the higher frequency energies and information they hold after completing this download. Enjoy! <3
Crown Chakra Activation for Receiving Downloads ∞The PHCo7
This download of just over 11 minutes from The Pleiadian High Council of Seven is an activation of the crown chakra. The P’s walk us through a process to open and activate this often overlooked chakra. They also invite us to receive the downloads that are already floating around in our fields, and they help us establish a connection between ourselves and the higher realms. They state that at the end of the activation, you will be more connected to your Oversoul, spirit guides, Source, and all high frequency beings available for channeling. Enjoy <3
Sacral Chakra Activation for Releasing Your Sexual & Creative Energies
In this approximately 12 minute download from The Creators, they take us through an explanation of how our sacral chakras get blocked, what happens as a result, and then they walk us through a process of downloading more of the Oversoul’s energy directly into the sacral chakra. The result: a release of sexual and creative energies for the purpose of greater freedom of self-expression. Enjoy! <3
Solar Plexus Chakra Clearing & Activation for More Power and Confidence ∞The Hathors/Creators
This download of over 10 minutes is filled with overtones from The Hathors & The Creators. These overtones will work on you multidimensionally to clear and activate your solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is the power center and many of us hold the vibration of confidence there as well. The overtones are infused with the intention to activate your innate power and confidence. Sit back and listen to these overtones, or tone along. It doesn’t matter if you match the sounds exactly. The most important piece is the intention that you infuse into your toning.Enjoy! <3
Fifth Dimensional Chakra Activation ∞The PHCo7
The fifth dimensional charka system is becoming more relevant as we take on the higher frequency energies. It’s a dynamic chakra system that we canbegin working with and playing with right NOW! This download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds from the Pleiadian High Council of Seven will introduce you to the 5D chakra system and encourage you to integrate them into your physical body. Enjoy! <3
Throat Chakra Clearing, Opening, & Activation ∞The Creators
The throat chakra is an often overlooked chakra that contains our abilities to express ourselves verbally, through singing, toning, and channeling. If you feel stuck in your verbal channeling, or if you don’t speak up for yourself enough or set healthy boundaries, this is the download for you! The Creators walk us through several processes in this 12 and a half minute recording. Afterwards, you will discover that you have more ways of expressing yourself than you originally thought! Enjoy <3
Root Chakra Clearing & Abundance Frequency Activation ∞The PHCo7
The root chakra is likely the last one to come along to the fifth dimensional frequency range. We tend to hold so much fear, trauma, and judgment in that often forgotten about chakra that it can hold us back from living the life we ultimately want to live.The Pleiadian High Council of Seven is here to help. They offer a process for clearing that stuck energy out of the root chakra and then assist in activating our abundance frequency in this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds. Enjoy! <3
Channeling Chakra Opening, Upgrade & Activation ∞The PHCo7
Although we are used to working with those seven major chakras in the physical body, there are countless others whose energy we can tap into. The Channeling Chakra is one of them! In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, the Pleiadian High Council of Seven take us through a channeling chakra opening, upgrade, and activation. Everything is shifting, including how we will channel and what we’ll be able to do with that energy! I’m excited to see the results of this… Enjoy! <3
How to Tone to Clear Your Chakras ∞Archangel Michael
In just over 11 minutes and 11 seconds :), Archangel Michael delivers a download to assist us in clearing our chakras using nothing more than intention and the power of our own voices. They explain how to tone, what is actually happening when we clear our chakras, and they lend their energetic support throughout.Enjoy! <3
Tones for Opening the Third Eye ∞The Hathors & The Creators
I asked The Hathors and The Creators to collaborate on this one. These tones are infused with my intention, and the intentions of my guides, to open your third eye chakra. Sit back, listen, and enjoy the feeling of the vibrations of the tones as they decalcify your pineal gland and energetically open you to more clairvoyant experiences and intuitive hits. Enjoy! <3
Chakra Meditation ∞The Founders
This CHAKRA MEDITATION from The Founders will take you through each chakra, one by one. Upon completion, your chakras will be energized, aligned, and crystal clear. Just under 16 minutes in length, it’s the perfect way to start your day. Here is a preview of the meditation. Enjoy!
Chakra Sound Healing ∞The Hathors
For this recording, I channeled a differenttone from The Hathors for each of the 7 main chakras in the physical body. This recording is just under 5 minutes in length and is best experienced while wearing headphones. The Hathors work with sound now, just as they always have, and the result is powerful. While listening to this recording, I recommend tuning in to your seven main chakras. The first tone is for the root chakra, so start there and work your way up. A chakra sound healing is the perfect way to start your day, but it will also raise your vibration no matter when you listen to it. Love <3
Chakra Recordings ∞Mega Bundle
This Mega Bundle of Recordings All Regarding Your Chakras & Chakra System Has a Total Value of Over $750. The Bundle Includes 47 Downloadable Recordings. Below is the Full List of Mantras, Light Languages, Meditations, Sound Healings, Activations & Breathing Exercises
This Chakra Recordings ∞Mega Bundle Includes a Multitude of Offerings, All Pertaining to Your Chakras & Chakra System & Has a Total Value of Over $750. The Bundle Includes 47 Downloadable Recordings. Here is the Full List of Mantras, Light Languages, Meditations, Sound Healings, Activations & Breathing Exercises…
Light Language for Activating, Opening & Unblocking Your 9th Chakra
The 9th Chakra. It hovers just above the 8th chakra, which is just above our crown (7th) chakra. And it is a key component of our 5th dimensional chakra system. The 9th chakra is sometimes referred to as ‘the seat of the soul,‘ which makes it extremely important in our connection to Source and our ability to access higher consciousness. In fact, it has been said that the 9th chakra is where we exist inside of Source. It is also known as the chakra that is responsible for our ability to access our soul’s higher purpose. It’s also home to our Christ-like abilities. Once activated, open, and unblocked, this chakra can and will grant us more access to our spiritual gifts so that we can be of better service to others. It also contains the records of all past lives where we have accessed those gifts and abilities, and therefore, opening it contains the key to easier access to those gifts and abilities in this lifetime. Joy! <3
I channeled this 6-minute language of light so that you will be able to access all of the power of your 9th chakra. When I channeled this light language, I set the intention that it would contain the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate, open, and unblock our 9th chakras, and as I channeled it, I could feel that intention being realized. Listen to this one before meditation, as you meditate, or right before going to bed. Do so once a day until you feel a shift in your access to this powerful chakra that lies outside of our energy field. And then sit to receive what you have unlocked. Love <3
Archangel Michael’s 40-Minute Seven Main Chakra Upgrade, Activation, Cleansing & Clearing
Our Seven Main Chakras. I don’t know if the average person understands their significance in our lives, but if you’re reading this, I gather you do recognize their power! This is a 40-minute recording of a very meditative process for opening, clearing, cleansing, and activating the seven main chakras in our bodies. Archangel Michael was the ideal candidate for me to channel for this Seven Main Chakra Upgrade, Activation, Cleansing & Clearing, because they offer such a soothing tone of voice, and the energy infused into this recording reflects the enormity of this being of light. This offering contains visualizations, processes, light languages and overtones to work on each of the seven main chakras, individually and one by one, starting at the crown and working down to the root chakra. It’s powerful, healing, and will certainly be very long lasting in its effectiveness. Love <3
As powerful as this 40-minute recording is, you still might want to listen to it every day for a while, depending on how you feel when you wake up in the morning or whether you need help falling asleep at night. Archangel Michael’s soothing tone of voice, as they come through me, will certainly put you at ease, grant you inner peace, and clear everything out of your chakras and physical body that no longer serves you. I think you will want to make this a part of your daily spiritual practice for quite some time. Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating, Opening & Unblocking Your 8th/Soul Star Chakra
The 8th Chakra, also known as The Soul Star Chakra. It’s one of the 5 chakras in the fifth-dimensional chakra system, and it’s time for us to get all of these chakras activated! The 8th/Soul Star Chakra is also referred to as the ‘Seat of the Soul.’ When open, activated, and unblocked, this chakra gives us a more powerful connection to Source, allowing us to access downloads of the most Divine substance. Having this chakra open and active will grant you access to your akashic records, spiritual gifts, and Divine purpose for this incarnation. This chakra, located in the etheric body, is also responsible for oneness, inner peace, and ultimately, our ascension to the fifth dimension. That’s why I created this light language. This language of light is infused with the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to activate, open, and unblock our Soul Star/8th Chakras, giving us more access to the Divine and so much more! Love <3
Sound Healing for Releasing All Blocks to Accessing Your 5D Chakras & 5D Chakra System
Your 5th-Dimensional Chakras and 5th-Dimensional Chakra System. As we access our 5D light bodies, we are also accessing our 5D chakras and 5D chakra system. As 5th-dimensional beings, we will have 12 main chakras. The 7 main chakras we have had in the third dimension will still be with us, albeit very upgraded versions of themselves, but we will also have an additional 5 chakras that will guide us into the celestial and galactic realms. These 5D chakras will represent the leaps forward we will have made, and they will grant us more access to the higher realms and the beings/collectives that exist in those higher realms. Access to your 5D chakras will also make channeling so much easier for everyone. This 10-minute sound healing will grant you access to your 5D chakras by removing any and all blocks you have to them. Joy! <3
Now, as 4th-dimensional beings, we do have access to our 5D chakra system now, and I do believe that I employ this chakra system every time I channel higher-dimensional beings. I believe everyone does when connecting higher–dimensional beings. However, when I’m focused on some very 3D life circumstances, tasks, experiences, conversations, etc., I do not believe I am engaging my 5D chakras. I created this 10-minute sound healing with the tones and overtones I channel (combined with my crystal bowl playing) for all of us who want to access our 5D chakras on a more regular basis and to grant ourselves access to them consistently so that we may live more enlightened lives as our higher selves…now! Please enjoy listening to this sound healing whenever you are seeking to reach for higher-dimensional beings/collectives, energies, and information. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Clearing, Opening & Releasing Blocks from All 7 Main Chakras
Our seven main chakras are quite simply energy centers, and each one of our chakras focuses on a different kind of energy. For example, it’s easy to see how the heart chakra is responsible for our ability to feel, send, and receive love, but it also gives us a sense of connection to Source, an inner peace, and feelings of expansion when properly opened, clear, and free of all blockages. Each of the other six main chakras has a similar function and limitless potential when appropriately utilized. How is this even possible when the average person doesn’t even think about their chakras…ever? Well, chakras play a role in our lives whether we are aware of their existence or not. They are typically the places in our bodies where we feel our emotions, and they can also give us the sensation of intense pain and discomfort when not given the opportunity to thrive. That’s why they are so important! Love <3
Unblocking, clearing, opening, aligning and releasing blocks from all 7 main chakras comes with first acknowledging their existence, and then tuning in to what they’re trying to tell us with the feelings and sensations that we often ignore in our chakra regions. For example, stomach pain and difficulty digesting foods are indicators that we have some energy blockages in our solar plexus and/or sacral chakras. Okay, so then what are we supposed to do? Well, this downloadable mp3 recording of my channeled sound healing is one of the tools we have at our disposal for addressing the fear, anger, sadness, frustration, anxiety, despair, or other negative emotions that could be festering in that troublesome chakra or chakras. So I suggest that you sit back, relax, and listen to the tones and overtones I channeled while playing one of my crystal bowls for this download, and you will be able to feel the healing energies washing over you and going directly to whichever chakras are in most need of support. Healing <3
Mantras for Purging Negative Energies & Entities from Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field
Mantras. They can be powerful when we speak them with conviction, when they really resonate with our being-ness. When you’re aligned with a mantra, it is a force to be reckoned with. Negative energies and entities can also be powerful forces in our lives, often taking over and not allowing us to function. Even thought forms can take over a room and keep us in a thought loop about something we’d rather not be thinking about. That’s why I channeled these mantras from the 12th-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings known as The Creators.
As The Creators offer each spoken mantra, they also coach us through the process of feeling into the mantra to see if it actually resonates and therefore has the positive intended effect on our vibration. There are several mantras offered in this recording of just over 11 minutes in length, and The C’s recommend that you choose your favorite(s) to repeat (out loud or in your head) over and over again, even when you’re not listening to this recording. Removing the negative energies and/or entities will open you up to new possibilities, and The Creators definitely included some mantras in the mix that are all about getting into the positive energy flow, which will of course put us in a high enough vibrational state that the negative energies cannot come in to our awareness or our energy fields. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Healing, Cleansing, Activating & Opening Your Root Chakra
Our root chakras. They carry so much trauma from past lives, and it is the most dense chakra of the seven main chakras in our physical bodies. Our root chakras also play an important role in our feeling safe, secure, healthy, and abundant. So getting our root chakras in order is a very good idea and really needs to be a priority, especially in this chaotic time of uncertainty we are living in on Earth right now.
That’s why I channeled this sound healing. When I channeled the tones and overtones for this sound healing, I intended for the energy, sound, and vibration of it to activate, heal, cleanse, and open your root chakra. Sound is perhaps the most powerful healing modality on Earth at this time, and as it works with our overall vibration, it contains everything you need to alter your vibration enough to heal any part of your physical and/or energetic being-ness, including of course, our chakras. I also infused the energy into my crystal bowl playing for this 10-minute sound healing to give your root chakra everything it needs and you need to thrive in your physical body and in this physical world of ours. This is such an important time to be clearing those past life traumas, as doing so will open us up to a smoother and easier ride to the fifth dimension. Love! <3
Meditation for Opening, Clearing, Activating & Aligning Your Root Chakra for Healing Energy & Abundance to Flow ∞Archangel Michael
Our root chakras. They are perhaps the least talked about and focused upon of all the seven main chakras, and they’re the chakras that we carry the most trauma, blockages, and stuck energies in. That’s why I created this 15-minute, guided meditation with Archangel Michael. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music from world-renowned musician Anneda Char. Archangel Michael’s soothing tone, energy, and vibration will open, align, activate, and clear your root chakra, as the archangel leads you through a guided process of connecting to Mother Earth and shining high frequency light on the often forgotten about chakra at the base of our spines. Once your chakra has received the beautiful love and light offered by Michael in this meditation, you will be more open to receiving the healing energy for your physical being-ness and the financial abundance you’ve been asking for, and you’ll know yourself more fully as an eternal and infinite being. Love! <3
Meditation for Opening Your Crown Chakra to Receive All Higher Frequency Energies, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations ∞Yeshua
Higher Frequency Energy, Downloads, Upgrades & Activations. Wouldn’t it be nice to receive all that you’ve summoned? An open crown chakra will certainly allow you to do so, and in this 15-minute guided meditation from Yeshua, the ascended master leads us through a simple and easy-to-follow process for opening up and receiving through that amazing chakra that sits at the top of our heads. The crown chakra can and will receive more than you can possibly imagine. Yeshua is the perfect guide to take us through this process, as he certainly accessed so much higher frequency energy, as well as so many downloads, upgrades, and activations in his lifetime here on Earth. This soothing yet powerful meditation is set to beautiful new age music, created specifically and exclusively for me and the meditations I channel by the talented musician that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing for many years, Anneda Char. Joy! <3
Meditation for Opening, Cleansing & Clearing Your Throat Chakra for Channeling, Speaking Your Truth & More ∞Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael leads us through this beautiful, 15-minute, guided meditation with the calm, soothing energy you would expect from an archangel, and the meditation is set to the amazing new age background music provided by Anneda Char. Michael takes us on a journey that helps us to access the healing, cleansing, and clearing energies that are all around us, while also assisting us in expanding and lighting up our throat chakras. Channeling, speaking your truth, setting healthy boundaries, toning, and speaking light languages are all related to the powerful throat chakra. But unfortunately, we’ve been stifled, shut down and discouraged from speaking up, speaking out and even singing by others throughout the course of this lifetime and all others leading up to it. That’s why I created this meditation with Archangel Michael, so that we can feel free to express ourselves fully through the power of our voice, our tones, and all the sounds we can make to help others in this world. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Clearing from Your Cells, Field & Chakras All That No Longer Serves You
We have picked up negative thoughts, beliefs, programming, energies, and so much more that no longer serves us throughout this lifetime, and we brought even more from our many past lives into this one to heal and clear. Now is the time to release it all, and sound is such a beautiful catalyst for doing just that. Sound vibrates, and vibration is the key to creating an energetic environment that makes lower-vibrational thoughts, feelings, energies, beliefs and whatever else we’re holding onto incompatible with that newfound high-vibrational energy. This 10-minute sound healing was created with one of my crystal bowls and the channeled tones and overtones that I brought through with the intention, vibration, and energy to force out of your cells, chakras and energy fields what no longer serves you in this lifetime. Joy! <3
Light Language for Healing, Opening, Activating & Upgrading Your Heart Chakra
The heart chakra. It’s a powerful tool, but it can also be extremely weakened by our traumas and tragedies in life. We get blocked energy, stuck emotions, and we close off our heart chakras to the flow of Source Energy, usually because of a break-up, loss, abandonment, or because we were hurt in our youth. Even our past lives affect the flow of energy to and from our heart chakras. That’s why I channeled this language of light. I infused the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes into this one in order to open, heal, activate, and upgrade the heart chakra of whomever would hear it. It’s important to get heart-centered, now more than ever, and this download will get you into your heartspace in one listen. It’s a powerful transmission! Love <3
Meditation for Clearing & Opening Your Solar Plexus Chakra & Activating Confidence & Power ∞Archangel Michael
If you’re human, you struggle with your self-confidence, and if you’ve ever felt powerless, then you’re not alone. We all have these feelings, and they’re a result of us being blocked in our solar plexus chakras. This chakra exists right in between our hearts and our belly buttons, and this region can also be the emotional centers of our bodies. A lot of us feel very positive and quite negative emotions in our solar plexus chakras. Any of that emotional energy that isn’t process and released right away gets stored up, creating blockages, thwarting upgrades, and making us physically, mentally, and emotionally sick. That’s why I channeled Archangel Michael to give us this guided meditation. Michael takes us through the steps of clearing and upgrading our solar plexus chakras, and then the archangel collective guides us through the process of activating our core confidence (as opposed to the conditional kind) and our infinite and eternal power (as opposed to the kind you get over people when you have a lot of money or a position of authority). This is the confidence and power we truly all desire, and it is ours for the taking! Love <3
Sacral Chakra Clearing, Opening & Activating Meditation ∞Yeshua
Our Sacral Chakras. They’re powerful when clear, open, and activated, according to Yeshua. This 15-Minute, guided meditation is infused with the energy, vibration, and intention to give us complete access to our sexual power and creativity. We have often been led to feel ashamed of ourselves, our creations, and our status as sensual, sexual, and creator beings in our physical bodies. Sometimes this has been done in an effort to protect us, and other times (as in the case of religions), it’s been used as a means of disconnecting us from Source so that we would need an intermediary. Now that we’ve awakened our consciousness, we can see the need and the possibility to have full access to these beautiful chakras. That’s what this meditation is all about. Joy! <3
Meditation is all about focus. In a guided meditation, we are guided by the beings who are assisting in the meditation to focus on what we want, while also helping us to release what no longer serves us. Yeshua is a master at this. This meditation is also set to soothing and beautiful new age music, which puts you in the zone for focus and connection. Connecting to your sacral chakra by feeling it and breathing into it, you access that which has been lost through trauma, blockages, and stuck energy. Meditating on clearing, opening, and activating your sacral chakra is all it takes to make that happen. I’ve used meditation for 20 years now, and I can say that it has made all the difference in my life. I’m living the life of my dreams because I was willing to stop and meditate all those years ago, and I stuck with it, even though I’m not what I would call a ‘great meditator.’ Love <3
Sound Healing for Clearing, Opening & Activating Your Throat Chakra
In this 10 minute sound healing, I channeled tones & overtones and played one of my crystal bowls, infusing the tones and sounds with the intention of clearing, opening, and activating your throat chakra. If you have a challenging time opening up to people, telling them how you feel, setting boundaries, and speaking your truth, this sound healing will help you. A lot of us have suffered past life traumas involving our throats, and we’ve closed ourselves off from fully expressing ourselves. That’s why I created this sound healing. It will also help you with verbal channeling, as the throat chakra plays an integral role in the channeling experience. Do this one whenever you have something to say to someone but need help saying it, or any time you feel inspired to channel. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Clearing, Upgrading & Activating Your Heart Chakra
The heart. Is there a more valuable part of the human body? And the heart chakra affects the heart, which means it’s the most important chakra we have. Over the course of our many lifetimes, we experience heart-related traumas that stay with us. We get blocked. We feel pain. We don’t feel anything. All sort of negative experiences come with those traumas. And in this lifetime, we signed up to do the work of clearing, healing, and releasing all that no longer serves us from our 7 main chakras so that we can allow in more of that fifth dimensional/higher self energy and consciousness. That’s why I created this sound healing. It’s 10 minutes long, and it features my channeled tones and overtones, along with crystal bowl sounds. All the tones are infused with the intention to upgrade, clear, and activate your heart chakra. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Clearing & Upgrading Your Solar Plexus Chakra for Activating Confidence & Power
This 10 minute sound healing is for clearing and upgrading your solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is responsible for giving us a feeling of confidence, power, independence, and a sense of identity. As we move through our many lifetimes, we can accumulate baggage in this chakra in the forms of self-doubt, low self-worth, lack of confidence, feeling helpless, and not know who we really are or even who we really want to be. A blocked solar plexus chakra can result in us giving our power away to anyone with the slightest bit of authority. Blocks can also lead to shrinking in the face of every challenge. This sound healing was created with a crystal bowl and the tones and overtones I channel. It will clear and upgrade your solar plexus chakra, leaving you feeling confident, powerful, and knowing who you really are. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Opening Your Crown Chakra for Receiving Downloads, Upgrades & Activations
Our crown chakras. They are wonderful portals for receiving energy. We can also receive downloads, upgrades, and activations through our crown chakras. So what’s a download? It’s a packet of information which could include ideas, inspiration, information about your past lives, and so much more. Upgrades allow us more access to our spiritual gifts, and activations help us to integrate our past life selves and all the knowledge and abilities we’ve already obtained through living those past lives. So yeah. This is a huge one. I created this ten minute sound healing using one of my crystal bowls, and I also channeled tones that will open your crown chakra right up. Just sit back or lie down and enjoy this one. Love! <3
Light Language for Aligning You with & Activating Your 5th Dimensional Chakras
The 5th Dimensional Chakra System. Have you heard of it? Are you aware that you have one? These 5D chakras are numbered 8 through 12, and we have access to them right now! I channeled this light language transmission with the intention, vibration, and infused it with galactic light codes to give you access to your 5D chakra system, aligning you with their power and wisdom. These chakras, unlike the ones in our physical bodies, tend to hang around in our energy fields. But when you listen to this recording, you’ll be inviting them into your body. And that’s going to put you in a fifth dimensional frequency state for sure. Joy! <3
Light Language for Clearing Your Sacral Chakra & Activating Your Creative and Sexual Energies
Sex & Creativity. These two BIG desires are all wrapped up in the sacral chakra, which is right around the belly button area. This light language transmission is infused with the energies, vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to free your sacral chakra from all the guck that has accumulated there from this lifetime and all past lives. The transmission is 5 minutes and 45 seconds, and in that time, I channeled a clearing and an activation for your sacral chakra, and you will feel the effects instantly. Keep listening to this one whenever you need to clear some sexual shame or a creative block. It will chip away at those lifetimes of traumatic experiences, and it will give you a new activation every time you listen. Love! <3
Light Language For Clearing Your Solar Plexus Chakra
Confidence. Strength. Power. All of these vibrations are attributed to the solar plexus chakra. You can add independence and sovereignty to that list as well. The solar plexus chakra, where many of us feel our deepest emotions, is also a power center where we can access strength, confidence, independence, and other higher frequency vibrations. I channeled this light language so that you can access more of those feelings through your solar plexus. The vibrations, intention, and galactic light codes infused into this transmission will clear out your solar plexus, giving you more access to what you want to feel. Power! <3
Light Language for Activating Your High Heart Chakra
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate, clear, and open your high heart chakra. The high heart chakra is all about your purpose in this lifetime – finding it, fulfilling it, and living your truth in every moment. This often overlooked chakra is about linking the unconditional love that we truly are with the fullness of self-expression, which is of course linked to the throat chakra. Listen to this one whenever you feel lost or like you’ve strayed from your purpose in this lifetime. Joy! <3
Light Language for Opening Your Crown Chakra to Receive Downloads
This transmission of 5 minutes and 47 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for opening your crown chakra so that you can receive more downloads from the higher realms. We are constantly being sent downloads from higher frequency beings, but we don’t always receive what we’re sent because of the fact that most of us aren’t open enough to receive. This light language transmission will open your crown chakra up so that you can receive more of the high frequency downloads that are meant just for you. Love! <3
Light Language for Your Throat Chakra & Opening You Up to Channeling
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to clear any blockages you have in your throat chakra that are preventing you from setting boundaries, speaking your truth, and channeling verbally. The throat chakra blockages that we have are usually related to past lives where we suffered persecution for speaking our truth, our beliefs, or having channeling and/or psychic abilities that others felt threatened by. You will probably need to listen to this one a few times to get through all the layers of blockages from those past lives…as well as any experiences you’ve had in this one that have led to throat chakra trauma. Release! <3
Light Language For Clearing Your Root Chakra Of Fears And Traumas Associated With Death
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for clearing fear and traumas associated with death from your root chakra. These fears and traumas can affect us without our conscious awareness, as the root chakra stores all of the traumatic experiences from our past lives involving our deaths in those lifetimes. And the fears that seem so irrational to us in this lifetime are the result of these traumas that we can go through life completely unaware of. That’s why I created this download. I know that it can and will help if you listen to it and open yourself up to receive all the intentions that are infused into it. Release! <3
Chakra Sound Healing ∞Daniel & Maricris
In this sound healing of just over 10 minutes, I teamed up with my super talented Shamanic Priestess wife, Maricris. Maricris did the shamanic drumming, and I channeled tones and overtones that are infused with the intention of clearing, healing, and opening your seven main chakras. You can sit back and listen to this one any time you feel you’ve got a blockage in one of your main chakras. You can also listen to this one for regular maintenance of your chakras, and you can definitely use it to help you clear out any negative emotions or trauma you feel stuck in your chakra system. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Channeling Chakra
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 55 seconds, I channeled a light language that will activate and open your channeling chakra. Just lie back (or sit back) and listen to the tones and sounds that came through as I channeled this light language. Feel for the vibrations infused into the language as it works on unblocking, activating, and opening the channeling chakra, which is at the back of your neck. You may start channeling right away, or it may take several listens before you break through and begin verbal channeling. Be patient with yourself. Love <3
Maricris’ Chakra Activation Meditation
In this Chakra Activation meditation, I take you through each of your 7 main chakras and activate and open them up individually. This meditation clears all the blocks that prevent you from feeling open, confident, happy and aligned to the truth of who you are and your Soul’s purpose.
Do this meditation daily, or as often as you need, to help you feel centered, balanced and grounded. This is a very powerful meditation and I suggest you drink a lot of water after this and hold yourself in a loving and compassionate space. Enjoy! <3
8-Day Chakra Cleanse ∞Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton
Prior to my Spiritual growth and awakening, I never really thought about my chakras. I didn’t even really understand how they affected my heart, body, mind and soul. When I began to open up to a deeper level of awareness and knowing within me, I began to really understand and harness the power of my CHAKRAS. I truly believe that they are an integral part of creating a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.
When any of our chakras are out of alignment, you might feel a sense of physical discomfort, emotional imbalance, mental confusion and lack a strong spiritual connection to the DIVINE. If you don’t feel like yourself, are feeling out of balance and lacking a sense of enthusiasm and passion for life, one or more of your energy centres may be out of alignment.
However, when your chakras are in alignment, you have optimal physical health and well-being, emotional clarity, peace of mind, connection to Spirit, confidence in who you are and you feel centered and balanced.
During this 8 day chakra cleanse program you’ll be able to:
Overtones for Integrating Your Higher Self into Your 7 Main Chakras
This transmission is just over 10 minutes in length, and it features overtones that I channeled from a variety of sources, including The Creators, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven & The Hathors. These overtones are infused with the intention of opening up your 7 main chakras so that they can receive more of the consciousness of your Higher Self. As you listen to the tones, be sure to listen actively. That is, feel for the opening of your chakras and consciously receive your Higher Self’s energy. Love! <3
Breathing Exercises for Aligning, Clearing & Opening Your Seven Main Chakras
In this download of 16 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled The Creators, and they took us through a process that uses our breathing, intention, and attention to align, activate, cleanse, clear, and open our chakras up to receive all the beautiful love, light, energy, upgrades, and downloads that we’ve been given from the beings in the higher realms. You can do this one on a regular basis, as needed. It’s going to leave you in a very good-feeling place, ready to create new and magical experiences for yourself and the rest of the collective. Enjoy! <3
Accessing the Creativity of Source and Activation of Sacral Chakra ∞Yeshua
In this download of just over 11 minutes, The Creators take us through a process for accessing the creativity of Source Energy, and they give us an activation of our sacral chakra. Additionally, The C’s give us great advice for approaching all of our creative endeavors. Whether you already have a creative outlet for your energy or not, you can and will benefit from this one. We can all use a bit more of the creative juices flowing in our lives. Love! <3
Light Language for Clearing, Aligning & Upgrading Your 7 Main Chakras
In this light language transmission of just under 6 minutes, I channel words and sounds that will clear, align, and upgrade your seven main chakras. The light language is infused with that intention, and the codes embedded in it will have a profound effect on your chakras. This is a powerful transmission, and yet, it can be used often to clear, re-align, and continue the upgrades to your chakra system. Listen to it as frequently as you like, and eventually you might even be inspired to speak a light language of your own. Love! <3
High Heart Chakra Activation ∞Yeshua
This activation from Yeshua will put you in touch with the not-so-often discussed high heart chakra, which is the 8th chakra (also known as the thymic chakra). Yeshua walks you through a process of feeling for this chakra, as he cleanses it with love and light. Yeshua is assisted by your guides, Quan Yin, the Archangels, and many other helpers during this process. You will feel more connected to humanity, the universe, and Source after completing this one. Enjoy! <3
Chakra & Auric Field Cleansing, Clearing, and Reactivation ∞The Buddha
In this download of over 15 minutes in length, The Buddha takes us through a cleansing, clearing, and reactivation of our auras/energy fields and seven main chakras. You will feel the light and love from The Buddha pouring through you, surrounding you, and helping to put you back in the present moment, releasing traumas, thought forms, and beliefs from the past (including past lives) that might be holding you back from living fully in this lifetime. Enjoy! <3
Chakra Realignment & Clearing ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 13 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through an alignment of our seven main chakras. He then offers a transmission of white light to clear and cleanse all of the lower frequency energies from them. Finally, he invites us to feel the effects of the chakra realignment and clearing. Your chakras will be freer to express the higher frequency energies and information they hold after completing this download. Enjoy! <3
Crown Chakra Activation for Receiving Downloads ∞The PHCo7
This download of just over 11 minutes from The Pleiadian High Council of Seven is an activation of the crown chakra. The P’s walk us through a process to open and activate this often overlooked chakra. They also invite us to receive the downloads that are already floating around in our fields, and they help us establish a connection between ourselves and the higher realms. They state that at the end of the activation, you will be more connected to your Oversoul, spirit guides, Source, and all high frequency beings available for channeling. Enjoy <3
Sacral Chakra Activation for Releasing Your Sexual & Creative Energies
In this approximately 12 minute download from The Creators, they take us through an explanation of how our sacral chakras get blocked, what happens as a result, and then they walk us through a process of downloading more of the Oversoul’s energy directly into the sacral chakra. The result: a release of sexual and creative energies for the purpose of greater freedom of self-expression. Enjoy! <3
Solar Plexus Chakra Clearing & Activation for More Power and Confidence ∞The Hathors/Creators
This download of over 10 minutes is filled with overtones from The Hathors & The Creators. These overtones will work on you multidimensionally to clear and activate your solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra is the power center and many of us hold the vibration of confidence there as well. The overtones are infused with the intention to activate your innate power and confidence. Sit back and listen to these overtones, or tone along. It doesn’t matter if you match the sounds exactly. The most important piece is the intention that you infuse into your toning. Enjoy! <3
Fifth Dimensional Chakra Activation ∞The PHCo7
The fifth dimensional charka system is becoming more relevant as we take on the higher frequency energies. It’s a dynamic chakra system that we can begin working with and playing with right NOW! This download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds from the Pleiadian High Council of Seven will introduce you to the 5D chakra system and encourage you to integrate them into your physical body. Enjoy! <3
Throat Chakra Clearing, Opening, & Activation ∞The Creators
The throat chakra is an often overlooked chakra that contains our abilities to express ourselves verbally, through singing, toning, and channeling. If you feel stuck in your verbal channeling, or if you don’t speak up for yourself enough or set healthy boundaries, this is the download for you! The Creators walk us through several processes in this 12 and a half minute recording. Afterwards, you will discover that you have more ways of expressing yourself than you originally thought! Enjoy <3
Root Chakra Clearing & Abundance Frequency Activation ∞The PHCo7
The root chakra is likely the last one to come along to the fifth dimensional frequency range. We tend to hold so much fear, trauma, and judgment in that often forgotten about chakra that it can hold us back from living the life we ultimately want to live. The Pleiadian High Council of Seven is here to help. They offer a process for clearing that stuck energy out of the root chakra and then assist in activating our abundance frequency in this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds. Enjoy! <3
Channeling Chakra Opening, Upgrade & Activation ∞The PHCo7
Although we are used to working with those seven major chakras in the physical body, there are countless others whose energy we can tap into. The Channeling Chakra is one of them! In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, the Pleiadian High Council of Seven take us through a channeling chakra opening, upgrade, and activation. Everything is shifting, including how we will channel and what we’ll be able to do with that energy! I’m excited to see the results of this… Enjoy! <3
How to Tone to Clear Your Chakras ∞Archangel Michael
In just over 11 minutes and 11 seconds :), Archangel Michael delivers a download to assist us in clearing our chakras using nothing more than intention and the power of our own voices. They explain how to tone, what is actually happening when we clear our chakras, and they lend their energetic support throughout. Enjoy! <3
Tones for Opening the Third Eye ∞The Hathors & The Creators
I asked The Hathors and The Creators to collaborate on this one. These tones are infused with my intention, and the intentions of my guides, to open your third eye chakra. Sit back, listen, and enjoy the feeling of the vibrations of the tones as they decalcify your pineal gland and energetically open you to more clairvoyant experiences and intuitive hits. Enjoy! <3
Chakra Meditation ∞The Founders
This CHAKRA MEDITATION from The Founders will take you through each chakra, one by one. Upon completion, your chakras will be energized, aligned, and crystal clear. Just under 16 minutes in length, it’s the perfect way to start your day. Here is a preview of the meditation. Enjoy!
Chakra Sound Healing ∞The Hathors
For this recording, I channeled a different tone from The Hathors for each of the 7 main chakras in the physical body. This recording is just under 5 minutes in length and is best experienced while wearing headphones. The Hathors work with sound now, just as they always have, and the result is powerful. While listening to this recording, I recommend tuning in to your seven main chakras. The first tone is for the root chakra, so start there and work your way up. A chakra sound healing is the perfect way to start your day, but it will also raise your vibration no matter when you listen to it. Love <3
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