In this download of 12 and a half minutes, The 9DAC describe what Divine Masculine energy is (in comparison to the lower masculine energy), and then they walk us through a process to activate it, spread it around the entire physical body, and connect it to the heart center. This download will leave you feeling whole, complete, and powerful. You will move forward in your actions and with your words, confidently, and with the Divine Masculine fueling you. The Arcturians brought a lot of high frequency energy to this one. Enjoy! <3
Divine Masculine Energy Activation ∞ Pay What You Want
In this download of 12 and a half minutes, The 9DAC describe what Divine Masculine energy is (in comparison to the lower masculine energy), and then they walk us through a process to activate it, spread it around the entire physical body, and connect it to the heart center. This download will leave you feeling whole, complete, and powerful. You will move forward in your actions and with your words, confidently, and with the Divine Masculine fueling you. The Arcturians brought a lot of high frequency energy to this one. Enjoy! <3
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