In this download of just under 12 minutes, The Quarnthians deliver several strategies for channeling extra-terrestrial races. The transmission was pretty powerful, and just by listening, you can certainly tune in to their frequency. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to bring them (and the Zetas) through recently. I hope you all have the opportunity to channel such lovely beings as well. Good luck <3
How to Channel Extra-Terrestrials ∞The Quarnthians
In this download of just under 12 minutes, The Quarnthians deliver several strategies for channeling extra-terrestrial races. The transmission was pretty powerful, and just by listening, you can certainly tune in to their frequency. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to bring them (and the Zetas) through recently. I hope you all have the opportunity to channel such lovely beings as well. Good luck <3
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