In this download of 11 and a half minutes from Yeshua, he takes us on a journey to the vibration, and therefore manifestation, of everything we’ve asked for in this lifetime. With the gentle guidance of Yeshua, the ascended master, we can vibrate in harmony with that which we’ve created and that which exists vibrationally, out there, somewhere, waiting for us to claim it. This download is one that we can do over and over, whenever that doubt creeps in, whenever those beliefs come to the surface that say we can’t or won’t become one with our desires. Enjoy! <3
How to Receive All That You’ve Been Asking For ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 and a half minutes from Yeshua, he takes us on a journey to the vibration, and therefore manifestation, of everything we’ve asked for in this lifetime. With the gentle guidance of Yeshua, the ascended master, we can vibrate in harmony with that which we’ve created and that which exists vibrationally, out there, somewhere, waiting for us to claim it. This download is one that we can do over and over, whenever that doubt creeps in, whenever those beliefs come to the surface that say we can’t or won’t become one with our desires. Enjoy! <3
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