The 30 Recordings Included in this Learning to Channel ∞Mega Bundle have a Full Value of $470. Included in this Bundle of Recordings are Light Languages, Exercises, Processes, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Gong Sounds & Throat Singing and a Meditation
The 30 Recordings Included in this Learning to Channel ∞Mega Bundle have a Full Value of $470. Included in this Bundle of Recordings are Light Languages, Exercises, Processes, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Gong Sounds & Throat Singing and a Meditation. Listen to these Recordings in any Order You Like and as Frequently as You Want to. When it Comes to Channeling, the More You Practice the Better. <3
Light Language for Accessing All of the Guidance Coming to You from Higher-Dimensional Beings
Guidance. We all want it, and some of us know we are always getting it, but we also know that we don’t always receive that which is coming to us from the higher-dimensional beings around us. Sometimes we listen harder or ask louder, and sometimes we get really emotional in our asking, but still we don’t receive that guidance that our spirit guides, higher self, oversoul, galactic team, Source, and all the other helps we have are offering to us. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. Before I sat to channel this light language, I put forth the intention that it would hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to open the listener up to guidance coming to you from higher-dimensional beings. When you listen to this one, feel yourself opening up more to that which is being showered down upon you from above. Love <3
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing for Activating All of Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities
Activating Our Spiritual Gifts & Abilities. We all want to do it. Some of us will spend years attempting to get them activated, and once we do activate them, we of course then go to work on honing them and perfecting them. I’ve been channeling in English since 2010, channeling light language since 2011 and channeling tones & overtones since 2012, and I still feel that I’m in the process of becoming my most gifted self. It’s a process. It took me ten years straight of daily meditation before I was able to channel at all. So anything that will give you and me and all of us the right activation for accessing and perfecting those spiritual gifts we desire must be a godsend. That’s why I created this 10-minute recording of gong sounds and channeled throat singing for that purpose of activating spiritual gifts & abilities. There are still some I’d like to access myself! What is included as a spiritual gift and/or ability? Clairaudience, psychic abilities, light language channeling, verbal channeling in your language, healing abilities, clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, instant manifestation, and so much more. This one is for all of us.Love <3
Light Language for Activating the Spiritual Gift of Channeling within You
Channeling. It is definitely a spiritual gift, and it is one that I am so glad I had activated within me. I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but it certainly could have been at any time I was sitting in the energy (I almost always sat in the front row) of an Abraham-Hicks workshop. I know that we have the ability to activate each other and each other’s spiritual gifts, and that’s why I created this 6-minute language of light. I channeled this light language infused with the intention, energy, and galactic light codes to activate your channeling abilities because I believe the world needs more channelers with high integrity. I hope everyone who listens to, reads, or watches my channeling on YouTube gets activated someday and begins channeling on their own, and I know this light language will help you attain that goal.Joy! <3
Light Language for Opening You Up to Receiving Guidance from Your Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Other Higher-Dimensional Beings
Guidance from above. We all want it, because it’s so helpful in so many areas of our lives – spiritually, financially, romantically, physically, and in regards to all of the decisions we want and need to make. The wisdom we can download from our higher selves, spirit guides, and other higher-dimensional beings of light and love is endless. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language transmission. Before I began to channel the language of light in this downloadable mp3 recording, I set the intention for the language to contain the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to open you up to receiving guidance from your spirit guides, higher self, and all the other higher-dimensional beings that are around us all the time, seeking to offer their wisdom. Love <3
The archangels, ascended masters, faeries, your star family, galactic team, and other high-vibrational e.t. beings all want to help us with whatever we need assistance with, but we have to let that help from the higher realms in. We have to open ourselves up to their guidance, and that’s what this light language is designed to do. Listen to it whenever you need that wisdom from above, and also give it a listen before going to bed so that you can dream the pearls of wisdom from our helpers, friends, and other beings in the higher-dimensional realms. Joy! <3
Light Language for Unblocking & Opening Up Your Central Channel
Our central channel. What is it, exactly? It is a channel that runs from the crown of our heads to the base of our spines, and it allows high-frequency energy to flow, including our kundalini energy, when open and not energetically blocked. It also corresponds to the parasympathetic nervous system, which means that an open central channel will also result in a healthier physical body. When the central channel is in balance, open, and unblocked, your breathing and digestion will automatically improve, as well as your posture. The central channel is also related to the evolution of our consciousness, and an open and unblocked central channel will aid on your journey of becoming a verbal channel.
I created this 6-minute downloadable recording, which you can play on any device as an mp3, to unblock and open your central channel so that you can receive all of the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual benefits of having that perfect balance and energy flow that follow naturally when the central channel is open. Before I channeled the language of light that you’ll hear in the recording, I set the intention for the sounds and words created to unblock and open the central channel of the listener, and I could feel the results in myself right away. I know that this recording will also benefit you as the listener, and I’m confident that you can and will feel the results after just one listen. Joy!
Light Language For Releasing All of Your Blocks To Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts
Accessing our spiritual gifts is something we crave almost from the moment of our spiritual awakening. Suddenly, we realize that having psychic powers, speaking to spirit guides, healing others, and channeling are within our reach. We see others having so much fun and so many profound experiences because they accessed their spiritual gifts, and we wonder when it will be our time to gain access to wonderful and otherworldly abilities. Now is the time. The downloadable mp3 recording of this light language is six minutes in length, and you can listen to it at least once a day to help you remove your blockages to attaining those spiritual gifts and abilities you desire. Light language works by activating you, opening you up, and putting you in a vibrational state where those blocks no longer exist.
I channeled this light language, and as I did, I infused the light language with the intention to hold the galactic light codes, vibration, and energy to release your blockages and open you up so that you can let all the gifts you desire into your body, mind, and soul. You will be able to take your spiritual gifts to the next level with this light language transmission as well, as it can have a powerful effect on those of us who have already accessed some of our gifts…but not all of them…yet! Joy <3
Light Language for Releasing All Your Blocks to Communicating with Your Spirit Guides
Our spirit guides. We certainly can use theirhelp, and communicating with them is the first step. So why do we sometimes have trouble getting in touch with them, and why is hearing their guidance often so challenging? It could be any number of things. First off, I’ve always been told by the beings that I channel that we need to feel for the presence of our guides first. There are other blocks that we can accumulate over time…and lifetimes, however. Maybe we listened to a guide at one time (or what we thought was a guide), and the guidance turned out to be wrong, or it took us down a path with many more challenges than we wanted to face. Maybe it’s negative thoughts, beliefs, or our minds that are blocking us.
Light Language For Releasing All Blocks to Channeling
Before I ever channeled the first five words I ever spoke: “We are here for you,” I received the wisdom from the collective known as Abraham that I needed to work through my resistance before I could start verbally channeling. I didn’t know exactly what my blocks were to channeling, or why I would have any resistance to doing something I loved so much, but that’s the thing about blocks and resistance…they can come from anywhere, even a past life or lives. That’s why I created this light language for releasing all of your blocks to verbal channeling.
I know how hard it can be from my own experience to even understand why or how you could be blocked to doing something you really want to do. And the beautiful thing about light languages is that they bypass the mind, so you don’t ever have to uncover what those blocks might be in order to benefit from this recording. Light languages contain galactic light codes, energy, an intention, and a vibration, all specific to the unique light language being spoken. I must have spoken thousands of unique light languages by this point in my journey, as I began speaking them in May of 2011. This light language will jar loose those blocks you have to channeling because that was the intention I held for it, and after listening just once, you might find yourself channeling for the very first time. Joy! <3
Light Language for Opening You Up & Moving High-Frequency Energies Through Your Body
Moving high-frequency energy through our bodies. It’s something I channel about all the time, and something I’ve experienced countless times in this lifetime. And I want everyone to be able to experience that magical feeling of being lit up, filled with goosebumps, and energized by non-physical, unconditional love. That’s why I created this light language of 6 minutes in length.
Before I began channeling the light language transmission, I held that intention for the light language that it hold the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to open you up to the energies that are all around you. I then channeled the light language and could feel the power of it as it moved through me. This experience of having high-frequency energy moving through me happened for the first time, without any intention on my part, in 2010 and eventually led to my channeling The Creators in the Fall of 2010. Now, it’s a daily practice of mine, and I invite you to give yourself the gift of this truly magical and transformative experience. Joy! <3
An Exercise for Channeling Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Angels, Faeries, ETs & Higher Dimensional Collectives
The road to becoming a verbal channel can be a long one, filled with potholes, detours, and roadblocks. I’d like to make that road a lot smoother and easier to navigate for the rest of humankind. That’s why I created this recording. This downloadable mp3 file is all me…I’m not channeling The Arcturian Council, The Creators, or any of the other higher-dimensional beings I’ve connected to since the year 2010. I was teaching a private channeling lesson the other day, and this process just came to me, as if I downloaded it on the spot. I found it to be quite brilliant, and I know it will be an effective tool for you, no matter what your level of proficiency is with channeling in this present moment. I know that you will be able to use this one to access your spirit guides, higher self, angels, archangels, faeries, e.t.s, and any other higher-dimensional beings/collectives you’ve ever wanted to channel. It’s that powerful! I hope you experience as much joy in listening to it as much as I did in creating it. Love! <3
How to Channel Andromedans ∞The Andromedan Council of Light
The road to becoming a verbal channel can be a long one, filled with potholes, detours, and roadblocks. I’d like to make that road a lot smoother and easier to navigate for the rest of humankind. That’s why I created this recording. This downloadable mp3 file is all me…I’m not channeling The Arcturian Council, The Creators, or any of the other higher-dimensional beings I’ve connected to since the year 2010. I was teaching a private channeling lesson the other day, and this process just came to me, as if I downloaded it on the spot. I found it to be quite brilliant, and I know it will be an effective tool for you, no matter what your level of proficiency is with channeling in this present moment. I know that you will be able to use this one to access your spirit guides, higher self, angels, archangels, faeries, e.t.s, and any other higher-dimensional beings/collectives you’ve ever wanted to channel. It’s that powerful! I hope you experience as much joy in listening to it as much as I did in creating it. Love! <3
Mantras for Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts ∞The Creators
Our spiritual gifts and abilities. No matter how many we have accessed thus far, the ones we want to access tend to feel so far out of reach. Mantras, when applied correctly, can give us the right vibration to move us into that space of accessing, receiving those spiritual gifts. The Creators take us through several wonderful mantras in the course of the 11 minutes and 11 seconds of this recording, each of which will bring you closer and closer to accessing all of the spiritual gifts and abilities you’ve summoned in this lifetime and in all other lifetimes prior to this one. The Creators are masterful at guiding us to feel for the resonance of each mantra, and they explain how to correct for any lack of resonance that we feel. Now is a beautifultime to be accessing those spiritual gifts and abilities, as more and more people on Earth are waking up every day and will be looking for new teachers, channelers, healers, and guides to lead them into the fifth dimension. Love! <3
A Process for Verbally Channeling Higher Dimensional Beings ∞The Arcturian Council
Verbal channeling of Higher Dimensional Beings. Perhaps it’s something you do but would like to do more of or to feel better about your abilities. Maybe it’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t been able to access just yet. Either way, this download from The 9D Arcturian Council will help! The Arcturians have provided us with a simple, easy-to-follow process to get us into the channeling state and open up to speak the words, make the tones and sounds, or offer the light language that the energies we’re tapping in to are best represented by. Channeling Higher Dimensional Beings has changed my life for the better in so many ways.
Sound Healing for Removing All Blocks to Verbal Channeling
Verbal channeling. It includes channeling tones, light languages, and words in whatever language you naturally speak. Often we have blocks that we don’t even know about. Before I started channeling, I definitely had some blocks I had to work through. That’s why I created this sound healing with one of my crystal bowls and the tones I channel. The sounds in this 10 minute recording will un-block your throat and channeling chakras, helping you to release any trauma you’re storing from past lives around speaking your truth and being one who delivered information from higher frequency beings (that others didn’t want to hear). Listen to this one before you sit to channel higher frequency beings. Just sit back, relax, and let the sounds wash over you.Channeling! <3
Light Language for Your Throat Chakra & Opening You Up to Channeling
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to clear any blockages you have in your throat chakra that are preventing you from setting boundaries, speaking your truth, and channeling verbally. The throat chakra blockages that we have are usually related to past lives where we suffered persecution for speaking our truth, our beliefs, or having channeling and/or psychic abilities that others felt threatened by. You will probably need to listen to this one a few times to get through all the layers of blockages from those past lives…as well as any experiences you’ve had in this one that have led to throat chakra trauma. Release! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Channeling Chakra
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 55 seconds, I channeled a light language that will activate and open your channeling chakra. Just lie back (or sit back) and listen to the tones and sounds that came through as I channeled this light language. Feel for the vibrations infused into the language as it works on unblocking, activating, and opening the channeling chakra, which is at the back of your neck. You may start channeling right away, or it may take several listens before you break through and begin verbal channeling. Be patient with yourself. Love <3
Mantras for Activating Your Verbal Channeling Abilities ∞The Creators
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Creators walk you through a series of mantras that will awaken and activate your verbal channeling abilities. The C’s also explain why some mantras don’t work and how to ensure that these mantras will. This download will help you cut to the core of why you’ve struggled to begin verbal channeling, and you will feel more certain than ever that you can and will verbally channel. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating the Channeling State
In this light language transmission of just over 5 minutes, I channel a light language that is infused with the intention to put you more easily (or even automatically) into the channeling state. All you have to do is sit back and listen to the language to let it activate you. However, if you do feel inspired to speak your own light language after hearing it, there’s a very good possibility that it will lead to you channeling in your native language as well. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling Mother Mary ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through a process to get us channeling the being who incarnated as the mother of Jesus Christ, known to most of us as Mother Mary. First, Yeshua connects us to that which is in us and also in Mary, who is now an ascended master. Next, he gets us to feel her energy and tone for it. Finally, he asks us to verbally speak a message from Mary. Whether or not you channel her directly via voice and/or tone as a result of this process, you will feel her presence and receive her unconditional love and compassion. Enjoy!
Channeling Meditation ∞Archangel Michael
In this 15 minute meditation from Archangel Michael, you’ll be taken on a guided journey where the intended destination is the channeling of high frequency beings of light and love. Michael’s words are set to beautiful new age music, and by the end of the 15 minutes, you may find yourself speaking for non-physical guides for the very first time. Michael encourages you to continue channeling even after the meditation and music have ceased. This is a powerful tool for beginners and advanced channelers alike. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling Arcturians ∞The Arcturian Council
This download of just over 12 minutes is a wonderful guide on how to channel Arcturians. The Arcturians are tied to us energetically and are very interested in helping us to shift our consciousness. The Arcturian Council gives a process for channeling any and all Arcturian beings of a high frequency. Their energy transmission in this one is enough to put you right in the channeling state. By the end of the recording, you will likely be channeling and won’t want to stop… Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling Higher-Dimensional Beings ∞The PHCo7
This download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds is a new process brought to you by The Pleiadian High Council of Seven. The P’s take us through a series of exercises to strengthen our bond with these higher-dimensionals so that we can channel them clearly. The Pleiadians comment at the beginning of the transmission about how much faster and more intense the energies are at this time and how there are so many higher-dimensionals here to support us. Enjoy! <3
Channeling Chakra Opening, Upgrade & Activation ∞The PHCo7
Although we are used to working with those seven major chakras in the physical body, there are countless others whose energy we can tap into. The Channeling Chakra is one of them! In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, the Pleiadian High Council of Seven take us through a channeling chakra opening, upgrade, and activation. Everything is shifting, including how we will channel and what we’ll be able to do with that energy! I’m excited to see the results of this… Enjoy! <3
A Breathing Exercise to Induce the Channeling State ∞The Creators
In this download of over 16.5 minutes, The Creators lead us through a breathing exercise designed to open us up, access more energy, connect to higher frequency beings, and channel those beings. Breathwork has been coming up a lot lately, and so I’m not surprised at all that it’s the focus of this week’s download. It is certainly an easily accessible path to becoming a clear direct voice channel. Enjoy <3
Overtones & Light Language Transmissions for Inducing the Channeling State
This download of just over 10 minutes in length comes to you from The Pleiadian High Council of Seven (although I know Archangel Michael & The Creators were also contributing). The light language transmission that came through was so unique and fast…I could hardly keep up. The power behind it is intense, and it’s something that you will be able to mimic. The tones were filled with the intention that they induce channeling in all of you who listen! Enjoy <3
A Process for Channeling Pleiadians ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
In this download of 11 and a half minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven walk us through a visualization/process to connect us to the vibration of the Pleiadian Star System. This process is similar to the one I experienced myself on my journey to channeling them. The energy transmission coming through me for this one is enough to enough to get you right there. Once you feel the vibration of the Pleiades, the rest is just about letting go and letting the channeling come through. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling ∞The Hathors
This channeling process of over 12 minutes is brought to you by The Hathors. In it, they walk us through a series of steps that culminates in their encouragement to speak your very own light language. The Hathors offer a mini-workshop on channeling in this one. It’s filled with the power of their frequency and the certainty with which they teach. It was a pleasure of mine to bring it through for all of you. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling High-Frequency Beings ∞Archangel Michael
This process of 11 minutes and 11 seconds comes to you from Archangel Michael. They delivered an exercise for opening our central channel, and they also walk us through inviting high frequency beings in through that channel. Michael really brought the goods for this one. It’s such a powerful exercise. Everyone can and will benefit from doing it. This is an exercise you can do over and over to expand your abilities as a channel. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling Archangels ∞Archangel Michael
This process came through in a private, one-on-one channeling lesson, and I thought it was so good that I decided to channel it again for everyone to enjoy. Archangel Michael delivers this powerful process that’s just over 16 minutes in length. You can use it for any of the Archangels that you’d like to channel – or all of them! <3
Overtones to Induce the Channeling State
I’ve recently been told by at least three people that listening to the tones and overtones I channel have put them in the channeling state or at least an altered state of consciousness. So I wondered what would happen if I made a recording of tones with that intention infused into it? This is the result. 11 minutes and 11 seconds of tones and overtones. I think all of my guides chipped in, and maybe a few I don’t know (yet) too! Sit back, let your intention be to let the tones do their thing, and Enjoy, and enjoy this Learn to Channel Master Course! <3
Learning to Channel ∞Mega Bundle
The 30 Recordings Included in this Learning to Channel ∞Mega Bundle have a Full Value of $470. Included in this Bundle of Recordings are Light Languages, Exercises, Processes, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Gong Sounds & Throat Singing and a Meditation
The 30 Recordings Included in this Learning to Channel ∞Mega Bundle have a Full Value of $470. Included in this Bundle of Recordings are Light Languages, Exercises, Processes, Mantras, Breathing Exercises, Gong Sounds & Throat Singing and a Meditation. Listen to these Recordings in any Order You Like and as Frequently as You Want to. When it Comes to Channeling, the More You Practice the Better. <3
Light Language for Accessing All of the Guidance Coming to You from Higher-Dimensional Beings
Guidance. We all want it, and some of us know we are always getting it, but we also know that we don’t always receive that which is coming to us from the higher-dimensional beings around us. Sometimes we listen harder or ask louder, and sometimes we get really emotional in our asking, but still we don’t receive that guidance that our spirit guides, higher self, oversoul, galactic team, Source, and all the other helps we have are offering to us. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. Before I sat to channel this light language, I put forth the intention that it would hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to open the listener up to guidance coming to you from higher-dimensional beings. When you listen to this one, feel yourself opening up more to that which is being showered down upon you from above. Love <3
Gong Sounds & Throat Singing for Activating All of Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities
Activating Our Spiritual Gifts & Abilities. We all want to do it. Some of us will spend years attempting to get them activated, and once we do activate them, we of course then go to work on honing them and perfecting them. I’ve been channeling in English since 2010, channeling light language since 2011 and channeling tones & overtones since 2012, and I still feel that I’m in the process of becoming my most gifted self. It’s a process. It took me ten years straight of daily meditation before I was able to channel at all. So anything that will give you and me and all of us the right activation for accessing and perfecting those spiritual gifts we desire must be a godsend. That’s why I created this 10-minute recording of gong sounds and channeled throat singing for that purpose of activating spiritual gifts & abilities. There are still some I’d like to access myself! What is included as a spiritual gift and/or ability? Clairaudience, psychic abilities, light language channeling, verbal channeling in your language, healing abilities, clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, instant manifestation, and so much more. This one is for all of us. Love <3
Light Language for Activating the Spiritual Gift of Channeling within You
Channeling. It is definitely a spiritual gift, and it is one that I am so glad I had activated within me. I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but it certainly could have been at any time I was sitting in the energy (I almost always sat in the front row) of an Abraham-Hicks workshop. I know that we have the ability to activate each other and each other’s spiritual gifts, and that’s why I created this 6-minute language of light. I channeled this light language infused with the intention, energy, and galactic light codes to activate your channeling abilities because I believe the world needs more channelers with high integrity. I hope everyone who listens to, reads, or watches my channeling on YouTube gets activated someday and begins channeling on their own, and I know this light language will help you attain that goal. Joy! <3
Light Language for Opening You Up to Receiving Guidance from Your Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Other Higher-Dimensional Beings
Guidance from above. We all want it, because it’s so helpful in so many areas of our lives – spiritually, financially, romantically, physically, and in regards to all of the decisions we want and need to make. The wisdom we can download from our higher selves, spirit guides, and other higher-dimensional beings of light and love is endless. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language transmission. Before I began to channel the language of light in this downloadable mp3 recording, I set the intention for the language to contain the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to open you up to receiving guidance from your spirit guides, higher self, and all the other higher-dimensional beings that are around us all the time, seeking to offer their wisdom. Love <3
The archangels, ascended masters, faeries, your star family, galactic team, and other high-vibrational e.t. beings all want to help us with whatever we need assistance with, but we have to let that help from the higher realms in. We have to open ourselves up to their guidance, and that’s what this light language is designed to do. Listen to it whenever you need that wisdom from above, and also give it a listen before going to bed so that you can dream the pearls of wisdom from our helpers, friends, and other beings in the higher-dimensional realms. Joy! <3
Light Language for Unblocking & Opening Up Your Central Channel
Our central channel. What is it, exactly? It is a channel that runs from the crown of our heads to the base of our spines, and it allows high-frequency energy to flow, including our kundalini energy, when open and not energetically blocked. It also corresponds to the parasympathetic nervous system, which means that an open central channel will also result in a healthier physical body. When the central channel is in balance, open, and unblocked, your breathing and digestion will automatically improve, as well as your posture. The central channel is also related to the evolution of our consciousness, and an open and unblocked central channel will aid on your journey of becoming a verbal channel.
I created this 6-minute downloadable recording, which you can play on any device as an mp3, to unblock and open your central channel so that you can receive all of the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual benefits of having that perfect balance and energy flow that follow naturally when the central channel is open. Before I channeled the language of light that you’ll hear in the recording, I set the intention for the sounds and words created to unblock and open the central channel of the listener, and I could feel the results in myself right away. I know that this recording will also benefit you as the listener, and I’m confident that you can and will feel the results after just one listen. Joy!
Light Language For Releasing All of Your Blocks To Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts
Accessing our spiritual gifts is something we crave almost from the moment of our spiritual awakening. Suddenly, we realize that having psychic powers, speaking to spirit guides, healing others, and channeling are within our reach. We see others having so much fun and so many profound experiences because they accessed their spiritual gifts, and we wonder when it will be our time to gain access to wonderful and otherworldly abilities. Now is the time. The downloadable mp3 recording of this light language is six minutes in length, and you can listen to it at least once a day to help you remove your blockages to attaining those spiritual gifts and abilities you desire. Light language works by activating you, opening you up, and putting you in a vibrational state where those blocks no longer exist.
I channeled this light language, and as I did, I infused the light language with the intention to hold the galactic light codes, vibration, and energy to release your blockages and open you up so that you can let all the gifts you desire into your body, mind, and soul. You will be able to take your spiritual gifts to the next level with this light language transmission as well, as it can have a powerful effect on those of us who have already accessed some of our gifts…but not all of them…yet! Joy <3
Light Language for Releasing All Your Blocks to Communicating with Your Spirit Guides
Our spirit guides. We certainly can use their help, and communicating with them is the first step. So why do we sometimes have trouble getting in touch with them, and why is hearing their guidance often so challenging? It could be any number of things. First off, I’ve always been told by the beings that I channel that we need to feel for the presence of our guides first. There are other blocks that we can accumulate over time…and lifetimes, however. Maybe we listened to a guide at one time (or what we thought was a guide), and the guidance turned out to be wrong, or it took us down a path with many more challenges than we wanted to face. Maybe it’s negative thoughts, beliefs, or our minds that are blocking us.
Light Language For Releasing All Blocks to Channeling
Before I ever channeled the first five words I ever spoke: “We are here for you,” I received the wisdom from the collective known as Abraham that I needed to work through my resistance before I could start verbally channeling. I didn’t know exactly what my blocks were to channeling, or why I would have any resistance to doing something I loved so much, but that’s the thing about blocks and resistance…they can come from anywhere, even a past life or lives. That’s why I created this light language for releasing all of your blocks to verbal channeling.
I know how hard it can be from my own experience to even understand why or how you could be blocked to doing something you really want to do. And the beautiful thing about light languages is that they bypass the mind, so you don’t ever have to uncover what those blocks might be in order to benefit from this recording. Light languages contain galactic light codes, energy, an intention, and a vibration, all specific to the unique light language being spoken. I must have spoken thousands of unique light languages by this point in my journey, as I began speaking them in May of 2011. This light language will jar loose those blocks you have to channeling because that was the intention I held for it, and after listening just once, you might find yourself channeling for the very first time. Joy! <3
Light Language for Opening You Up & Moving High-Frequency Energies Through Your Body
Moving high-frequency energy through our bodies. It’s something I channel about all the time, and something I’ve experienced countless times in this lifetime. And I want everyone to be able to experience that magical feeling of being lit up, filled with goosebumps, and energized by non-physical, unconditional love. That’s why I created this light language of 6 minutes in length.
Before I began channeling the light language transmission, I held that intention for the light language that it hold the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to open you up to the energies that are all around you. I then channeled the light language and could feel the power of it as it moved through me. This experience of having high-frequency energy moving through me happened for the first time, without any intention on my part, in 2010 and eventually led to my channeling The Creators in the Fall of 2010. Now, it’s a daily practice of mine, and I invite you to give yourself the gift of this truly magical and transformative experience. Joy! <3
An Exercise for Channeling Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Angels, Faeries, ETs & Higher Dimensional Collectives
The road to becoming a verbal channel can be a long one, filled with potholes, detours, and roadblocks. I’d like to make that road a lot smoother and easier to navigate for the rest of humankind. That’s why I created this recording. This downloadable mp3 file is all me…I’m not channeling The Arcturian Council, The Creators, or any of the other higher-dimensional beings I’ve connected to since the year 2010. I was teaching a private channeling lesson the other day, and this process just came to me, as if I downloaded it on the spot. I found it to be quite brilliant, and I know it will be an effective tool for you, no matter what your level of proficiency is with channeling in this present moment. I know that you will be able to use this one to access your spirit guides, higher self, angels, archangels, faeries, e.t.s, and any other higher-dimensional beings/collectives you’ve ever wanted to channel. It’s that powerful! I hope you experience as much joy in listening to it as much as I did in creating it. Love! <3
How to Channel Andromedans ∞The Andromedan Council of Light
The road to becoming a verbal channel can be a long one, filled with potholes, detours, and roadblocks. I’d like to make that road a lot smoother and easier to navigate for the rest of humankind. That’s why I created this recording. This downloadable mp3 file is all me…I’m not channeling The Arcturian Council, The Creators, or any of the other higher-dimensional beings I’ve connected to since the year 2010. I was teaching a private channeling lesson the other day, and this process just came to me, as if I downloaded it on the spot. I found it to be quite brilliant, and I know it will be an effective tool for you, no matter what your level of proficiency is with channeling in this present moment. I know that you will be able to use this one to access your spirit guides, higher self, angels, archangels, faeries, e.t.s, and any other higher-dimensional beings/collectives you’ve ever wanted to channel. It’s that powerful! I hope you experience as much joy in listening to it as much as I did in creating it. Love! <3
Mantras for Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts ∞The Creators
Our spiritual gifts and abilities. No matter how many we have accessed thus far, the ones we want to access tend to feel so far out of reach. Mantras, when applied correctly, can give us the right vibration to move us into that space of accessing, receiving those spiritual gifts. The Creators take us through several wonderful mantras in the course of the 11 minutes and 11 seconds of this recording, each of which will bring you closer and closer to accessing all of the spiritual gifts and abilities you’ve summoned in this lifetime and in all other lifetimes prior to this one. The Creators are masterful at guiding us to feel for the resonance of each mantra, and they explain how to correct for any lack of resonance that we feel. Now is a beautiful time to be accessing those spiritual gifts and abilities, as more and more people on Earth are waking up every day and will be looking for new teachers, channelers, healers, and guides to lead them into the fifth dimension. Love! <3
A Process for Verbally Channeling Higher Dimensional Beings ∞The Arcturian Council
Verbal channeling of Higher Dimensional Beings. Perhaps it’s something you do but would like to do more of or to feel better about your abilities. Maybe it’s something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t been able to access just yet. Either way, this download from The 9D Arcturian Council will help! The Arcturians have provided us with a simple, easy-to-follow process to get us into the channeling state and open up to speak the words, make the tones and sounds, or offer the light language that the energies we’re tapping in to are best represented by. Channeling Higher Dimensional Beings has changed my life for the better in so many ways.
Sound Healing for Removing All Blocks to Verbal Channeling
Verbal channeling. It includes channeling tones, light languages, and words in whatever language you naturally speak. Often we have blocks that we don’t even know about. Before I started channeling, I definitely had some blocks I had to work through. That’s why I created this sound healing with one of my crystal bowls and the tones I channel. The sounds in this 10 minute recording will un-block your throat and channeling chakras, helping you to release any trauma you’re storing from past lives around speaking your truth and being one who delivered information from higher frequency beings (that others didn’t want to hear). Listen to this one before you sit to channel higher frequency beings. Just sit back, relax, and let the sounds wash over you. Channeling! <3
Light Language for Your Throat Chakra & Opening You Up to Channeling
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 45 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to clear any blockages you have in your throat chakra that are preventing you from setting boundaries, speaking your truth, and channeling verbally. The throat chakra blockages that we have are usually related to past lives where we suffered persecution for speaking our truth, our beliefs, or having channeling and/or psychic abilities that others felt threatened by. You will probably need to listen to this one a few times to get through all the layers of blockages from those past lives…as well as any experiences you’ve had in this one that have led to throat chakra trauma. Release! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Channeling Chakra
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 55 seconds, I channeled a light language that will activate and open your channeling chakra. Just lie back (or sit back) and listen to the tones and sounds that came through as I channeled this light language. Feel for the vibrations infused into the language as it works on unblocking, activating, and opening the channeling chakra, which is at the back of your neck. You may start channeling right away, or it may take several listens before you break through and begin verbal channeling. Be patient with yourself. Love <3
Mantras for Activating Your Verbal Channeling Abilities ∞The Creators
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Creators walk you through a series of mantras that will awaken and activate your verbal channeling abilities. The C’s also explain why some mantras don’t work and how to ensure that these mantras will. This download will help you cut to the core of why you’ve struggled to begin verbal channeling, and you will feel more certain than ever that you can and will verbally channel. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Activating the Channeling State
In this light language transmission of just over 5 minutes, I channel a light language that is infused with the intention to put you more easily (or even automatically) into the channeling state. All you have to do is sit back and listen to the language to let it activate you. However, if you do feel inspired to speak your own light language after hearing it, there’s a very good possibility that it will lead to you channeling in your native language as well. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling Mother Mary ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us through a process to get us channeling the being who incarnated as the mother of Jesus Christ, known to most of us as Mother Mary. First, Yeshua connects us to that which is in us and also in Mary, who is now an ascended master. Next, he gets us to feel her energy and tone for it. Finally, he asks us to verbally speak a message from Mary. Whether or not you channel her directly via voice and/or tone as a result of this process, you will feel her presence and receive her unconditional love and compassion. Enjoy!
Channeling Meditation ∞Archangel Michael
In this 15 minute meditation from Archangel Michael, you’ll be taken on a guided journey where the intended destination is the channeling of high frequency beings of light and love. Michael’s words are set to beautiful new age music, and by the end of the 15 minutes, you may find yourself speaking for non-physical guides for the very first time. Michael encourages you to continue channeling even after the meditation and music have ceased. This is a powerful tool for beginners and advanced channelers alike. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling Arcturians ∞The Arcturian Council
This download of just over 12 minutes is a wonderful guide on how to channel Arcturians. The Arcturians are tied to us energetically and are very interested in helping us to shift our consciousness. The Arcturian Council gives a process for channeling any and all Arcturian beings of a high frequency. Their energy transmission in this one is enough to put you right in the channeling state. By the end of the recording, you will likely be channeling and won’t want to stop… Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling Higher-Dimensional Beings ∞The PHCo7
This download of 12 minutes and 12 seconds is a new process brought to you by The Pleiadian High Council of Seven. The P’s take us through a series of exercises to strengthen our bond with these higher-dimensionals so that we can channel them clearly. The Pleiadians comment at the beginning of the transmission about how much faster and more intense the energies are at this time and how there are so many higher-dimensionals here to support us. Enjoy! <3
Channeling Chakra Opening, Upgrade & Activation ∞The PHCo7
Although we are used to working with those seven major chakras in the physical body, there are countless others whose energy we can tap into. The Channeling Chakra is one of them! In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, the Pleiadian High Council of Seven take us through a channeling chakra opening, upgrade, and activation. Everything is shifting, including how we will channel and what we’ll be able to do with that energy! I’m excited to see the results of this… Enjoy! <3
A Breathing Exercise to Induce the Channeling State ∞The Creators
In this download of over 16.5 minutes, The Creators lead us through a breathing exercise designed to open us up, access more energy, connect to higher frequency beings, and channel those beings. Breathwork has been coming up a lot lately, and so I’m not surprised at all that it’s the focus of this week’s download. It is certainly an easily accessible path to becoming a clear direct voice channel. Enjoy <3
Overtones & Light Language Transmissions for Inducing the Channeling State
This download of just over 10 minutes in length comes to you from The Pleiadian High Council of Seven (although I know Archangel Michael & The Creators were also contributing). The light language transmission that came through was so unique and fast…I could hardly keep up. The power behind it is intense, and it’s something that you will be able to mimic. The tones were filled with the intention that they induce channeling in all of you who listen! Enjoy <3
A Process for Channeling Pleiadians ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
In this download of 11 and a half minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven walk us through a visualization/process to connect us to the vibration of the Pleiadian Star System. This process is similar to the one I experienced myself on my journey to channeling them. The energy transmission coming through me for this one is enough to enough to get you right there. Once you feel the vibration of the Pleiades, the rest is just about letting go and letting the channeling come through. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling ∞The Hathors
This channeling process of over 12 minutes is brought to you by The Hathors. In it, they walk us through a series of steps that culminates in their encouragement to speak your very own light language. The Hathors offer a mini-workshop on channeling in this one. It’s filled with the power of their frequency and the certainty with which they teach. It was a pleasure of mine to bring it through for all of you. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling High-Frequency Beings ∞Archangel Michael
This process of 11 minutes and 11 seconds comes to you from Archangel Michael. They delivered an exercise for opening our central channel, and they also walk us through inviting high frequency beings in through that channel. Michael really brought the goods for this one. It’s such a powerful exercise. Everyone can and will benefit from doing it. This is an exercise you can do over and over to expand your abilities as a channel. Enjoy! <3
A Process for Channeling Archangels ∞Archangel Michael
This process came through in a private, one-on-one channeling lesson, and I thought it was so good that I decided to channel it again for everyone to enjoy. Archangel Michael delivers this powerful process that’s just over 16 minutes in length. You can use it for any of the Archangels that you’d like to channel – or all of them! <3
Overtones to Induce the Channeling State
I’ve recently been told by at least three people that listening to the tones and overtones I channel have put them in the channeling state or at least an altered state of consciousness. So I wondered what would happen if I made a recording of tones with that intention infused into it? This is the result. 11 minutes and 11 seconds of tones and overtones. I think all of my guides chipped in, and maybe a few I don’t know (yet) too! Sit back, let your intention be to let the tones do their thing, and Enjoy, and enjoy this Learn to Channel Master Course! <3
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Please Check Out My NEW Book: ‘Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Vol. 4’ on amazon Here
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