In this transmission of six minutes in length, I brought through a light language that is infused with the codes, tones, and intention to release fear from your energy field, chakras, and even on a cellular level. The language of light I channeled is also infused with the vibration of Power. The fear that has been released will be replaced with the vibration of power. I recommend doing this one anytime you feel fear or powerless. You might even get inspired to speak your own light language after a few listens. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Fear & Activating Power ∞Pay What You Want
In this transmission of six minutes in length, I brought through a light language that is infused with the codes, tones, and intention to release fear from your energy field, chakras, and even on a cellular level. The language of light I channeled is also infused with the vibration of Power. The fear that has been released will be replaced with the vibration of power. I recommend doing this one anytime you feel fear or powerless. You might even get inspired to speak your own light language after a few listens. Enjoy! <3
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