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Light Language for Rewriting Your Soul Blueprint & All Soul Contracts ∞ Pay What You Want
I channeled this 6-minute light language for rewriting your soul blueprint & all soul contracts. This language of light is filled with the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes to give the listener the opportunity to make a fresh start
Light Language for Rewriting Your Soul Blueprint & All Soul Contracts
We know that we come into this lifetime with a blueprint and contracts with other souls as to what we are definitely going to experience with them, and we also know that we are creator beings who have awakened in this lifetime. So how do those two concepts coexist? Well, once we awaken, we have the option of breaking free from a lot that was part of our setup, including our soul contracts and soul blueprint, and we easily shift out of the habits, limitations, and follies of our past selves and genetic line. First, however, we have to shake free from what has been and what we’ve gotten ingrained into. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language for rewriting your soul blueprint & all soul contracts. This language of light is filled with the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes to give the listener the opportunity to make a fresh start. Once you listen to this one, take note of how you feel, and then think about the contracts you want to change and the future you want to create. You will never be a more effectivecreator of your reality. Love <3
How Often Do You Need to Listen to This Light Language to Maximize its Effects On You?
One listen can do the trick for most, unless you keep going back to those old patterns and reactivating old agreements with others that you’ve made in this lifetime. An example of when you would need to re-listen to this one is if you go back home to the house you grew up in and visit your parents. You may feel yourself slipping into those old habits and patterns and subconsciously making new contracts up with them. You’ll know by how you feel when you return to your home as an adult, and lucky for you, you’ll have this light language if you need it. Joy!
Light Language for Rewriting Your Soul Blueprint & All Soul Contracts ∞ Pay What You Want
I channeled this 6-minute light language for rewriting your soul blueprint & all soul contracts. This language of light is filled with the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes to give the listener the opportunity to make a fresh start
Light Language for Rewriting Your Soul Blueprint & All Soul Contracts
We know that we come into this lifetime with a blueprint and contracts with other souls as to what we are definitely going to experience with them, and we also know that we are creator beings who have awakened in this lifetime. So how do those two concepts coexist? Well, once we awaken, we have the option of breaking free from a lot that was part of our setup, including our soul contracts and soul blueprint, and we easily shift out of the habits, limitations, and follies of our past selves and genetic line. First, however, we have to shake free from what has been and what we’ve gotten ingrained into. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language for rewriting your soul blueprint & all soul contracts. This language of light is filled with the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes to give the listener the opportunity to make a fresh start. Once you listen to this one, take note of how you feel, and then think about the contracts you want to change and the future you want to create. You will never be a more effective creator of your reality. Love <3
How Often Do You Need to Listen to This Light Language to Maximize its Effects On You?
One listen can do the trick for most, unless you keep going back to those old patterns and reactivating old agreements with others that you’ve made in this lifetime. An example of when you would need to re-listen to this one is if you go back home to the house you grew up in and visit your parents. You may feel yourself slipping into those old habits and patterns and subconsciously making new contracts up with them. You’ll know by how you feel when you return to your home as an adult, and lucky for you, you’ll have this light language if you need it. Joy!
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