In this download of 11 minutes and 15 seconds,Yeshua brings us a transmission of Love & Light from the entire Yeshua Collective. First, Yeshua readies us for the transmission by opening us up energetically and physically to receive the powerful energy transmission from the 12th dimension. Finally, Yeshua helps us ground and integrate the energy we’ve received and invites us to continue the process even after the recording has completed. Enjoy! <3
Light & Love Transmission from Jesus Christ & the Yeshua Collective ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 15 seconds, Yeshua brings us a transmission of Love & Light from the entire Yeshua Collective. First, Yeshua readies us for the transmission by opening us up energetically and physically to receive the powerful energy transmission from the 12th dimension. Finally, Yeshua helps us ground and integrate the energy we’ve received and invites us to continue the process even after the recording has completed. Enjoy! <3
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