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Mind & Brain Upgrade ∞A Mega Bundle
This Mega Bundle of 31 Recordings is All About Upgrading Your Mind & Brain. In the Bundle, You Will Receive the Following: Light Languages, Sound Healings, Processes, Activations & a Meditation. The Full Total Value for this Bundle of Recordings is Over $455
This Mind & Brain Upgrade ∞AMega Bundle includes 31 Recordings & it’s All About Upgrading Your Mind & Brain. In the Bundle, You Will Receive the Following: Light Languages, Sound Healings, Processes, Activations & a Meditation. The Full Total Value for this Bundle of Recordings is Over $455. Listen to These 31 Recordings in Any Order You Choose, and You Can Listen to the Ones You Really Like Over & Over! Love <3
Light Language for Releasing Mental Fogginess, Worry & Poor Memory
Mental fogginess. Worry. Stress. Poor memory. These are symptoms that we all experience from time to time, but for some of us, these symptoms have become overwhelming. I know. I’ve experienced all of them myself, and I’m not proud to say that I usually don’t do anything about them for way too long. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language. Before channeling it, I set the intention that it would contain the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to release those mental hiccups we all experience a little too often as awakened beings of light. I know that this language of light will help you to sharpen your mind and mental discipline will increase as a result. Give it a shot, because we all need to focus with clarity and have all of our wits about us as we enter into the age of e.t. contact.Love <3
Sound Healing For Releasing Self-Sabotage & The Ego & Mind’s Control Over You
Self-sabotage. We all do it. And we all let our minds and egos run the show within us a bit too often (well, maybe some people don’t…and my ego envies those people!). But the rest of us can use a hand. Or in this case a sound, lots of sounds in fact. Sound is the most effective healing modality we have on the planet right now, as it works with energy and vibration to help us move past our blocks, habits, and stuck energies. That’s why I channeled this 10-minute sound healing to release the self-sabotage of the ego and mind from the physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies of each individual who will listen to it.
I played one of my crystal bowls and went into the channeling state to bring through the tones and overtones, all of which carry the intention to allow the listener to move past the self-sabotage of the ego and mind and elevate their consciousness to the fifth-dimensional level of the higher self. Listen to this one anytime you feel that your mind and ego are running rampant and out of control, not allowing you to settle in to your heart space and access the higher self’s wisdom and clarity. We are all becoming our higher selves in this lifetime, but the sooner we get there, the morejoyous and easier our lives will become.Joy! <3
Light Language for Protection Against All Forms of Mind Control
Mind control. If you’re a new ager, you’re probably aware that mind control technology exists and is being utilized by those who want to control and manipulate us in many different ways. It’s infused into the things we commonly enjoy – movies, TV shows, music, etc. And then of course there’s the Internet. So many people out there want us to be divided, to lust after wealth and things we don’t actually need, and to be afraid of people who don’t look, talk, act like us, and believe what we believe. And as much as we attempt to shield ourselves from these insidious and yet very intrusive tactics to get us to think and feel ways that are contrary to our true and whole selves, we could all use a little help. That’s why I channeled this language of light. I infused the channeled light language with the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to free your mind, activate more discernment in you, and offer you protection against future attempts at mind control by those who would like to keep us small. Joy!
Light Language for Activating Your Genius Mind ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Our minds. The experts in the field neuroscience tell us that we only use about 10% of our brain capacity, and our minds are actually bigger and more expansive than our brains. So imagine how much more of our minds we could be tapping in to. That’s why I created this light language. I channeled this 6-minute language of light with the intention that it would hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate the genius mind within the listener. There is definitely an element of this light language that feels very much like Tibetanmonkschanting. I am quite satisfied with how it emerged from within me, and I know it will have the impact on the listener that I intended for it to have…an increase in your feeling of mastery of your mind. Love <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Divinity in Your Cells, DNA, Mind, Emotional Body & Energy Field
As an awakened soul, you undoubtedly know that you ARE Source Energy. Source Energy is within you, It’s all around you, and It’s in everyone and everything. Truly, all is Source. But how much are you being programmed to think and feel otherwise? Need a reminder every now and again of these eternaltruths? I know I do! That’s why I spent 10-minutes playing one of my crystal bowls and channeling the tones and overtones for this downloadable mp3 recording. The energy, intention, and vibration infused into the sounds created are for activating the Divinity in your cells, DNA, mind, emotional body, and energy field so that you have those reminders built into your body, mind, emotions, and field.
We need to be reminded of this ultimate truth, because so much of life is about making us feel small and disempowered…but always with the opportunity to rise up and know ourselves as our true selves – Source Energy Beings! The way that sound healings work is, they send a vibration to every ounce of your being-ness so that the vibration and the intention contained in the vibration overtakes any and all programming that we’ve received throughout the day…and throughout our entire lives. This mp3download will also work on the subconscious mind and past life selves to remind all of them of who we really are – Source! Love <3
Sound Healing for Rewiring Your Brain & Creating New Neural Pathways for Accessing Your Higher Mind
Sound is powerful, and the brain, mind, and higher mind respond to sound so well because sound vibrates, and vibration affects everything in a positive or negative way (depending on the quality and energy infused into the sound), and it is especially effective in regards to how it influences our bodies and minds. Everything in the universeonce existed as sound, and so it follows logically that sound would be a key element in raising our vibration so that we can access new neural pathways, a light body version of our brains, and ultimately, our higher minds. Having access to our higher minds means higher thoughts and that means more creativity, unity consciousness, and a peaceful existence.
I channeledtones, overtones, and played one of my crystal bowls, all while holding the intention of creating the perfect sounds to rewire your brain and create new neural pathways so you can access your higher mind. The result is this 10-and-a-half-minute recording that you can download and play back on your computer, phone, tablet, ipod, or any device that plays mp3s. I know that after one listen you’ll notice a difference. And after each subsequent playing of this recording, you’ll notice that your mind is sharper and you have access to higher-vibrational thoughts, ideas, and concepts. Joy! <3
Pleiadian Sound Healing for Healing Your Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Bodies
Pleiadians are known throughout the galaxy as the master healers that they truly are. I’ve been channeling The Pleiadian High Council of 7 since 2016, and very recently, I made contact with a Pleiadian named Sylus while channeling a light language. I channeled both Sylus and The Pleiadian High Council of 7 as I brought this sound healing through me. I played one of my brand new crystal bowls (thanks, wifey!) while channelingtones and overtones, and I held the intention for the sound healing to heal you on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic planes of your existence.
The result is this 10-minute recording of that channeled healing session from the Pleiadians, and I know that it will be an effective tool in helping you with whatever life challenges you’ve been struggling with at this time. How do I know that? Sound is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal as healers on Earth, and I’ve known that for quite some time. I’ve benefited from sound healings, performed sound healings, and I love feeling the power of tones and sounds moving through me. Listen to this downloadable file, and heal yourself on all levels of your being-ness. Love! <3
Light Language for Purging Negative Energies from Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
Negative Energies. They can manifest in your reality as thoughts, thought forms, beliefs, blockages, emotions, entities, toxins, and even diseases. You can clear these energies in a variety of ways, and light language is one of them. In my opinion, light languages are an extremely powerful tool for purging anything and everything that’s of a lower vibration. You have several bodies, and each of them hold on to these negative energies in different, unique ways. This 6-minute light language I channeled is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for disrupting, dislodging, and purging all lower-vibrational, or what we commonly refer to as negative energies from all of our bodies. A healthy body, healthy mind, peaceful emotions, and a powerful force of an energy field are what you can expect from letting this language of light do what it does so naturally. It’s effortless. All you have to do is listen and let the power of this channeled light language wash over you.Love <3
Light Language for Quieting Your Mind & Readying Yourself for Meditation, Sleep & Channeling
Meditation. Sleep. Channeling. These are definitely three activities that we all could use more of in our lives! Sometimes it’s hard for us to get to sleep, to get into a meditativestate, or to get into the channeling state. And why is that? Well, I believe it’s because it can be hard to shift gears from being so active in our minds to shutting them off enough so that we can really get into these altered states of consciousness that are so important to our well-being. By the way, even if you only need to use this light language for one of the three aforementioned states of being, that’s fine. If you have no interest in channeling, you can still use it for sleep or meditation.
I channeled this 6-minute light language because I know that it’s so important to be able to get to sleep, meditate, or channel when we want to, and I also know that at times our lives can be so filled with actions, words, and thoughts, that it can be challenging to shut all of that off in an instant to get to sleep, meditate, or tune in to higher consciousness. This light language is infused with the energy, vibration, and intention to get you into the peaceful vibration you need to be in so that you can more easily shift into an altered state of being.Love! <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Releasing DMT in Your Brain
DMT has been called “the spirit molecule.” It is released in the pineal gland, and when it’s released, DMT grants us access to our clairvoyant abilities, allows us to see into other dimensions, and puts us in contact with extra-terrestrials and other higher dimensional beings. A lot of people who are on a spiritual path are taking synthetically produced DMT to give themselves access to these trippy experiences, but you don’t need to put chemicals in your body to have these amazing experiences! DMT is a natural substance, produced in our own bodies, brains, and pineal glands. That’s why I channeled this downloadable MP3 recording. I want you to access these experiences naturally, and I know you can. Joy! <3
Everything in life is about finding the right vibration. If you can find the right vibration, you can have any experience you want to have. Want to feel better? Find the vibration. Want a romantic relationship? Find the vibration. Want to have all sorts of cool, spiritual experiences because you’ve got DMT flowing through your bloodstream? Once again, all you need to do is find the right vibration. Sound is the best and easiest way of getting yourself into a higher vibrational state. And in this downloadable mp3 recording, I channeled tones and overtones that are infused with the intention of getting you into a vibration that will match the releasing of that DMT/Spirit Molecule into your brain. The crystal bowl playing that accompanies the toning is also infused with that intention, and the soothing sounds will relax you into the state of being you need to be in for this mind-blowing experience of these tones, sounds and overtonesreleasing DMT in your brain and in your body. Love <3
Sound Healing for Clearing Your Subconscious Blocks
Sound is the most effective healing modality that we have on planet Earth at this time, and it works so well because sound works directly with vibration. Sound holds a vibration. It vibrates. Offer a vibration that will counteract something you don’t want, and that thing will go away. It’s that simple. I channeled the tones and overtones for this sound healing while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I did so while holding the intention of clearing subconscious blocks that could be preventing you from getting into the relationship of your dreams, manifesting money, or accessing your spiritual gifts. We all have subconscious blocks, and the reason they work so well is that we run them so often, we don’t even notice they’re present in our beliefs. But they are, and this sound healing will counter them, granting you access to the thoughts and beliefs that you do want to offer to the universe for co-creation. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Worry, Stress & Overthinking and Activating Heart-Centered Consciousness
Light languages work by activating aspects of you that have been lying dormant inside of your consciousness, your total being-ness. When I channeled this light language transmission, I infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate the aspect of you that no longer worries, thinks too much, or stresses out about the big and little stuff of life. This light language will also activate your heart-centered consciousness, taking you out of your mind and putting you in your body and the present moment. The mind is always thinking about the past or the future, taking us out of the powerful present moment. But your heart is very present moment conscious. And that’s where you can shift your vibration and create your reality. That’s why Seth said, ‘The present is your point of power.” Joy! <3
Light Language Activation for Releasing DMT in Your Brain
When you listen to a light language, you’re receiving an activation. Languages of light bypass the filter of the mind and go right to your vibrational core, accessing levels of your consciousness that you have been completely unaware of. They contain galactic light codes, sacred geometrical shapes, and they work on you multi-dimensionally. I channeled this light language because I know so many people are interested in DMT, Ayahuasca, and other psychedelics. But rather than having to do something that’s illegal in most places, you can just listen to this light language recording. DMT has been called The Spirit Molecule, and we all have access to it! I channeled this language of light while holding the intention that it would get your pineal gland vibrating at just the right frequency to release the naturally occurring DMT in your brain.Joy! <3
Angelic Sound Healing for Mind, Body & Soul ∞Archangel Michael
A sound healing works with vibration to heal you on the quantum level. I channeled Archangel Michael for this 10-Minute sound healing, and I did so with the intention that the tones and overtones coming through me would be infused with not only the angelic love and light of Michael, but also with the frequency in the sound that will counteract any negatively-oriented frequencies that you have in your mind, body and soul that are preventing you from being in the healthy physical body of your dreams. Sound waves carry the vibration infused in them, and when I’m in the channeling state, I’m able to access those higher frequency vibrations that match a healthy mind (which means healthier thoughts), a healthy body (which means healthier cells and organs), and a healthy soul (which means less trauma from past lives). This one is a gamechanger! Love <3
Meditation for Releasing Over-Thinking & Activating Bliss ∞Archangel Michael
Over-thinking. Sometimes it seems like our thoughts are completely out of our realm of control. Thoughts seem to have a seductive quality as well, as if we can think our way into a solution to every problem we’ve ever created with our lower-frequency vibration. We think, and we think, and then we remember that we create our reality, and we worry about the thoughts we’ve been thinking creating a reality we definitely don’t want to experience. It’s a vicious cycle. This 15-minute, guided meditation from Archangel Michael will get you to break that cycle. Michael leads us through a process that’s incredibly easy to follow, and the Archangel doesn’t just help us with the releasing of those unwanted thoughts. There’s also an activation of the feeling of bliss that will leave you feeling like you’re on cloud nine, with Michael sitting right beside you. Love! <3
Light Language for Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind
Our subconscious minds are being programmedall the time by commercials, words spoken by others, films and television programs, youtube videos, expectations that others have of us, and in a myriad of other ways. If we don’t take control of the programming of our subconscious minds, we’ll keep running the programming that has been infused into our psyches by others. This light language I channeled of just under 6 minutes will allow you to easily reprogram your mind so that you will be able to have the subconscious thoughts running that you actually want to think!Love. <3
I believe that the best way to work with this light language transmission is to hold an intention for the reprogramming of your subconscious mind before listening. It’s also a good idea to hold the intention for the light language to purge what thoughts and beliefs you don’t want to have swimming around in your subconscious mind. Perhaps you’re aware of the thoughts and beliefs you want to be rid of, or perhaps you just know they exist but don’t know what they are, and then you can simply hold the intention to eliminate any lower frequency thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Higher Mind & Accessing Higher Vibrational Information
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 42 seconds, I channeled a light language that will activate your higher mind (your higher self’s mind) and help you access higher vibrational thoughts, ideas, and information. The higher mind is the mind that can deliver to us concepts that are leading edge, and we all have access to our higher minds…we just don’t think we do. As this light language activates your higher mind, you will then download thoughts, ideas, and information that will take you to the next level of your spiritual evolution and will help you navigate your way with more ease through the fourth dimension (to 5D). Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Clearing Negative Thought Forms from Your Mental Body
In this transmission of just over 6 minutes, I channeled a light language that is infused with the vibration, energy, intention, and galactic codes for clearing your mental body of all negative thought forms that don’t serve you. We pick these thought forms up over the course of our lives, and they stay in our mental bodies. Unless we do something about them, they can stay with us and continue to wreak havoc on our minds. Once you listen to this recording, however, you’ll break that mental loop and be free of the thought forms for good. If you pick some more up the next day, and you can’t shake them on your own, you can listen to the recording again.Freedom! <3
Light Language for De-Programming Your Mind from External Control
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 46 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention of de-programming our physical minds from the energies, beliefs, thought forms, and technology that have been used to control the human race for eons of time. Listen to this one any time you feel that you cannot control your thoughts. After the first listen, you will take back conscious control of your mind, but listening every once in a while will certainly undo any new programming you encounter. Love! <3
Releasing Yourself from Mind & Vibration Control Technology ∞The PHCo7
In this download of over 14 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven take us through the steps that are necessary to release ourselves from mind and vibration control technologies that are employed by other humans and negatively-oriented ETs. Taking these steps will ensure that you have control over your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and most importantly, your ascension process. They also give us a process for forgiving and sending unconditional love to these humans and ETs, who are always reflections of some aspect of ourselves. <3
Subconscious Mind Clearing & Higher Mind Activation ∞The Arcturian Council
In this 11 and a half minute download from The Arcturian Council, they demystify the concept of subconscious mind so that we can take control of our creative process. They also offer us powerful affirmations to speak that will give us back the control that we have so often handed over to our subconscious minds. And finally, they give us a higher mind activation, higher self download, and a showering of love and light to keep us in the highest vibration possible. Enjoy! <3
Activation of Divinity in Your DNA, Mind & Cells ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us on a journey to wipe clean any information from our bodies that says we are anything less than Divine. He then takes us through processes to download the truth of our Divine Nature into our cells, DNA, and physical minds. This is a powerful download and transmission. Enjoy! <3
How to Think with Your Higher Mind ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7
What is the Higher Mind? How do we access it? Think with it? The Pleiadian High Council of Seven offer this 11 minute download to answer these questions, AND they take us through a process to get us to access and think with our Higher Minds. You can use this one over and over, whenever you feel you need to tap in to the wisdom of the Higher Self. Enjoy! <3
Upgrade for the Mind ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
This download I got from The Pleiadian High Council of Seven today was about receiving more data and information. This is something that is naturally occurring, as we shift the way we perceive reality. But we can also do something to get our minds on board for those new perceptions. That is precisely what the Pleidians do in this Upgrade for the Mind download. It’s over 14 minutes. You’ll feel expanded and more open to new ideas and information after this one. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Healing Damaged Brain Cells & Resurrecting Dead Ones
Brain Cells. We know that more brain cells is better, but so many things that we’ve done over the years (both intentionally and unintentionally) has resulted in our damaging of and even killing of our own brain cells. You’ve undoubtedly heard that alcohol kills brain cells, but did you know that dehydration can kill them too? Eating junk food, stress, pesticides and chemicals in our foods and elsewhere, smoking cigarettes, and sleep loss will also kill our brain cells. And all of the aforementioned are of course damaging our brain cells as well, but that damage can be reversed! And in my opinion, anything that dies can be brought back to life, especially a brain cell. So that’s why I made this sound healing. I know that it contains the right vibration to bring those brain cells back to life that have passed on and that it will also heal any damage you’ve done to the brain cells that are still alive and kicking. Love <3
Light Language for Activating Your Genius Mind
Our minds. The experts in the field neuroscience tell us that we only use about 10% of our brain capacity, and our minds are actually bigger and more expansive than our brains. So imagine how much more of our minds we could be tapping in to. That’s why I created this light language. I channeled this 6-minute language of light with the intention that it would hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate the genius mind within the listener. There is definitely an element of this light language that feels very much like Tibetanmonkschanting. I am quite satisfied with how it emerged from within me, and I know it will have the impact on the listener that I intended for it to have…an increase in your feeling of mastery of your mind. Love <3
Light Language for Inducing the Alpha Brain Wave State & Starting Your Day Off in a Meditative State
The alpha brain wave state. It’s the brain wave state we are all in when we are deeply relaxed, during a light meditation, or when we are having a lovely daydream. It’s the perfectstate of being to be in when starting one’s day, or when you want to create a new reality or timeline for you, or all of humanity, to experience. It’s also helpful to be in this brain wave state when you want to access your intuition. You’ll also be able to learn more easily in this brain wave state, and it’s a great state to be in if you want to remember some lost pieces of information (like past lives). I channeled this 6-minute light language after entering the alpha brain wave state myself, and the result is that I very much felt like I was channeling tones, chants, and light language, all at the same time. This is a very meditative light language, and I’m sure that it will be the perfect one for you to listen to right as you start your day. It’s very peaceful and relaxing. Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Gamma Brain Waves
In the gamma brain wave state, humans reach a higher level of awareness and unity consciousness. We focus better, concentrate, see the big picture, have intuitive insights, receive massive downloads, feel more in the flow, and experience better memory and recall. The gamma brain wave state is also purported to increase our level of compassion, happiness, and the reach of our five senses. I channeled this light language transmission with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to bring you into the gamma brain wave state. Listen to this one whenever you want to and notice the difference in how you think, feel, and perceive the world. Unlike most of my light language transmissions, this one also contains channeled tones, which are also infused with that intention to put you in the gamma brain wave state. Love! <3
Light Language for Re-Wiring Your Brain & Creating New Neural Pathways
Our brains. They’re a mystery to most of us, including those who spend their lives studying them. But this much we do know…it’s possible to affect change in the brain, even after the age at which we stop growing. We can rewire our brains and create new neural pathways after the age of 25, and this download can help. I’ve channeled a light language transmission with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes that will cleanse and clear your brain of the habits of thought you’ve formed over the years. This recording will also create those new neural pathways for you to access with ease and grace. It’s time to start tapping into the power of these complex organs in our bodies. Joy! <3
Light Language for Integrating the Right & Left Hemispheres of Your Brain
The brain. It’s complicated. And what makes it more complicated is the corpus callosum. It splits the right and left hemispheres of the brain, keeping our artistic and logical sides apart. Some might even say that the split in the center of the brain keeps us from being fully integrated in our masculine and feminine energies, and I would agree! Why choose? Why not have both fully activated and integrated? That’s what this 5 minute and 48 second light language transmission is designed to do. The vibration, intention, and galactic light codes will bring your once segregated brain into a whole being, once and for all. And if you ever feel like you’ve gone too far down one end of a spectrum, listen to this one to reunite all aspects of self.Unity! <3
Light Language for Inducing the Theta Brain Wave State
In this transmission of just under 6 minutes, I channeled a light language that will put your brain in the theta state. Just sit back, relax, and focus on the light language as you listen to it. The theta brain wave state is the state our brains are in just before falling asleep and also when we in REM sleep. You can expect to receive some images in your third eye, perhaps accessing memories from this lifetime (that have been wiped) or memories of past lives. Whatever happens, you will benefit from being in the theta brain wave state.Enjoy! <3
Mind & Brain Upgrade ∞A Mega Bundle
This Mega Bundle of 31 Recordings is All About Upgrading Your Mind & Brain. In the Bundle, You Will Receive the Following: Light Languages, Sound Healings, Processes, Activations & a Meditation. The Full Total Value for this Bundle of Recordings is Over $455
This Mind & Brain Upgrade ∞A Mega Bundle includes 31 Recordings & it’s All About Upgrading Your Mind & Brain. In the Bundle, You Will Receive the Following: Light Languages, Sound Healings, Processes, Activations & a Meditation. The Full Total Value for this Bundle of Recordings is Over $455. Listen to These 31 Recordings in Any Order You Choose, and You Can Listen to the Ones You Really Like Over & Over! Love <3
Light Language for Releasing Mental Fogginess, Worry & Poor Memory
Mental fogginess. Worry. Stress. Poor memory. These are symptoms that we all experience from time to time, but for some of us, these symptoms have become overwhelming. I know. I’ve experienced all of them myself, and I’m not proud to say that I usually don’t do anything about them for way too long. That’s why I created this 6-minute light language. Before channeling it, I set the intention that it would contain the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to release those mental hiccups we all experience a little too often as awakened beings of light. I know that this language of light will help you to sharpen your mind and mental discipline will increase as a result. Give it a shot, because we all need to focus with clarity and have all of our wits about us as we enter into the age of e.t. contact. Love <3
Sound Healing For Releasing Self-Sabotage & The Ego & Mind’s Control Over You
Self-sabotage. We all do it. And we all let our minds and egos run the show within us a bit too often (well, maybe some people don’t…and my ego envies those people!). But the rest of us can use a hand. Or in this case a sound, lots of sounds in fact. Sound is the most effective healing modality we have on the planet right now, as it works with energy and vibration to help us move past our blocks, habits, and stuck energies. That’s why I channeled this 10-minute sound healing to release the self-sabotage of the ego and mind from the physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies of each individual who will listen to it.
I played one of my crystal bowls and went into the channeling state to bring through the tones and overtones, all of which carry the intention to allow the listener to move past the self-sabotage of the ego and mind and elevate their consciousness to the fifth-dimensional level of the higher self. Listen to this one anytime you feel that your mind and ego are running rampant and out of control, not allowing you to settle in to your heart space and access the higher self’s wisdom and clarity. We are all becoming our higher selves in this lifetime, but the sooner we get there, the more joyous and easier our lives will become. Joy! <3
Light Language for Protection Against All Forms of Mind Control
Mind control. If you’re a new ager, you’re probably aware that mind control technology exists and is being utilized by those who want to control and manipulate us in many different ways. It’s infused into the things we commonly enjoy – movies, TV shows, music, etc. And then of course there’s the Internet. So many people out there want us to be divided, to lust after wealth and things we don’t actually need, and to be afraid of people who don’t look, talk, act like us, and believe what we believe. And as much as we attempt to shield ourselves from these insidious and yet very intrusive tactics to get us to think and feel ways that are contrary to our true and whole selves, we could all use a little help. That’s why I channeled this language of light. I infused the channeled light language with the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to free your mind, activate more discernment in you, and offer you protection against future attempts at mind control by those who would like to keep us small. Joy!
Light Language for Activating Your Genius Mind ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Our minds. The experts in the field neuroscience tell us that we only use about 10% of our brain capacity, and our minds are actually bigger and more expansive than our brains. So imagine how much more of our minds we could be tapping in to. That’s why I created this light language. I channeled this 6-minute language of light with the intention that it would hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate the genius mind within the listener. There is definitely an element of this light language that feels very much like Tibetan monks chanting. I am quite satisfied with how it emerged from within me, and I know it will have the impact on the listener that I intended for it to have…an increase in your feeling of mastery of your mind. Love <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Divinity in Your Cells, DNA, Mind, Emotional Body & Energy Field
As an awakened soul, you undoubtedly know that you ARE Source Energy. Source Energy is within you, It’s all around you, and It’s in everyone and everything. Truly, all is Source. But how much are you being programmed to think and feel otherwise? Need a reminder every now and again of these eternal truths? I know I do! That’s why I spent 10-minutes playing one of my crystal bowls and channeling the tones and overtones for this downloadable mp3 recording. The energy, intention, and vibration infused into the sounds created are for activating the Divinity in your cells, DNA, mind, emotional body, and energy field so that you have those reminders built into your body, mind, emotions, and field.
We need to be reminded of this ultimate truth, because so much of life is about making us feel small and disempowered…but always with the opportunity to rise up and know ourselves as our true selves – Source Energy Beings! The way that sound healings work is, they send a vibration to every ounce of your being-ness so that the vibration and the intention contained in the vibration overtakes any and all programming that we’ve received throughout the day…and throughout our entire lives. This mp3 download will also work on the subconscious mind and past life selves to remind all of them of who we really are – Source! Love <3
Sound Healing for Rewiring Your Brain & Creating New Neural Pathways for Accessing Your Higher Mind
Sound is powerful, and the brain, mind, and higher mind respond to sound so well because sound vibrates, and vibration affects everything in a positive or negative way (depending on the quality and energy infused into the sound), and it is especially effective in regards to how it influences our bodies and minds. Everything in the universe once existed as sound, and so it follows logically that sound would be a key element in raising our vibration so that we can access new neural pathways, a light body version of our brains, and ultimately, our higher minds. Having access to our higher minds means higher thoughts and that means more creativity, unity consciousness, and a peaceful existence.
I channeled tones, overtones, and played one of my crystal bowls, all while holding the intention of creating the perfect sounds to rewire your brain and create new neural pathways so you can access your higher mind. The result is this 10-and-a-half-minute recording that you can download and play back on your computer, phone, tablet, ipod, or any device that plays mp3s. I know that after one listen you’ll notice a difference. And after each subsequent playing of this recording, you’ll notice that your mind is sharper and you have access to higher-vibrational thoughts, ideas, and concepts. Joy! <3
Pleiadian Sound Healing for Healing Your Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Bodies
Pleiadians are known throughout the galaxy as the master healers that they truly are. I’ve been channeling The Pleiadian High Council of 7 since 2016, and very recently, I made contact with a Pleiadian named Sylus while channeling a light language. I channeled both Sylus and The Pleiadian High Council of 7 as I brought this sound healing through me. I played one of my brand new crystal bowls (thanks, wifey!) while channeling tones and overtones, and I held the intention for the sound healing to heal you on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic planes of your existence.
The result is this 10-minute recording of that channeled healing session from the Pleiadians, and I know that it will be an effective tool in helping you with whatever life challenges you’ve been struggling with at this time. How do I know that? Sound is the most powerful tool we have at our disposal as healers on Earth, and I’ve known that for quite some time. I’ve benefited from sound healings, performed sound healings, and I love feeling the power of tones and sounds moving through me. Listen to this downloadable file, and heal yourself on all levels of your being-ness. Love! <3
Light Language for Purging Negative Energies from Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
Negative Energies. They can manifest in your reality as thoughts, thought forms, beliefs, blockages, emotions, entities, toxins, and even diseases. You can clear these energies in a variety of ways, and light language is one of them. In my opinion, light languages are an extremely powerful tool for purging anything and everything that’s of a lower vibration. You have several bodies, and each of them hold on to these negative energies in different, unique ways. This 6-minute light language I channeled is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes for disrupting, dislodging, and purging all lower-vibrational, or what we commonly refer to as negative energies from all of our bodies. A healthy body, healthy mind, peaceful emotions, and a powerful force of an energy field are what you can expect from letting this language of light do what it does so naturally. It’s effortless. All you have to do is listen and let the power of this channeled light language wash over you. Love <3
Light Language for Quieting Your Mind & Readying Yourself for Meditation, Sleep & Channeling
Meditation. Sleep. Channeling. These are definitely three activities that we all could use more of in our lives! Sometimes it’s hard for us to get to sleep, to get into a meditative state, or to get into the channeling state. And why is that? Well, I believe it’s because it can be hard to shift gears from being so active in our minds to shutting them off enough so that we can really get into these altered states of consciousness that are so important to our well-being. By the way, even if you only need to use this light language for one of the three aforementioned states of being, that’s fine. If you have no interest in channeling, you can still use it for sleep or meditation.
I channeled this 6-minute light language because I know that it’s so important to be able to get to sleep, meditate, or channel when we want to, and I also know that at times our lives can be so filled with actions, words, and thoughts, that it can be challenging to shut all of that off in an instant to get to sleep, meditate, or tune in to higher consciousness. This light language is infused with the energy, vibration, and intention to get you into the peaceful vibration you need to be in so that you can more easily shift into an altered state of being. Love! <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Releasing DMT in Your Brain
DMT has been called “the spirit molecule.” It is released in the pineal gland, and when it’s released, DMT grants us access to our clairvoyant abilities, allows us to see into other dimensions, and puts us in contact with extra-terrestrials and other higher dimensional beings. A lot of people who are on a spiritual path are taking synthetically produced DMT to give themselves access to these trippy experiences, but you don’t need to put chemicals in your body to have these amazing experiences! DMT is a natural substance, produced in our own bodies, brains, and pineal glands. That’s why I channeled this downloadable MP3 recording. I want you to access these experiences naturally, and I know you can. Joy! <3
Everything in life is about finding the right vibration. If you can find the right vibration, you can have any experience you want to have. Want to feel better? Find the vibration. Want a romantic relationship? Find the vibration. Want to have all sorts of cool, spiritual experiences because you’ve got DMT flowing through your bloodstream? Once again, all you need to do is find the right vibration. Sound is the best and easiest way of getting yourself into a higher vibrational state. And in this downloadable mp3 recording, I channeled tones and overtones that are infused with the intention of getting you into a vibration that will match the releasing of that DMT/Spirit Molecule into your brain. The crystal bowl playing that accompanies the toning is also infused with that intention, and the soothing sounds will relax you into the state of being you need to be in for this mind-blowing experience of these tones, sounds and overtones releasing DMT in your brain and in your body. Love <3
Sound Healing for Clearing Your Subconscious Blocks
Sound is the most effective healing modality that we have on planet Earth at this time, and it works so well because sound works directly with vibration. Sound holds a vibration. It vibrates. Offer a vibration that will counteract something you don’t want, and that thing will go away. It’s that simple. I channeled the tones and overtones for this sound healing while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I did so while holding the intention of clearing subconscious blocks that could be preventing you from getting into the relationship of your dreams, manifesting money, or accessing your spiritual gifts. We all have subconscious blocks, and the reason they work so well is that we run them so often, we don’t even notice they’re present in our beliefs. But they are, and this sound healing will counter them, granting you access to the thoughts and beliefs that you do want to offer to the universe for co-creation. Joy! <3
Light Language for Releasing Worry, Stress & Overthinking and Activating Heart-Centered Consciousness
Light languages work by activating aspects of you that have been lying dormant inside of your consciousness, your total being-ness. When I channeled this light language transmission, I infused it with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate the aspect of you that no longer worries, thinks too much, or stresses out about the big and little stuff of life. This light language will also activate your heart-centered consciousness, taking you out of your mind and putting you in your body and the present moment. The mind is always thinking about the past or the future, taking us out of the powerful present moment. But your heart is very present moment conscious. And that’s where you can shift your vibration and create your reality. That’s why Seth said, ‘The present is your point of power.” Joy! <3
Light Language Activation for Releasing DMT in Your Brain
When you listen to a light language, you’re receiving an activation. Languages of light bypass the filter of the mind and go right to your vibrational core, accessing levels of your consciousness that you have been completely unaware of. They contain galactic light codes, sacred geometrical shapes, and they work on you multi-dimensionally. I channeled this light language because I know so many people are interested in DMT, Ayahuasca, and other psychedelics. But rather than having to do something that’s illegal in most places, you can just listen to this light language recording. DMT has been called The Spirit Molecule, and we all have access to it! I channeled this language of light while holding the intention that it would get your pineal gland vibrating at just the right frequency to release the naturally occurring DMT in your brain. Joy! <3
Angelic Sound Healing for Mind, Body & Soul ∞Archangel Michael
A sound healing works with vibration to heal you on the quantum level. I channeled Archangel Michael for this 10-Minute sound healing, and I did so with the intention that the tones and overtones coming through me would be infused with not only the angelic love and light of Michael, but also with the frequency in the sound that will counteract any negatively-oriented frequencies that you have in your mind, body and soul that are preventing you from being in the healthy physical body of your dreams. Sound waves carry the vibration infused in them, and when I’m in the channeling state, I’m able to access those higher frequency vibrations that match a healthy mind (which means healthier thoughts), a healthy body (which means healthier cells and organs), and a healthy soul (which means less trauma from past lives). This one is a gamechanger! Love <3
Meditation for Releasing Over-Thinking & Activating Bliss ∞Archangel Michael
Over-thinking. Sometimes it seems like our thoughts are completely out of our realm of control. Thoughts seem to have a seductive quality as well, as if we can think our way into a solution to every problem we’ve ever created with our lower-frequency vibration. We think, and we think, and then we remember that we create our reality, and we worry about the thoughts we’ve been thinking creating a reality we definitely don’t want to experience. It’s a vicious cycle. This 15-minute, guided meditation from Archangel Michael will get you to break that cycle. Michael leads us through a process that’s incredibly easy to follow, and the Archangel doesn’t just help us with the releasing of those unwanted thoughts. There’s also an activation of the feeling of bliss that will leave you feeling like you’re on cloud nine, with Michael sitting right beside you. Love! <3
Light Language for Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind
Our subconscious minds are being programmed all the time by commercials, words spoken by others, films and television programs, youtube videos, expectations that others have of us, and in a myriad of other ways. If we don’t take control of the programming of our subconscious minds, we’ll keep running the programming that has been infused into our psyches by others. This light language I channeled of just under 6 minutes will allow you to easily reprogram your mind so that you will be able to have the subconscious thoughts running that you actually want to think! Love. <3
I believe that the best way to work with this light language transmission is to hold an intention for the reprogramming of your subconscious mind before listening. It’s also a good idea to hold the intention for the light language to purge what thoughts and beliefs you don’t want to have swimming around in your subconscious mind. Perhaps you’re aware of the thoughts and beliefs you want to be rid of, or perhaps you just know they exist but don’t know what they are, and then you can simply hold the intention to eliminate any lower frequency thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Higher Mind & Accessing Higher Vibrational Information
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 42 seconds, I channeled a light language that will activate your higher mind (your higher self’s mind) and help you access higher vibrational thoughts, ideas, and information. The higher mind is the mind that can deliver to us concepts that are leading edge, and we all have access to our higher minds…we just don’t think we do. As this light language activates your higher mind, you will then download thoughts, ideas, and information that will take you to the next level of your spiritual evolution and will help you navigate your way with more ease through the fourth dimension (to 5D). Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Clearing Negative Thought Forms from Your Mental Body
In this transmission of just over 6 minutes, I channeled a light language that is infused with the vibration, energy, intention, and galactic codes for clearing your mental body of all negative thought forms that don’t serve you. We pick these thought forms up over the course of our lives, and they stay in our mental bodies. Unless we do something about them, they can stay with us and continue to wreak havoc on our minds. Once you listen to this recording, however, you’ll break that mental loop and be free of the thought forms for good. If you pick some more up the next day, and you can’t shake them on your own, you can listen to the recording again. Freedom! <3
Light Language for De-Programming Your Mind from External Control
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 46 seconds, I channeled a light language that is infused with the intention of de-programming our physical minds from the energies, beliefs, thought forms, and technology that have been used to control the human race for eons of time. Listen to this one any time you feel that you cannot control your thoughts. After the first listen, you will take back conscious control of your mind, but listening every once in a while will certainly undo any new programming you encounter. Love! <3
Releasing Yourself from Mind & Vibration Control Technology ∞The PHCo7
In this download of over 14 minutes, The Pleiadian High Council of Seven take us through the steps that are necessary to release ourselves from mind and vibration control technologies that are employed by other humans and negatively-oriented ETs. Taking these steps will ensure that you have control over your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and most importantly, your ascension process. They also give us a process for forgiving and sending unconditional love to these humans and ETs, who are always reflections of some aspect of ourselves. <3
Subconscious Mind Clearing & Higher Mind Activation ∞The Arcturian Council
In this 11 and a half minute download from The Arcturian Council, they demystify the concept of subconscious mind so that we can take control of our creative process. They also offer us powerful affirmations to speak that will give us back the control that we have so often handed over to our subconscious minds. And finally, they give us a higher mind activation, higher self download, and a showering of love and light to keep us in the highest vibration possible. Enjoy! <3
Activation of Divinity in Your DNA, Mind & Cells ∞Yeshua
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Yeshua takes us on a journey to wipe clean any information from our bodies that says we are anything less than Divine. He then takes us through processes to download the truth of our Divine Nature into our cells, DNA, and physical minds. This is a powerful download and transmission. Enjoy! <3
How to Think with Your Higher Mind ∞The Pleiadian High Council of 7
What is the Higher Mind? How do we access it? Think with it? The Pleiadian High Council of Seven offer this 11 minute download to answer these questions, AND they take us through a process to get us to access and think with our Higher Minds. You can use this one over and over, whenever you feel you need to tap in to the wisdom of the Higher Self. Enjoy! <3
Upgrade for the Mind ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
This download I got from The Pleiadian High Council of Seven today was about receiving more data and information. This is something that is naturally occurring, as we shift the way we perceive reality. But we can also do something to get our minds on board for those new perceptions. That is precisely what the Pleidians do in this Upgrade for the Mind download. It’s over 14 minutes. You’ll feel expanded and more open to new ideas and information after this one. Enjoy! <3
Sound Healing for Healing Damaged Brain Cells & Resurrecting Dead Ones
Brain Cells. We know that more brain cells is better, but so many things that we’ve done over the years (both intentionally and unintentionally) has resulted in our damaging of and even killing of our own brain cells. You’ve undoubtedly heard that alcohol kills brain cells, but did you know that dehydration can kill them too? Eating junk food, stress, pesticides and chemicals in our foods and elsewhere, smoking cigarettes, and sleep loss will also kill our brain cells. And all of the aforementioned are of course damaging our brain cells as well, but that damage can be reversed! And in my opinion, anything that dies can be brought back to life, especially a brain cell. So that’s why I made this sound healing. I know that it contains the right vibration to bring those brain cells back to life that have passed on and that it will also heal any damage you’ve done to the brain cells that are still alive and kicking. Love <3
Light Language for Activating Your Genius Mind
Our minds. The experts in the field neuroscience tell us that we only use about 10% of our brain capacity, and our minds are actually bigger and more expansive than our brains. So imagine how much more of our minds we could be tapping in to. That’s why I created this light language. I channeled this 6-minute language of light with the intention that it would hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to activate the genius mind within the listener. There is definitely an element of this light language that feels very much like Tibetan monks chanting. I am quite satisfied with how it emerged from within me, and I know it will have the impact on the listener that I intended for it to have…an increase in your feeling of mastery of your mind. Love <3
Light Language for Inducing the Alpha Brain Wave State & Starting Your Day Off in a Meditative State
The alpha brain wave state. It’s the brain wave state we are all in when we are deeply relaxed, during a light meditation, or when we are having a lovely daydream. It’s the perfect state of being to be in when starting one’s day, or when you want to create a new reality or timeline for you, or all of humanity, to experience. It’s also helpful to be in this brain wave state when you want to access your intuition. You’ll also be able to learn more easily in this brain wave state, and it’s a great state to be in if you want to remember some lost pieces of information (like past lives). I channeled this 6-minute light language after entering the alpha brain wave state myself, and the result is that I very much felt like I was channeling tones, chants, and light language, all at the same time. This is a very meditative light language, and I’m sure that it will be the perfect one for you to listen to right as you start your day. It’s very peaceful and relaxing. Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Gamma Brain Waves
In the gamma brain wave state, humans reach a higher level of awareness and unity consciousness. We focus better, concentrate, see the big picture, have intuitive insights, receive massive downloads, feel more in the flow, and experience better memory and recall. The gamma brain wave state is also purported to increase our level of compassion, happiness, and the reach of our five senses. I channeled this light language transmission with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to bring you into the gamma brain wave state. Listen to this one whenever you want to and notice the difference in how you think, feel, and perceive the world. Unlike most of my light language transmissions, this one also contains channeled tones, which are also infused with that intention to put you in the gamma brain wave state. Love! <3
Light Language for Re-Wiring Your Brain & Creating New Neural Pathways
Our brains. They’re a mystery to most of us, including those who spend their lives studying them. But this much we do know…it’s possible to affect change in the brain, even after the age at which we stop growing. We can rewire our brains and create new neural pathways after the age of 25, and this download can help. I’ve channeled a light language transmission with the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes that will cleanse and clear your brain of the habits of thought you’ve formed over the years. This recording will also create those new neural pathways for you to access with ease and grace. It’s time to start tapping into the power of these complex organs in our bodies. Joy! <3
Light Language for Integrating the Right & Left Hemispheres of Your Brain
The brain. It’s complicated. And what makes it more complicated is the corpus callosum. It splits the right and left hemispheres of the brain, keeping our artistic and logical sides apart. Some might even say that the split in the center of the brain keeps us from being fully integrated in our masculine and feminine energies, and I would agree! Why choose? Why not have both fully activated and integrated? That’s what this 5 minute and 48 second light language transmission is designed to do. The vibration, intention, and galactic light codes will bring your once segregated brain into a whole being, once and for all. And if you ever feel like you’ve gone too far down one end of a spectrum, listen to this one to reunite all aspects of self. Unity! <3
Light Language for Inducing the Theta Brain Wave State
In this transmission of just under 6 minutes, I channeled a light language that will put your brain in the theta state. Just sit back, relax, and focus on the light language as you listen to it. The theta brain wave state is the state our brains are in just before falling asleep and also when we in REM sleep. You can expect to receive some images in your third eye, perhaps accessing memories from this lifetime (that have been wiped) or memories of past lives. Whatever happens, you will benefit from being in the theta brain wave state. Enjoy! <3
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