This Physical Body Upgrade ∞Mega Bundle Contains 37 Recordings, Including Light Languages, Sound Healings, Breathing Exercises, Processes & Meditations. The Total Value of These Recordings is Over $540. You Can Listen to These Recordings in any Order and with any Frequency You Like
This Physical Body Upgrade ∞Mega Bundle Contains 37 Recordings, Including Light Languages, Sound Healings, Breathing Exercises, Processes & Meditations. The Total Value of These Recordings is Over $540. You Can Listen to These Recordings in any Order and with any Frequency You Like. Give Your Physical Body what it Wants & Needs with this Mega Bundle of Recordings. Enjoy!
Light Language for Removing All of Your Limiting Beliefs Around Age & Aging
Aging. We all do it, but what does it really mean? We move through time, but time is just an illusion and all time is actuallysimultaneous. So where are the lines, wrinkles, gray hairs, receding hairline, and reduced hearing, sight and other faculties coming from? Beliefs! Most people believe that aging means deteriorating. Our comedians, newscasters, and late night talk show hosts talk about aging constantly, and they’re always making jokes about people who are very old and who must therefore be forgetful and downright senile. These are the beliefs we can change, and it’s a mindset I know we lightworkers are here to change. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. This light language contains the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes to remove those limiting and somewhat debilitating beliefs around our age and the aging process. When you listen to this one, feel those beliefs being deconstructed by the vibration of the light language I channeled. Joy! <3
Light Language For a Full Physical Body Reset ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Our bodies. They seem to get worn out over time, and while that might just be a belief, it’s one that we all pretty much share here on Earth. I know that I sometimes feel my age and all the resistance and trauma stored in my physical body, and I’m guessing that many of you do too. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a reset so that we can all run around with boundless energy, like my daughter Thaléa does on a daily basis? That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language for a full physical body reset. Let’s start over with these beautiful vehicles of ours! Before I channeled this language I light, I held the intention that it would carry the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to give the listener a full physical body reset. The result is a unique light language that will leave you feeling like a new person with a brand new physical vessel for living your life. Joy!
Light Language for Losing Weight
Losing weight. Sometimes we want to lose it, and we can’t, and other times we shed pound (or kilo) after pound without even trying. Oftentimes our weight has very little to do with caloric intake and exercise. Our weight can just be a vibrational match to how we are feeling/vibrating over a certain period of time. I’ve noticed this on several occasions with myself. I don’t change what I’m eating or how much exercise I’m getting, and the weight just falls off my bones anyway. I created this 6-minute light language to stimulate that weight loss effect in the listener. Before I began channeling it, I set my vibration to that of being at the perfect weight, and then I let the light language come through me. It contains the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes to get you to lose weight from your physical body, specifically fat. Love <3
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Losing Weight
Our weight. For some of us, it fluctuates quite a bit. Even being a raw/organic/vegan for the past ten years straight (16 overall in this life), I’ve seen my weight fluctuate by 15 pounds over the past three years. And I also exercise daily! So what’s the key? Why do our weights yo-yo from time to time? The answer is not so simple. It could be that we need the extra weight for grounding in higher-frequency energies. It could be that we lose our appetites and lose weight because of our emotional state. We can overeat because of emotions as well. The extra weight we put on could be for protecting ourselves because of encounters we have at night while asleep (in the physical and/or astral realms). As much fun as those nighttime activities can be, they’re not always filled with the best experiences.
Getting a handle on our weight is all about finding the right vibration and continuing to offer it, and that’s what this light language was designed to do. I channeled this 6-minute light language while holding the intention that it provide just that – the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to allow the listener to shed the excess weight they’ve been holding on to with ease and joy. There is no need for fasting, cleansing, or crash/fad diets when you have the right vibration coursing through your veins. Listen to this one as often as you need to until your weight is back to a healthy, normal number that you feel good about. Joy! <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Divinity in Your Cells, DNA, Mind, Emotional Body & Energy Field
As an awakened soul, you undoubtedly know that you ARE Source Energy. Source Energy is within you, It’s all around you, and It’s in everyone and everything. Truly, all is Source. But how much are you being programmed to think and feel otherwise? Need a reminder every now and again of these eternaltruths? I know I do! That’s why I spent 10-minutes playing one of my crystal bowls and channeling the tones and overtones for this downloadable mp3 recording. The energy, intention, and vibration infused into the sounds created are for activating the Divinity in your cells, DNA, mind, emotional body, and energy field so that you have those reminders built into your body, mind, emotions, and field.
We need to be reminded of this ultimate truth, because so much of life is about making us feel small and disempowered…but always with the opportunity to rise up and know ourselves as our true selves – Source Energy Beings! The way that sound healings work is, they send a vibration to every ounce of your being-ness so that the vibration and the intention contained in the vibration overtakes any and all programming that we’ve received throughout the day…and throughout our entire lives. This mp3download will also work on the subconscious mind and past life selves to remind all of them of who we really are – Source! Love <3
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Having Your Ideal Body
Our physical bodies. We often feel like we are just lugging them around, and it can also seem like they are betraying us for one reason or another. And if you’re like me, you’ve been dieting and exercising in hopes of attaining your ideal body for most of your adult life. That’s why I created this light language transmission. I know we all carry blocks within us to experiencing our ideal bodies, and whether we’re aware of them or not, they affect us and our ability to be happy and comfortable in our own skin.
When I channeled this light language for releasing all of your blocks to having your ideal body, I infused the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes into the light language for clearing away those blocks to having our ideal bodies that we’re carrying around with us, so that we can easily and effortlessly access and maintain the physical body of our dreams. This means we can have the health and well-being, as well as the muscle tone, bone density, flexibility, appearance, and fitness levels without having to go to extremes of dieting and exercising. Just listen to this light language whenever you’re feeling yourself getting out of shape or just not loving your body as unconditionally as you could be. Love! <3
Breathing Exercises for Reversing the Aging Process ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Aging. While everyone does it, certainly some do it better and more gracefully than others. How can our spirituality help? Focus, conscious breathing, visualizing, receiving love and light, and opening up to higher frequency energies are all a part of a great self-care program that will change your mind, vibration, and ultimately your physical body…for the better. This downloadable mp3 recording of 11 minutes and 11 seconds contains three separate breathing exercises from the 12-dimensional collective known as The Creators, channeled by me, and these breathing exercises will bring you back into a state of youthful vitality, appearance, and exuberance for life. I know that conscious breathing is one of the most powerful actions any of us can take to improve our vibration, emotional state, and physical well-being, and I know these breathing exercises will work for you. Love <3
Breathing Exercises for Manifesting Your Ideal Physical Body ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Our physical bodies. Oftentimes, they’re not the size, shape, and feeling state we would prefer them to be. That’s why I channeled The Creators for this downloadable mp3 of an 11 minute and 11 second recording of breathing exercises that are designed to manifest that perfect physical form that you’ve either always wanted to be in or want to get back into. The Creators take us through three separate breathing exercises that are designed to put us into the body of our dreams. Breathing is the only action we absolutely need to take in order to stay alive, and so it makes logical sense that breathing would be the ultimate tool in transforming our physical bodies. Your physical body responds so well to conscious breathwork techniques, and the three breathing exercises brought forth by The Creators in this recording are certain to bring you into a state of transformation, granting you access to the body that fits more harmoniously with the consciousness that you have developed in this lifetime.Joy! <3
Light Language for Opening You Up & Moving High-Frequency Energies Through Your Body
Moving high-frequency energy through our bodies. It’s something I channel about all the time, and something I’ve experienced countless times in this lifetime. And I want everyone to be able to experience that magical feeling of being lit up, filled with goosebumps, and energized by non-physical, unconditional love. That’s why I created this light language of 6 minutes in length.
Before I began channeling the light language transmission, I held that intention for the light language that it hold the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to open you up to the energies that are all around you. I then channeled the light language and could feel the power of it as it moved through me. This experience of having high-frequency energy moving through me happened for the first time, without any intention on my part, in 2010 and eventually led to my channeling The Creators in the Fall of 2010. Now, it’s a daily practice of mine, and I invite you to give yourself the gift of this truly magical and transformative experience. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Body-Shaming & Poor Self-Image and Loving Yourself Inside & Out
Our bodies. They can be such a source of self-love and such immense pleasure, but they can also bring us to the depths of despair when they’re not the shape and size that we’d like them to be. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. When I channeled the tones and overtones and played one of my crystal bowls, I infused the sounds created with the intention that they would disrupt the lower-frequency vibrations, thoughts, and emotions of the listener, specifically those around body image and self esteem. And the tones, overtones, and sounds are also infused with the energy to uplift and bring the listener into the feeling of love. Loving ourselves inside and out is so important during these times of intense and faster-moving energies, as we have to keep up with them to really enjoy the momentum of the shift in consciousness. This sound healing is the perfect tool to bring you into the high-vibrational state you want to be in regarding your physical body. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Healing Your Relationships with Food, Eating & Your Body
Food. Eating. And our bodies. These are relationships we have for our entire lives. Even if you’re fasting, you’ve got a relationship to all three happening in your body, mind, and energy field. How can sound help? Sound healing is designed to get to the core of our issues and purge them out of our chakras, minds, bodies, and energy fields. The sounds I created with my crystal bowl, coupled with the tones and overtones that I channeled, will have that positive effect of releasing the negative thoughts, beliefs, judgments, and traumas that you have been harboring around these topics that are so pivotal to our survival, pleasure, and self-esteem. I infused the crystal bowl playing and the toning with the intentions of countering all the negative energies around food, eating, and our physical bodies so that they would be purged from the listener’s consciousness. It’s time to start enjoying our lives, what we eat, and our bodies. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Healing All Skin Conditions & Accessing Youthful, Glowing, Healthy Skin
Our skin reveals what’s going on inside of us, and when there’s something on our skin that we don’t like seeing or feeling, that usually only happens after a lot of experiences of a lower vibration. Vibration is where it all begins – health and illness – and that’s how this sound healing works. Sound is vibration, and as such, it’s the easiest way for someone to improve their vibration. Once you have the higher vibration coming from inside of you, your skin will begin to reflect that higher frequency vibration you’ve been accessing. I channeled the tones and overtones for this one while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I held the intention for the sound to work on your core vibration, raising it high enough to see immediate results on your skin. Whether you have an actual skin condition, or you just want to have youthful, radiant, glowing skin with no wrinkles and lines, this is the sound healing for you! Joy <3
Light Language for Releasing Fatigue & Accessing Infinite Lifeforce Energy
You really have to use your intuitive sense to answer this question, but if you’ve been feeling fatigued every day, then do take the time to listen every day. This recording is just over six minutes in length, and as you listen, keep your eyes closed and your crown and heart chakras open. The energies will do the rest. It might take more than one listen in a sitting to have its desired effect, depending on how tired you are in any given moment of the day. If you wake up tired, that’s a good time to utilize this one, as you don’t want to get the day started off on a tired foot. Again, listen to your intuition on exactly when and how often to listen, but know that each time you do listen, there is a cumulative effect on you and your energy field.Love <3
Sound Healing for Weight Loss & General Well-Being ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
I channeledtones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused the playing and toning with the intention that this sound healing will get you to lose weight and feel better in your physical body. Sound is the ultimate healing modality, as it has an identifiable vibration. And you can hear it! That helps. It helps to feel the vibration of the sound moving through your body, in this case shrinking fat cells and eliminating toxins, making your body more fit and efficient. I’ve received sound healings via gong, crystal bowl, and didgeridoo. And of course, I’ve toned for my own healing. They’re all so good. I’m so happy to be able to share with you all this monumental step towards having the body you desire and feeling the way you want to feel in it.Joy! <3
Meditation for Creating Your Ideal Physical Body ∞Quan Yin
Our ideal physical bodies. They’re right here, right now, waiting to be accessed by us. That’s why I channeled Quan Yin for this 15-minute guided meditation. I knew she was the perfect choice to create this topic. Being in the physical bodies that we desire is our birthright, but we pick up these beliefs about ourselves and our bodies…beliefs like, “You are what you eat” and “Genetics are our destiny.” Now is the time to let go of those types of beliefs and to step into our roles as the creators of our reality. Our state of being is our primary creation, and our bodies are the next creation we manifest, and we manifest them instantaneously.
If you’ve ever struggled with your bodily health or your feelings of self-worth because of your size, height, or any other defining physical characteristic, then this is the meditation for you. Quan Yin takes us through a process of loving our bodies just as they are, processing our feelings about our physical selves, and then creating the body we have always wanted. Spending 15 minutes a day on this meditation is a huge time saver if you’re accustomed to dealing with your physical issues by hitting the treadmill or going to doctor’s appointment after doctor’s appointment. The time, money, and energy spent on this meditation pales in comparison to what you’d put towards the traditional ways of approaching being in the body of your dreams.
Sound Healing for Activating Your Light Body
Use this Sound Healing for Activating Your Light Body. Our light bodies. It’s the physical vehicle of the fifth dimensional self, and it’s coming online more and more every day that we exist here in the fourth dimension. But we can accelerate that process, and that’s what this sound healing is all about.
I infused the tones and overtones I channeled with the intention of activating your light body completely. I also played one of my crystal bowls creating sounds that are infused with that intention. Find a comfortable place where you can fully relax, close your eyes, and let these tones fill your being with the clear, uplifting light that your truly are.
Listen to this one and feel your body lightening up as you do. It’s powerful. It’s a good one to start each day with, as you’ll want to set the tone for your day (literally) by having your light body fully activated. This is how we shift…day by day, little by little. No need to wait for a huge solar flash or ‘the event.’ Access your light body now. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Activating Your Vitality & Physical Energy ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Use this sound healing for activating your vitality, lifting your energy, and overcoming chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue. It’s so common amongst the awakened that I would say it’s the most frequently experienced ascension symptom. We live in a world that often runs counter to the natural rhythms of love that define our higher selves, our true selves. That’s why I created this sound healing.
I channeled tones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused the sounds with the intention of activating the vitality and physical energy within your body. This is one that I’ve struggled with for over two decades, but lucky for me, I channel for a living! So that helps me get through the fatigue I feel on a daily basis. But if you don’t have a job that prompts you to tune in to higher frequencies, then you need something increase the flow of that vital energy. Do this one whenever you feel zonked out and need to re-energize. Lie down and close your eyes and let the tones and sounds do the rest! Joy <3
Breathing Exercise for Creating the Body You Want ∞Ophelia the Faerie
Use this breathing exercise for creating the body you want. Our bodies. They are often a source of frustration and/or shame. Whether we want them to be taller, thinner, healthier, or more beautiful, the third dimension didn’t seem to offer any clear paths to that ideal body, not without restrictive eating, exercise, plastic surgery, and dangerous diet pills. In this recording, Ophelia walks us through a step-by-step process of breathing in and filling our bodies with crystalline energy. This is the same light filled crystalline energy that we use to create and re-create our physical bodies. I channeled this breathing exercise from Ophelia the Faerie to bring about the experience of having a lighter, more malleable physical body.
This is something that we’ll all experience once the shift to 5D is complete, but for now, we seem to be playing by those same old 3D rules. But do we have to? Not according to Ophelia the Faerie. We have access to this ability now as 4th dimensional beings, and this eleven minute, eleven second exercise will enable you to inhabit and express your light body now. This exercise is one of the easiest I’ve ever channeled, and I know that with daily application, you can have the body you’ve always wanted. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Stopping & Reversing the Aging Process
In this 10 minute sound healing, I channeledtones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and all the sounds created are infused with the intention and vibrations necessary to stop and reverse the aging process. We are evolving, and one of the ways we’re evolving is to move from a carbon based body to a crystalline based vehicle. That means we DO have more control over the bodies we inhabit. We don’t have to give in to the societal programming that says we will grow old, deteriorate, and die. I have heard the guides I channel say over and over again that through the ascension process, there is no need to die in this lifetime. And since there’s no need to die, there certainly isn’t a need to age. Listen to this one whenever you feel yourself giving in to the belief that you are deteriorating because of your age. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Aligning Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
When you think about your body, you probably think about just one…the physical body. But you also have an emotional body, a mental body, and of course, an energetic body. Having all four of these bodies in alignment is a great feeling. But how often do we take the time to even check in on our different bodies to see if they’re all on the same wavelength? Not often enough. That’s why I channeled this light language. This light language transmission is infused with the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to bring your four bodies into alignment. And having those four bodies in alignment will put you in the best possible position to create the reality you desire. Do this one whenever you’re feeling a bit off…but don’t know why. Joy! <3
Light Language for Clearing & Upgrading Your Energy Meridians
Your Energy Meridians. You probably don’t think about them very much…unless you’re an acupuncturist! But they are the ley lines of the human body, and I know from experience how important it is to keep them healthy. I’ve had some awesome healing sessions with my acupuncturist, but I don’t always have the time to go see her for an appointment. That’s why I channeled this light language transmission. This light language will clear and upgrade your energy meridians to allow the energies to flow through you in the way they are intended to flow. Of course, you’ll want to drink lots of water after doing this one. It’s a good download to listen to on a fairly regular basis, as the energies that are coming in keep getting faster, higher frequency, and more intense. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Astral Body & Inducing Astral Travel
The Astral Body and Astral Plane. What are they? How do we access them? When we use our minds to try to figure stuff like that out, it can give us a headache. Essentially, the astral body is the lightest version of your body that still includes your consciousness. It’s the body we use to travel around the astral plane when we’re asleep. What’s the astral plane? It’s a plane of existence that allows us to travel anywhere in the world, to any dimension, and to any star system. I channeled this light language transmission of 5:55 to activate our light bodies and induce astral travel. I suggest listening to this one right before falling asleep. Being in a tired state is sure to help. This light language is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic codes to activate your astral body and induce astral travel. Fun! <3
Sound Healing for Upgrading, Regenerating & Clearing Your Cells
The cells in our bodies. They respond to our thoughts, and they respond to sound. Their health and well-being determine how much light we can hold on the energetic level and how many nutrients we can absorb on the physical level. So I created this sound healing to upgrade, regenerate, and clear the cells in our physical bodies with my crystal bowl and some channeled tones. This sound healing will help you download more light, information from your guides, and high frequency energies from the higher realms. Having happy cells will also make them more responsive to your desires for your physical body. Want to lose weight? Gain muscle? Have more energy? It all starts with the trillions of cells in your body. Listen to this one whenever you feel the need to give your cells a boost, like when you’re feeling sick or just lacking vitality. Energize! <3
Light Language for Maximizing Your Body’s Ability to Receive High Frequency Energies
Our bodies. We know that they’re often falling a bit behind the evolution of our consciousness. And when those high frequency energies come pouring in from the higher realms, we can get a bit worn out. That’s why I channeled this light language transmission. I want to be able to handle the higher frequency energies, and I’ll do anything I can to help my body do so.This light language transmission contains the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to help your body assimilate those higher frequency energies that are coming at us from all angles. Listen to this one and then open yourself up to receive all that’s coming from the higher realms, including the Earth’s core and the sun. Feel the difference. Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating & Accessing Your Light Body
Your light body. Maybe you’ve heard about it but aren’t sure what it is. It’s the vehicle we will all be using in the fifth dimension, and it’s here, now, ready and willing to be activated. As some of you know, we can access 5D in this current time and space, but most of us rarely do. When we access 5D, we are also accessing our light bodies. These light bodies are easily healed, and we can shapeshift and teleport with them. If you can access your light body now, you can feel more alive, more vitality, and a renewed interest in being here and in being grounded. This light language transmission is infused with the galactic codes, intention, and vibration to bring you into your light body and give you the ability to change your health and the shape and size of your physical body through it. Love! <3
Light Language for Creating Your Desired Body
In this transmission of just under six minutes, I channeled a light language that contains the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes that will activate your ability to create the body you’ve always desired. We project the body that our consciousness inhabits, and in each moment, that body is slightly different from the one we inhabited in the previous moment. Using this activation, you will be able to more consciously project the body you desire into the physical realm. Use this light language transmission whenever you feel you need that reminder…that YOU create your body. Power! <3
Sound Healing for Detoxifying Your Organs ∞Daniel & Maricris Dominique
In this download of just over 10 minutes, I teamed up with my lovely wife Maricris Dominique, and we created this sound healing for the purpose of detoxifying the physical organs of your body. Maricris is a shamanic priestess, as well as a medical intuitive. She offers the shamanic drumming on the track, while I channel tones, overtones, and healing sounds, all infused with the intention of releasing the toxins from your organs. Remember, the heart is also an organ, and so while this recording will eliminate physical toxins from organs like the liver, it will also release energetic blockages and other stuck energy in your heart. Listen to this one whenever you feel sick or after indulging in some food, beverages, or other substances that you want to clear from your body as quickly as possible. And you can also use it for regular maintenance of your physical body. Love! <3
Light Language for Reversing the Aging Process
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 46 seconds, I channeled a light language that is designed to reverse the aging process in your body, making you look and feel younger. The light language is encoded to affect your genes, your DNA, and your cells to bring about the process of reversing the somewhat unnatural aging process. Our bodies were created to last us for as long as we want to inhabit them, but due to societal programming, coupled with the toxins we’ve been exposed to throughout our lives, the process of aging/deteriorating has become ingrained in our consciousness. Through listening to this light language transmission, you can undo all of that and bring yourself into a new phase of your life – one where you choose the body you want to inhabit. Freedom! <3
How to Prepare Your Physical Body for the Higher Frequency Energies ∞The Creators
In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, I channeledThe Creators, and they brought through a series of steps that we can all follow to handle the higher frequency energies that are coming to us with greater regularity and intensity these days. The Creators offer practical, sound advice for handling the incoming energies that we can benefit from if we have the proper readiness for them. These energies are coming at us from many different sources, and our bodies are the means by which we can ground them into the physical realm.Love! <3
Light Language for Releasing Toxins in the Physical Body
In this light language transmission of 5 and a half minutes, I bring through a language that is infused with the intention of removing and releasing toxins from our physical bodies. This powerful transmission can be used daily, in addition to a cleanse you’re doing on a physical level, or it can be used all by itself. You may get inspired to speak a light language of your own and/or tone to further the cleansing. Have fun with it. Just because you’re detoxing, doesn’t mean it has to be hard or serious 🙂. Love! <3
Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Body Alignment ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through a process of aligning our physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies. This is a good process to do before getting out of bed in the morning, as being in alignment at the start of our day will help to ensure that we stay in alignment. Yeshua’s guidance through this process is loving and nurturing, as only Yeshua can be. Aligning these bodies is a big part of the ascension experience, as important as integrating our past life selves. Enjoy! <3
Light Body Activation Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 15 minute meditation, Yeshua guides us through a process that will activate our light bodies, giving us full access to the body we will inhabit in the fifth dimension. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and it’s very powerful. You will feel the difference in your body after completing this meditation, and it will certainly benefit you to do it over and over again…as the inhabiting of our light bodies is a gradual process. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Detoxing Your Cells & Organs ∞Various Guides
In this download of just over 10 and a half minutes, various guides of mine (The Creators, The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Quan Yin, and possibly more) collaborated to produce these healing tones and overtones that are designed to detoxify our cells and organs. The intention infused into the tones and overtones, the high frequency they carry, and the literal pushing out of the toxins by the sound waves will all help to create the desired effect in the physical body. Tone along, or simply lay back and let the tones do what they do. Be sure to drink lots of water after listening to this one. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Activating Your 5D Light Body ∞The Hathors & Quan Yin
Activating your 5th dimensional light body is possible in the here and now. The transition from the carbon-based 3D body to the crystalline-based 5D body is already underway. To give ourselves the experience of a conscious transition, there are many things we can do. Toning is one of them! So The Hathors & Quan Yin got together to deliver this download of over 10 minutes of tones and overtones to assist. You can tone along or just listen in and feel the shift in your frequency. Enjoy! <3
Cellular Upgrade ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Archangel Michael takes us through a process that assists us in receiving a cellular upgrade – for every cell in our bodies! I felt it as I was channeling the download. You’ll be able to hold more light in your physical body and a higher frequency as you go about your day. Enjoy! <3
Manifesting the Physical Body You Want, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Spirituality and healthy bodies. They are so wonderfully intertwined. The Archangel Gabriel was the perfect fit for providing this download/meditation. Our bodies – we definitely are manifesting them in every moment. At times, they feel like an anchor, holding us back from being who we really are…keeping us feeling dense when we want to soar into the higher realms with our light bodies. But our physical bodies here in the fourth dimension can also be sources of great pain, and at times we’ll even see ourselves as less lovable because of our bodies…or some aspect of them.
Physical Body Upgrade ∞Mega Bundle
This Physical Body Upgrade ∞Mega Bundle Contains 37 Recordings, Including Light Languages, Sound Healings, Breathing Exercises, Processes & Meditations. The Total Value of These Recordings is Over $540. You Can Listen to These Recordings in any Order and with any Frequency You Like
This Physical Body Upgrade ∞Mega Bundle Contains 37 Recordings, Including Light Languages, Sound Healings, Breathing Exercises, Processes & Meditations. The Total Value of These Recordings is Over $540. You Can Listen to These Recordings in any Order and with any Frequency You Like. Give Your Physical Body what it Wants & Needs with this Mega Bundle of Recordings. Enjoy!
Light Language for Removing All of Your Limiting Beliefs Around Age & Aging
Aging. We all do it, but what does it really mean? We move through time, but time is just an illusion and all time is actually simultaneous. So where are the lines, wrinkles, gray hairs, receding hairline, and reduced hearing, sight and other faculties coming from? Beliefs! Most people believe that aging means deteriorating. Our comedians, newscasters, and late night talk show hosts talk about aging constantly, and they’re always making jokes about people who are very old and who must therefore be forgetful and downright senile. These are the beliefs we can change, and it’s a mindset I know we lightworkers are here to change. That’s why I channeled this 6-minute language of light. This light language contains the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes to remove those limiting and somewhat debilitating beliefs around our age and the aging process. When you listen to this one, feel those beliefs being deconstructed by the vibration of the light language I channeled. Joy! <3
Light Language For a Full Physical Body Reset ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Our bodies. They seem to get worn out over time, and while that might just be a belief, it’s one that we all pretty much share here on Earth. I know that I sometimes feel my age and all the resistance and trauma stored in my physical body, and I’m guessing that many of you do too. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a reset so that we can all run around with boundless energy, like my daughter Thaléa does on a daily basis? That’s why I channeled this 6-minute light language for a full physical body reset. Let’s start over with these beautiful vehicles of ours! Before I channeled this language I light, I held the intention that it would carry the vibration, energies, and galactic light codes to give the listener a full physical body reset. The result is a unique light language that will leave you feeling like a new person with a brand new physical vessel for living your life. Joy!
Light Language for Losing Weight
Losing weight. Sometimes we want to lose it, and we can’t, and other times we shed pound (or kilo) after pound without even trying. Oftentimes our weight has very little to do with caloric intake and exercise. Our weight can just be a vibrational match to how we are feeling/vibrating over a certain period of time. I’ve noticed this on several occasions with myself. I don’t change what I’m eating or how much exercise I’m getting, and the weight just falls off my bones anyway. I created this 6-minute light language to stimulate that weight loss effect in the listener. Before I began channeling it, I set my vibration to that of being at the perfect weight, and then I let the light language come through me. It contains the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes to get you to lose weight from your physical body, specifically fat. Love <3
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Losing Weight
Our weight. For some of us, it fluctuates quite a bit. Even being a raw/organic/vegan for the past ten years straight (16 overall in this life), I’ve seen my weight fluctuate by 15 pounds over the past three years. And I also exercise daily! So what’s the key? Why do our weights yo-yo from time to time? The answer is not so simple. It could be that we need the extra weight for grounding in higher-frequency energies. It could be that we lose our appetites and lose weight because of our emotional state. We can overeat because of emotions as well. The extra weight we put on could be for protecting ourselves because of encounters we have at night while asleep (in the physical and/or astral realms). As much fun as those nighttime activities can be, they’re not always filled with the best experiences.
Getting a handle on our weight is all about finding the right vibration and continuing to offer it, and that’s what this light language was designed to do. I channeled this 6-minute light language while holding the intention that it provide just that – the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to allow the listener to shed the excess weight they’ve been holding on to with ease and joy. There is no need for fasting, cleansing, or crash/fad diets when you have the right vibration coursing through your veins. Listen to this one as often as you need to until your weight is back to a healthy, normal number that you feel good about. Joy! <3
Tones, Overtones & Crystal Bowl Sounds for Activating Divinity in Your Cells, DNA, Mind, Emotional Body & Energy Field
As an awakened soul, you undoubtedly know that you ARE Source Energy. Source Energy is within you, It’s all around you, and It’s in everyone and everything. Truly, all is Source. But how much are you being programmed to think and feel otherwise? Need a reminder every now and again of these eternal truths? I know I do! That’s why I spent 10-minutes playing one of my crystal bowls and channeling the tones and overtones for this downloadable mp3 recording. The energy, intention, and vibration infused into the sounds created are for activating the Divinity in your cells, DNA, mind, emotional body, and energy field so that you have those reminders built into your body, mind, emotions, and field.
We need to be reminded of this ultimate truth, because so much of life is about making us feel small and disempowered…but always with the opportunity to rise up and know ourselves as our true selves – Source Energy Beings! The way that sound healings work is, they send a vibration to every ounce of your being-ness so that the vibration and the intention contained in the vibration overtakes any and all programming that we’ve received throughout the day…and throughout our entire lives. This mp3 download will also work on the subconscious mind and past life selves to remind all of them of who we really are – Source! Love <3
Light Language for Releasing All of Your Blocks to Having Your Ideal Body
Our physical bodies. We often feel like we are just lugging them around, and it can also seem like they are betraying us for one reason or another. And if you’re like me, you’ve been dieting and exercising in hopes of attaining your ideal body for most of your adult life. That’s why I created this light language transmission. I know we all carry blocks within us to experiencing our ideal bodies, and whether we’re aware of them or not, they affect us and our ability to be happy and comfortable in our own skin.
When I channeled this light language for releasing all of your blocks to having your ideal body, I infused the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes into the light language for clearing away those blocks to having our ideal bodies that we’re carrying around with us, so that we can easily and effortlessly access and maintain the physical body of our dreams. This means we can have the health and well-being, as well as the muscle tone, bone density, flexibility, appearance, and fitness levels without having to go to extremes of dieting and exercising. Just listen to this light language whenever you’re feeling yourself getting out of shape or just not loving your body as unconditionally as you could be. Love! <3
Breathing Exercises for Reversing the Aging Process ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Aging. While everyone does it, certainly some do it better and more gracefully than others. How can our spirituality help? Focus, conscious breathing, visualizing, receiving love and light, and opening up to higher frequency energies are all a part of a great self-care program that will change your mind, vibration, and ultimately your physical body…for the better. This downloadable mp3 recording of 11 minutes and 11 seconds contains three separate breathing exercises from the 12-dimensional collective known as The Creators, channeled by me, and these breathing exercises will bring you back into a state of youthful vitality, appearance, and exuberance for life. I know that conscious breathing is one of the most powerful actions any of us can take to improve our vibration, emotional state, and physical well-being, and I know these breathing exercises will work for you. Love <3
Breathing Exercises for Manifesting Your Ideal Physical Body ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Our physical bodies. Oftentimes, they’re not the size, shape, and feeling state we would prefer them to be. That’s why I channeled The Creators for this downloadable mp3 of an 11 minute and 11 second recording of breathing exercises that are designed to manifest that perfect physical form that you’ve either always wanted to be in or want to get back into. The Creators take us through three separate breathing exercises that are designed to put us into the body of our dreams. Breathing is the only action we absolutely need to take in order to stay alive, and so it makes logical sense that breathing would be the ultimate tool in transforming our physical bodies. Your physical body responds so well to conscious breathwork techniques, and the three breathing exercises brought forth by The Creators in this recording are certain to bring you into a state of transformation, granting you access to the body that fits more harmoniously with the consciousness that you have developed in this lifetime. Joy! <3
Light Language for Opening You Up & Moving High-Frequency Energies Through Your Body
Moving high-frequency energy through our bodies. It’s something I channel about all the time, and something I’ve experienced countless times in this lifetime. And I want everyone to be able to experience that magical feeling of being lit up, filled with goosebumps, and energized by non-physical, unconditional love. That’s why I created this light language of 6 minutes in length.
Before I began channeling the light language transmission, I held that intention for the light language that it hold the vibration, energy, and galactic light codes to open you up to the energies that are all around you. I then channeled the light language and could feel the power of it as it moved through me. This experience of having high-frequency energy moving through me happened for the first time, without any intention on my part, in 2010 and eventually led to my channeling The Creators in the Fall of 2010. Now, it’s a daily practice of mine, and I invite you to give yourself the gift of this truly magical and transformative experience. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Body-Shaming & Poor Self-Image and Loving Yourself Inside & Out
Our bodies. They can be such a source of self-love and such immense pleasure, but they can also bring us to the depths of despair when they’re not the shape and size that we’d like them to be. That’s why I created this 10-minute sound healing. When I channeled the tones and overtones and played one of my crystal bowls, I infused the sounds created with the intention that they would disrupt the lower-frequency vibrations, thoughts, and emotions of the listener, specifically those around body image and self esteem. And the tones, overtones, and sounds are also infused with the energy to uplift and bring the listener into the feeling of love. Loving ourselves inside and out is so important during these times of intense and faster-moving energies, as we have to keep up with them to really enjoy the momentum of the shift in consciousness. This sound healing is the perfect tool to bring you into the high-vibrational state you want to be in regarding your physical body. Love! <3
Sound Healing for Healing Your Relationships with Food, Eating & Your Body
Food. Eating. And our bodies. These are relationships we have for our entire lives. Even if you’re fasting, you’ve got a relationship to all three happening in your body, mind, and energy field. How can sound help? Sound healing is designed to get to the core of our issues and purge them out of our chakras, minds, bodies, and energy fields. The sounds I created with my crystal bowl, coupled with the tones and overtones that I channeled, will have that positive effect of releasing the negative thoughts, beliefs, judgments, and traumas that you have been harboring around these topics that are so pivotal to our survival, pleasure, and self-esteem. I infused the crystal bowl playing and the toning with the intentions of countering all the negative energies around food, eating, and our physical bodies so that they would be purged from the listener’s consciousness. It’s time to start enjoying our lives, what we eat, and our bodies. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Healing All Skin Conditions & Accessing Youthful, Glowing, Healthy Skin
Our skin reveals what’s going on inside of us, and when there’s something on our skin that we don’t like seeing or feeling, that usually only happens after a lot of experiences of a lower vibration. Vibration is where it all begins – health and illness – and that’s how this sound healing works. Sound is vibration, and as such, it’s the easiest way for someone to improve their vibration. Once you have the higher vibration coming from inside of you, your skin will begin to reflect that higher frequency vibration you’ve been accessing. I channeled the tones and overtones for this one while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I held the intention for the sound to work on your core vibration, raising it high enough to see immediate results on your skin. Whether you have an actual skin condition, or you just want to have youthful, radiant, glowing skin with no wrinkles and lines, this is the sound healing for you! Joy <3
Light Language for Releasing Fatigue & Accessing Infinite Lifeforce Energy
You really have to use your intuitive sense to answer this question, but if you’ve been feeling fatigued every day, then do take the time to listen every day. This recording is just over six minutes in length, and as you listen, keep your eyes closed and your crown and heart chakras open. The energies will do the rest. It might take more than one listen in a sitting to have its desired effect, depending on how tired you are in any given moment of the day. If you wake up tired, that’s a good time to utilize this one, as you don’t want to get the day started off on a tired foot. Again, listen to your intuition on exactly when and how often to listen, but know that each time you do listen, there is a cumulative effect on you and your energy field. Love <3
Sound Healing for Weight Loss & General Well-Being ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
I channeled tones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused the playing and toning with the intention that this sound healing will get you to lose weight and feel better in your physical body. Sound is the ultimate healing modality, as it has an identifiable vibration. And you can hear it! That helps. It helps to feel the vibration of the sound moving through your body, in this case shrinking fat cells and eliminating toxins, making your body more fit and efficient. I’ve received sound healings via gong, crystal bowl, and didgeridoo. And of course, I’ve toned for my own healing. They’re all so good. I’m so happy to be able to share with you all this monumental step towards having the body you desire and feeling the way you want to feel in it. Joy! <3
Meditation for Creating Your Ideal Physical Body ∞Quan Yin
Our ideal physical bodies. They’re right here, right now, waiting to be accessed by us. That’s why I channeled Quan Yin for this 15-minute guided meditation. I knew she was the perfect choice to create this topic. Being in the physical bodies that we desire is our birthright, but we pick up these beliefs about ourselves and our bodies…beliefs like, “You are what you eat” and “Genetics are our destiny.” Now is the time to let go of those types of beliefs and to step into our roles as the creators of our reality. Our state of being is our primary creation, and our bodies are the next creation we manifest, and we manifest them instantaneously.
If you’ve ever struggled with your bodily health or your feelings of self-worth because of your size, height, or any other defining physical characteristic, then this is the meditation for you. Quan Yin takes us through a process of loving our bodies just as they are, processing our feelings about our physical selves, and then creating the body we have always wanted. Spending 15 minutes a day on this meditation is a huge time saver if you’re accustomed to dealing with your physical issues by hitting the treadmill or going to doctor’s appointment after doctor’s appointment. The time, money, and energy spent on this meditation pales in comparison to what you’d put towards the traditional ways of approaching being in the body of your dreams.
Sound Healing for Activating Your Light Body
Use this Sound Healing for Activating Your Light Body. Our light bodies. It’s the physical vehicle of the fifth dimensional self, and it’s coming online more and more every day that we exist here in the fourth dimension. But we can accelerate that process, and that’s what this sound healing is all about.
I infused the tones and overtones I channeled with the intention of activating your light body completely. I also played one of my crystal bowls creating sounds that are infused with that intention. Find a comfortable place where you can fully relax, close your eyes, and let these tones fill your being with the clear, uplifting light that your truly are.
Listen to this one and feel your body lightening up as you do. It’s powerful. It’s a good one to start each day with, as you’ll want to set the tone for your day (literally) by having your light body fully activated. This is how we shift…day by day, little by little. No need to wait for a huge solar flash or ‘the event.’ Access your light body now. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Activating Your Vitality & Physical Energy ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Use this sound healing for activating your vitality, lifting your energy, and overcoming chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue. It’s so common amongst the awakened that I would say it’s the most frequently experienced ascension symptom. We live in a world that often runs counter to the natural rhythms of love that define our higher selves, our true selves. That’s why I created this sound healing.
I channeled tones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and I infused the sounds with the intention of activating the vitality and physical energy within your body. This is one that I’ve struggled with for over two decades, but lucky for me, I channel for a living! So that helps me get through the fatigue I feel on a daily basis. But if you don’t have a job that prompts you to tune in to higher frequencies, then you need something increase the flow of that vital energy. Do this one whenever you feel zonked out and need to re-energize. Lie down and close your eyes and let the tones and sounds do the rest! Joy <3
Breathing Exercise for Creating the Body You Want ∞Ophelia the Faerie
Use this breathing exercise for creating the body you want. Our bodies. They are often a source of frustration and/or shame. Whether we want them to be taller, thinner, healthier, or more beautiful, the third dimension didn’t seem to offer any clear paths to that ideal body, not without restrictive eating, exercise, plastic surgery, and dangerous diet pills. In this recording, Ophelia walks us through a step-by-step process of breathing in and filling our bodies with crystalline energy. This is the same light filled crystalline energy that we use to create and re-create our physical bodies. I channeled this breathing exercise from Ophelia the Faerie to bring about the experience of having a lighter, more malleable physical body.
This is something that we’ll all experience once the shift to 5D is complete, but for now, we seem to be playing by those same old 3D rules. But do we have to? Not according to Ophelia the Faerie. We have access to this ability now as 4th dimensional beings, and this eleven minute, eleven second exercise will enable you to inhabit and express your light body now. This exercise is one of the easiest I’ve ever channeled, and I know that with daily application, you can have the body you’ve always wanted. Joy! <3
Sound Healing for Stopping & Reversing the Aging Process
In this 10 minute sound healing, I channeled tones and overtones while playing one of my crystal bowls, and all the sounds created are infused with the intention and vibrations necessary to stop and reverse the aging process. We are evolving, and one of the ways we’re evolving is to move from a carbon based body to a crystalline based vehicle. That means we DO have more control over the bodies we inhabit. We don’t have to give in to the societal programming that says we will grow old, deteriorate, and die. I have heard the guides I channel say over and over again that through the ascension process, there is no need to die in this lifetime. And since there’s no need to die, there certainly isn’t a need to age. Listen to this one whenever you feel yourself giving in to the belief that you are deteriorating because of your age. Enjoy! <3
Light Language for Aligning Your Physical, Emotional, Mental & Energetic Bodies
When you think about your body, you probably think about just one…the physical body. But you also have an emotional body, a mental body, and of course, an energetic body. Having all four of these bodies in alignment is a great feeling. But how often do we take the time to even check in on our different bodies to see if they’re all on the same wavelength? Not often enough. That’s why I channeled this light language. This light language transmission is infused with the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes to bring your four bodies into alignment. And having those four bodies in alignment will put you in the best possible position to create the reality you desire. Do this one whenever you’re feeling a bit off…but don’t know why. Joy! <3
Light Language for Clearing & Upgrading Your Energy Meridians
Your Energy Meridians. You probably don’t think about them very much…unless you’re an acupuncturist! But they are the ley lines of the human body, and I know from experience how important it is to keep them healthy. I’ve had some awesome healing sessions with my acupuncturist, but I don’t always have the time to go see her for an appointment. That’s why I channeled this light language transmission. This light language will clear and upgrade your energy meridians to allow the energies to flow through you in the way they are intended to flow. Of course, you’ll want to drink lots of water after doing this one. It’s a good download to listen to on a fairly regular basis, as the energies that are coming in keep getting faster, higher frequency, and more intense. Love! <3
Light Language for Activating Your Astral Body & Inducing Astral Travel
The Astral Body and Astral Plane. What are they? How do we access them? When we use our minds to try to figure stuff like that out, it can give us a headache. Essentially, the astral body is the lightest version of your body that still includes your consciousness. It’s the body we use to travel around the astral plane when we’re asleep. What’s the astral plane? It’s a plane of existence that allows us to travel anywhere in the world, to any dimension, and to any star system. I channeled this light language transmission of 5:55 to activate our light bodies and induce astral travel. I suggest listening to this one right before falling asleep. Being in a tired state is sure to help. This light language is infused with the intention, vibration, and galactic codes to activate your astral body and induce astral travel. Fun! <3
Sound Healing for Upgrading, Regenerating & Clearing Your Cells
The cells in our bodies. They respond to our thoughts, and they respond to sound. Their health and well-being determine how much light we can hold on the energetic level and how many nutrients we can absorb on the physical level. So I created this sound healing to upgrade, regenerate, and clear the cells in our physical bodies with my crystal bowl and some channeled tones. This sound healing will help you download more light, information from your guides, and high frequency energies from the higher realms. Having happy cells will also make them more responsive to your desires for your physical body. Want to lose weight? Gain muscle? Have more energy? It all starts with the trillions of cells in your body. Listen to this one whenever you feel the need to give your cells a boost, like when you’re feeling sick or just lacking vitality. Energize! <3
Light Language for Maximizing Your Body’s Ability to Receive High Frequency Energies
Our bodies. We know that they’re often falling a bit behind the evolution of our consciousness. And when those high frequency energies come pouring in from the higher realms, we can get a bit worn out. That’s why I channeled this light language transmission. I want to be able to handle the higher frequency energies, and I’ll do anything I can to help my body do so. This light language transmission contains the intention, vibration, and galactic light codes to help your body assimilate those higher frequency energies that are coming at us from all angles. Listen to this one and then open yourself up to receive all that’s coming from the higher realms, including the Earth’s core and the sun. Feel the difference. Joy! <3
Light Language for Activating & Accessing Your Light Body
Your light body. Maybe you’ve heard about it but aren’t sure what it is. It’s the vehicle we will all be using in the fifth dimension, and it’s here, now, ready and willing to be activated. As some of you know, we can access 5D in this current time and space, but most of us rarely do. When we access 5D, we are also accessing our light bodies. These light bodies are easily healed, and we can shapeshift and teleport with them. If you can access your light body now, you can feel more alive, more vitality, and a renewed interest in being here and in being grounded. This light language transmission is infused with the galactic codes, intention, and vibration to bring you into your light body and give you the ability to change your health and the shape and size of your physical body through it. Love! <3
Light Language for Creating Your Desired Body
In this transmission of just under six minutes, I channeled a light language that contains the vibration, intention, and galactic light codes that will activate your ability to create the body you’ve always desired. We project the body that our consciousness inhabits, and in each moment, that body is slightly different from the one we inhabited in the previous moment. Using this activation, you will be able to more consciously project the body you desire into the physical realm. Use this light language transmission whenever you feel you need that reminder…that YOU create your body. Power! <3
Sound Healing for Detoxifying Your Organs ∞Daniel & Maricris Dominique
In this download of just over 10 minutes, I teamed up with my lovely wife Maricris Dominique, and we created this sound healing for the purpose of detoxifying the physical organs of your body. Maricris is a shamanic priestess, as well as a medical intuitive. She offers the shamanic drumming on the track, while I channel tones, overtones, and healing sounds, all infused with the intention of releasing the toxins from your organs. Remember, the heart is also an organ, and so while this recording will eliminate physical toxins from organs like the liver, it will also release energetic blockages and other stuck energy in your heart. Listen to this one whenever you feel sick or after indulging in some food, beverages, or other substances that you want to clear from your body as quickly as possible. And you can also use it for regular maintenance of your physical body. Love! <3
Light Language for Reversing the Aging Process
In this transmission of 5 minutes and 46 seconds, I channeled a light language that is designed to reverse the aging process in your body, making you look and feel younger. The light language is encoded to affect your genes, your DNA, and your cells to bring about the process of reversing the somewhat unnatural aging process. Our bodies were created to last us for as long as we want to inhabit them, but due to societal programming, coupled with the toxins we’ve been exposed to throughout our lives, the process of aging/deteriorating has become ingrained in our consciousness. Through listening to this light language transmission, you can undo all of that and bring yourself into a new phase of your life – one where you choose the body you want to inhabit. Freedom! <3
How to Prepare Your Physical Body for the Higher Frequency Energies ∞The Creators
In this download of just over 11 and a half minutes, I channeled The Creators, and they brought through a series of steps that we can all follow to handle the higher frequency energies that are coming to us with greater regularity and intensity these days. The Creators offer practical, sound advice for handling the incoming energies that we can benefit from if we have the proper readiness for them. These energies are coming at us from many different sources, and our bodies are the means by which we can ground them into the physical realm. Love! <3
Light Language for Releasing Toxins in the Physical Body
In this light language transmission of 5 and a half minutes, I bring through a language that is infused with the intention of removing and releasing toxins from our physical bodies. This powerful transmission can be used daily, in addition to a cleanse you’re doing on a physical level, or it can be used all by itself. You may get inspired to speak a light language of your own and/or tone to further the cleansing. Have fun with it. Just because you’re detoxing, doesn’t mean it has to be hard or serious 🙂. Love! <3
Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Body Alignment ∞Yeshua
In this download of 11 minutes and 11 seconds, Yeshua walks us through a process of aligning our physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies. This is a good process to do before getting out of bed in the morning, as being in alignment at the start of our day will help to ensure that we stay in alignment. Yeshua’s guidance through this process is loving and nurturing, as only Yeshua can be. Aligning these bodies is a big part of the ascension experience, as important as integrating our past life selves. Enjoy! <3
Light Body Activation Meditation ∞Yeshua
In this 15 minute meditation, Yeshua guides us through a process that will activate our light bodies, giving us full access to the body we will inhabit in the fifth dimension. This meditation is set to beautiful new age music, and it’s very powerful. You will feel the difference in your body after completing this meditation, and it will certainly benefit you to do it over and over again…as the inhabiting of our light bodies is a gradual process. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Detoxing Your Cells & Organs ∞Various Guides
In this download of just over 10 and a half minutes, various guides of mine (The Creators, The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Quan Yin, and possibly more) collaborated to produce these healing tones and overtones that are designed to detoxify our cells and organs. The intention infused into the tones and overtones, the high frequency they carry, and the literal pushing out of the toxins by the sound waves will all help to create the desired effect in the physical body. Tone along, or simply lay back and let the tones do what they do. Be sure to drink lots of water after listening to this one. Enjoy! <3
Tones & Overtones for Activating Your 5D Light Body ∞The Hathors & Quan Yin
Activating your 5th dimensional light body is possible in the here and now. The transition from the carbon-based 3D body to the crystalline-based 5D body is already underway. To give ourselves the experience of a conscious transition, there are many things we can do. Toning is one of them! So The Hathors & Quan Yin got together to deliver this download of over 10 minutes of tones and overtones to assist. You can tone along or just listen in and feel the shift in your frequency. Enjoy! <3
Cellular Upgrade ∞Archangel Michael
In this download of just under 12 and a half minutes, Archangel Michael takes us through a process that assists us in receiving a cellular upgrade – for every cell in our bodies! I felt it as I was channeling the download. You’ll be able to hold more light in your physical body and a higher frequency as you go about your day. Enjoy! <3
Manifesting the Physical Body You Want, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Spirituality and healthy bodies. They are so wonderfully intertwined. The Archangel Gabriel was the perfect fit for providing this download/meditation. Our bodies – we definitely are manifesting them in every moment. At times, they feel like an anchor, holding us back from being who we really are…keeping us feeling dense when we want to soar into the higher realms with our light bodies. But our physical bodies here in the fourth dimension can also be sources of great pain, and at times we’ll even see ourselves as less lovable because of our bodies…or some aspect of them.
Enjoy this Physical Body Upgrade ∞Mega Bundle!
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