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Pleiadian Toning for Activating Your Financial Success Codes ∞Pay What You Want
Before sitting to channel it, I tuned in to the Pleiadian High Council of 7, and then I set the intention that their tones would activate the financial success codes embedded within the cells and DNA of the listener.
This is a 6-Minute Pleiadian Toning for Activating Your Financial Success Codes
Financial success. It’s a relative term of course. Having more than enough could be defined as financial success. In my experience, the world keeps asking me to give more, and so more is needed. More needs to come in and move through me, and that’s why the bar for what that success is keeps moving. And that’s why I created this Pleiadian toning for activating your financial success codes. Before sitting to channel it, I tuned in to the Pleiadian High Council of 7, and then I set the intention that their tones would activate the financial success codes embedded within the cells and DNA of the listener. The result is this six-minute recording you can download and listen to over and over again. Love <3
How many times do you need to listen to this toning? That depends. Again, everyone’s definition of financial success is different, but when you have reached your personal pinnacle of success, you might set it aside for a while. And then we more abundance needs to be flowing through you again on a regular basis, you can pick this one up and use it to go even higher than the level of success you previously thought was your ceiling. And you can do it. Joy!
Pleiadian Toning for Activating Your Financial Success Codes ∞Pay What You Want
Before sitting to channel it, I tuned in to the Pleiadian High Council of 7, and then I set the intention that their tones would activate the financial success codes embedded within the cells and DNA of the listener.
This is a 6-Minute Pleiadian Toning for Activating Your Financial Success Codes
Financial success. It’s a relative term of course. Having more than enough could be defined as financial success. In my experience, the world keeps asking me to give more, and so more is needed. More needs to come in and move through me, and that’s why the bar for what that success is keeps moving. And that’s why I created this Pleiadian toning for activating your financial success codes. Before sitting to channel it, I tuned in to the Pleiadian High Council of 7, and then I set the intention that their tones would activate the financial success codes embedded within the cells and DNA of the listener. The result is this six-minute recording you can download and listen to over and over again. Love <3
How many times do you need to listen to this toning? That depends. Again, everyone’s definition of financial success is different, but when you have reached your personal pinnacle of success, you might set it aside for a while. And then we more abundance needs to be flowing through you again on a regular basis, you can pick this one up and use it to go even higher than the level of success you previously thought was your ceiling. And you can do it. Joy!
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